Dragon Ball ZGX

Rated T: Blood, Cursing, Suggestive themes.

Description: Bardock awakens on an unknown planet, finding himself to be alive and well. He runs into another Saiyan on the planet who explains that the natives of the planet have been taking care of himself and Bardock, and that a small handfull of Saiyans besides Raditz, Nappa and Prince Vegeta, the Saiyans Frieza had kept for himself, have managed to survive Frieza's attack on Planet Vegeta. He also learns that he's been in a coma for thirty years. How will this affect things, will yet another alteration take place in this timeline? Another change to further throw things off course?

Act 1: Planet Trade Organization Saga

Chapter 1: Awakening

Introduction: We begin our journey in age 737. After his team is wiped out by Dodoria and his men, Bardock faces Frieza in an attempt to prevent the tyrant from destroying Planet Vegeta and the entire Saiyan race while his son, Kakarot, flies away from Planet Vegeta in a Saiyan space pod...

"Frieza! How could you? After all we did for you!" Bardock floated in the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta after plowing through many of Frieza's men. His armor was wrecked and blood streams flowed down his face, arms, chest and legs. The tyrant simply sat in his hoverchair staring with a scowl at the low class Saiyan. Zarbon and Dodoria stood on either side of him laughing at Bardock.

"Fool." Frieza said. "You were the race I elected to handle the easier jobs, yet your whole race has improved greatly. And with this improvement, you're also becoming radical, uncontrollable."

"What?" Bardock shouted. "Any other person would have rewarded us, treated us better! Are you afraid that the Saiyans will over throw you?" Bardock held his left arm with his right. The man was lucky to be alive after taking such a brutal beating by Dodoria and his men.

"Frieza is simply making a wise business decision." Zarbon said with a smirk.

Dodoria laughed and added to the exchange. "You should have died on Planet Meat, this way you wouldn't have to suffer the wrath of Frieza and watch the destruction of your own race. It's a shame."

"Shut up!" Bardock yelled.

"Bardock, let me explain something to you." Frieza spoke, raising the pointer finger of his right hand in the air. "I am the almighty Lord Frieza. I fear no one, not even a pathetic low-class Saiyan like you." Bardock frowned heavily and released his arm, turning his right palm outward. "See, this is the kind if behavior I do not like, rebellion. King Vegeta already figured that out."

"King Vegeta?.." Bardock's frown faded for a moment, than returned even deeper. "What have you done to King Vegeta!?"

"Let's just say..." Frieza paused and chuckled. "He's taking a permanent nap." A small orange ki sphere formed over Frieza's finger.

"After everything we did for you, all those people we murdered..." Bardock's anger swelled. "And now you're going to kill us all in cold blood. Coward!" Bardock shouted. Ki generated in his open palm and a blue sphere formed, growing just slightly larger than his hand. "You've taken my son Raditz, you've taken Nappa, and even Prince Vegeta. And now you've killed King Vegeta..."

Frieza simply smiled, the orange sphere grew and he raised his arm up over his head to let it grow. "Let me put it bluntly, I used you monkeys. It was rather entertaining." He said with a more aggressive tone.

"This is for everyone we killed under the name of Frieza..." Bardock looked down at his charging attack, and then back up at Frieza. "Eat it!" He cocked his arm back and then launched the attack. Frieza began to laugh loudly, his attack grew even larger and Bardock's blast was absorbed by it. "What, this can't be..."

"Goodbye Saiyans!" With the point of his finger aimed at the planet, the large Supernova moved in the direction of Bardock, his own men, and Planet Vegeta itself.

Bardock was frozen in fear. He didn't have enough time to get out-of-the-way anyway. It was over, his fate had been decided. The blast consumed him and all of Frieza's soldiers that floated in the atmosphere with Bardock. He screamed in agony as the Supernova burned him and destroyed the rest of his armor. Then, with the power that Toolo the Kanassan gave him, his son Kakarot's life flashed before his eyes. He knew then that Frieza would meet his end at the hands of a Super Saiyan after all. "My son... lives on..." The Supernova struck Planet Vegeta, sinking into its crust and heading straight for the core.

Rivers of lava appeared all around the planet, looking like a bunch of lit cracks from the distance. Then, Planet Vegeta along with its two moons, blew up. Nothing remained of the planet except for debris from it and it's moons.


Bardock found himself staring out at a vast blue ocean. "Where am I? Is this the after life?" He asked himself. He looked to his left and right, apparently he was on an island. The smell of salt was heavy in the air, and there were trees he'd only seen on other planets. Palm trees, not native to Planet Vegeta. "The sky, the water... It almost looks like Planet Kanassa." He stared out at the ocean again and scratched his head, then looked over himself and noticed that his armor wasn't damaged anymore.

"I've got to be dead... But this isn't right." He looked up to the sky. "I should be in Hell, this is far too peaceful and beautiful to be Hell." He then jumped up and down a few times, going higher than he normally would. "The gravity is a lot lower here than on Planet Vegeta." Noise was heard from behind him, but it was muffled. All that could be made out as that it was the sound of voices.

Bardock turned around to see a pink colored building. No windows, just a wall that stood out from the main structure. "Interesting, I've never seen anything like it before... It's made of... wood... and it's pink." Bardock shook his head, wondering where he possibly could be. Again, he heard the muffled yelling.

He ran toward the left side of the building until he got to the edge of it. He saw a group of Saiyan like figures and hopped back behind the wall. He peered around it to see who was there and was shocked. Raditz... My eldest son? What's he doing here? Raditz stood facing the building with his arms crossed. Then he peered even closer to his own self. There was a small stoop with a roof over it right before the door of the building. There stood an old man in a green tee-shirt, sandals and a wooden cane.

Then he noticed a woman with short blue hair, a white jacket and white short shorts. She also wore flip-flops. She was crouched down with her arms around a small boy. Then he noticed a short bald man with orange clothes. They look sort of like Saiyans... But they're not... And... Then his eyes shot open. Kakarot... Oh my god... Then he pressed his back against the wall of the house for a moment. "I'm not dead... But what happened... Kakarot should only be a baby... And Raditz... a young boy... unless..." Then he heard a few loud noises.

Bardock peered back around the building and saw Kakarot down on his hands and knees, and Raditz had a hold of the small boy by his shirt collar. Sons... Why are you fighting? And the kid... Bardock noticed the Saiyan tail. That must be Kakarot's boy. But... Oh, what the hell is going on? Bardock watched as Raditz began to speak.

"Kakarot, if you ever want to see your son alive again..." Said Raditz, shaking the young boy. "Then you must kill one hundred Earthlings. Otherwise, I'm going to kill him, and then I'm going to kill you!" Raditz then flew away, leaving Kakarot and the Earthlings around him behind.

Interesting... Kakarot doesn't have his tail anymore... Bardock shook his head again. Have I somehow been brought to the future?

"Goku, are you okay pal?" Krillin asked as he got down to help his friend.

"Yeah... I'm okay Krillin. I just can't believe what Raditz said." Goku replied, slowly getting up with the help of Krillin. "Gohan and I are not Saiyans... We're Earthlings..."

What? Bardock asked himself in thought. Oh... what is going on? Either he's just bluffing to fool these... Earthlings... Or...

"I'd hate to break it to you Goku," Said the old man Master Roshi. "But that fella might be right about you."

"What are you talking about Roshi?" Bulma snapped. "I've known Goku since he was a kid, how could you possibly know if that freak alien is telling the truth?"

"Because..." Roshi sighed and placed his free hand behind his back. "I know more about this man than you realize Bulma. Goku," He addressed, "Your Grandpa Gohan found an alien space pod in the woods, and when he opened it, he found you inside. For a while, you were an angry child, very ill-tempered. Then one day, you fell and hit your head. From that moment forward, you were a happy go-lucky child. Just like how you are today."

Goku looked at Master Roshi and scratched his head. "How... That can't be right..."

He lost his memory... Bardock sighed. Well, I know I'm stronger than all of these Earthlings, might as well make my presence known. Bardock stepped out and approached the group. He looked at Kakarot. "The old man is right. And this should be proof enough. I'm your father." He stood there for a moment and got no response. They didn't pay him any mind, like he wasn't even there. They continued their conversation.

"What the hell?" Bardock said. Then he reached out to touch his son and his hand went right through him. Bardock fell forward but caught himself before he dropped to the ground. "I... I'm a ghost? So I am dead..." Bardock then went from being on an island to being surrounded by endless darkness and stars. "Great... now what's going on..."

The scenery changed again, this time he found himself on a planet that appeared to be on the verge of destruction. The trees were all similar, thin with the branches and leaves all at the tops shaped like a ball. The sky was a deep maroon color, very cloudy, and any grass and other plants were dying. It didn't help that there was lava all over the place. Lightning shot across the sky, struck the ground and the water.

"This planet... is this...?" He looked to both sides and then out to the ocean. "No... not Earth... This is some place else..." He watched an explosion occur on a land formation some ways across the water. "Must be a fight, I better check it out." Bardock then took off toward the other land form. As he flew he noticed a large hole in the center of the water body, a huge crater. Some streams of water flowed down into the hole, then lightning bolts shot out from inside of it. Bardock barely avoided the bolts. Phew, that was close. He peered into the hole and saw the lava building up.

"The core is unstable, this planet is falling apart." Bardock then returned to his course to the land form where he saw the explosion. He landed on a cliff and looked down. There, he saw a white body with a purple dome on its head, as well as it's shoulders and the same color plating on its forearms and shins. However, the body was cut in half at the waist, the tail attached to the bottom half of the body. Plus, its left arm had been cut off just above the elbow. "Is that... Frieza?"

He could hear the voice begging for mercy. Indeed it was Frieza, then Bardock looked ahead of him to see who he could have been talking too. That's when he saw his son once again, but he was different. His hair was blonde and standing upright. His eyebrows matched his hair, and his eyes were an emerald green color. "Kakarot..." Bardock mumbled. He looked off into the sky and saw that the sky itself was green in some areas. That must be the natural color of the sky here. This isn't Earth.

"Please..." Said the dying Frieza, lying on the ground with his face in the dirt. "Help me... Please save me..."

Goku turned and started to walk away from him and Bardock watched with interest. "Is this how the almighty Frieza met his end?" He asked himself. Goku continued to walk further away and Frieza continued to beg. It's a beautiful thing to hear Frieza beg for mercy at the hands of a Saiyan.

Goku stopped and clenched his fists. Frieza continued to beg for his life, to not be left on the planet to perish. Then Goku snapped, turned the upper half of his body toward Frieza, pointed at him and began to yell. "Why should I show you mercy? How many people have you killed after they begged for mercy just as you're doing now? You're nothing but a heartless coward, a monster with no conscious!" Goku turned away once more and took a deep breath. Frieza once again begged him for his help. Goku then turned back and launched a small ki ball at Frieza, which surrounded him.

What was that about? Bardock watched as Frieza slowly hovered to an upright position, still missing an arm and his lower half. Kakarot why? You're too soft.

"I gave you some of my energy, Frieza." Frieza watched Goku with wide eyes, shocked that he actually helped him. "You'll have plenty of time to think about your defeat."

Frieza then began to laugh. "What now, are you actually going to attempt an escape? This planet is on its last minute." Goku simply glanced back at him without saying a word. "Your ship is too far away, and mine's been wrecked. You'll be lucky if you get it to even start." Goku turned to his side and looked at Frieza in the eyes. Frieza approached him. "Think about this, Saiyan. I've won this battle."

"How do you figure? You have one arm and no legs." Goku retorted.

"Because when this planet goes boom, you'll die." Frieza closed his eyes and chuckled. "But I... I can survive in the void of space, so I can easily escape this planet. And you... you'll just fly around this dying rock searching for a working ship, and when you run out of time... boom!"

"Where there's a will, there's a way." Goku replied.

Bardock slid down the hillside and landed not too far away from Frieza and Goku. He walked up to the both of them, neither of them responded to his presence. "As I suspected, I must be a ghost..."

"Face it Super Saiyan, you're going to die and I will not! Hahaha!" Frieza started to lose his composure. "You gonna cry now Goku? Is the Legendary Super Saiyan afraid of getting incinerated along with this piece of trash?"

"So this is how you're gonna be." Goku replied. "I just saved your life, and all you can do is mock me and taunt me." Goku shook his head and turned his back on Frieza. "Face it, you lost to a 'monkey.'" He said mocking Frieza. "Right? Your biggest fear came to light, and a Super Saiyan emerged to defeat you. Deal with it, live in silence and never terrorize again. Goodbye Frieza." With that, Goku took to the sky to find a way off of Namek.

"You really let him live Kakarot?" Bardock asked as if his son would answer. Frieza became emotionally unstable, angry that Goku simply took off even with all of his nasty remarks to the Saiyan. At least he's accepted his heritage by now. I wonder what caused that. Maybe the fact that he's a Super Saiyan now? Maybe something else. Bardock became distracted with his own thoughts, but they were soon broken when a light flashed before his eyes. He looked up to see Frieza with his tact arm pointed at the sky with a purple beam extending from it, headed straight for Goku. Bardock looked up to see his son completely oblivious to Frieza's beam.

"Kakarot! Look out!" Bardock yelled. He realized that Goku couldn't hear him. "Dammit, my vision didn't go any further than this... Does my son... die?"

As he watched, Goku turned around at the last second much to Bardock's delight. Then Goku quickly charged up his ki. "Frieza... you fool!" He shouted, sending a blast to counter Frieza's. It quickly destroyed Frieza's beam and consumed the tyrant, seemingly destroying him upon impact. Bardock took off away from the ground. Once the light faded, the island that they'd stood upon was replaced by an in-water crater, and sea continuously poured into it.

"So that's how it ends. My son..." He now hovered close to his son, but then Goku took off in search for an escape from Namek. As quick as a flash, Bardock found himself in the atmosphere of Namek. "What the hell is this? How'd I get here." He watched the Armageddon unfold before his eyes. Namek was on the breaking point, and unsure of whether or not Kakarot escaped, the once beautiful green planet exploded.

He closed his eyes for a moment, and upon opening them he found that yet another change had taken place. He was in a vast desert, the sky was blue with white clouds. "Great what now?" He walked around a bit, finding that he was on a high cliff. "Must be back on that Earth planet."

Bardock continued to walk until he found the edge of the cliff. As he looked down, he noticed a large space ship that was identical to Frieza's. "Frieza? Is he alive or is this someone else?" He scanned the surrounding area and noticed a squadron of men all wearing Planet Trade Organization uniforms and armor, carrying assigned equipment including scouters. Then came the shocker when he laid his eyes upon a large body similar to Frieza's first form, and then Frieza himself. However his body was somewhat different. He was covered with mechanical components, his legs were restored, his missing arm and his tail. Plus there were some plates and mechanical replacements on his head.

Bardock was stricken with fear, his eyes bulged. So Kakarot failed to kill him. Frieza is indeed invincible. But this is worse, he's a cyborg now. What else could go wrong? Then he noticed someone land near the group. His lavender hair hung half way down his face all the way around his head and was cut below. He wore a blue denim jacket, black pants, yellow boots and carried a sword on his back. Who is that? An Earthling stepping up to oppose Freiza? Bardock couldn't make out what they were saying to each other. He watched as one of Frieza's men shot multiple blasts at the boy, who deflected each one of them with ease.

The kid's got skill. Then in the blink of an eye, the young man disposed of all of Frieza's men with his sword. He could see that Frieza was impressed, but also angry. Then after a few more moments of conversation, a flash of blinding light filled the canyon, and a moment later, the young man's hair was spiky and golden blond and a golden ki aura formed around his body. Bardock was shocked. What the hell? Another Super Saiyan? I thought the only Saiyans that survived Planet Vegeta's destruction were Raditz, Nappa, Prince Vegeta and Kakarot. Did I miss something?

Frieza attempted to blast the young Super Saiyan to death, and failed on all occasions. His temper raged out of control, and he took to the sky. Bardock watched him with caution. Then, Frieza raised his arm in the air, pointer finger extended, and quickly generated the large orange sphere known as the Supernova. Bardock then got nightmarish flashbacks to Planet Vegeta's destrcution. Oh no, another race is going to perish at the hands of Frieza.

Frieza launched the large attack in the Super Saiyan's direction. Bardock was terrified, knowing the power of that attack first hand. The ball sunk into the crust about half way, but then stopped and began to move back out of the crust. Frieza had landed on his space ship with the other guy but turned to see what was going on. He shot a small ki blast at the ball causing it to explode. While the planet remained in tact, it looked like the Super Saiyan had been destroyed. Then Bardock looked to his right and there he was with both hands aimed down toward Frieza. Of course, he can't see me either.

"Hey Frieza!" The Super Saiyan called out, getting the tyrants attention. He launched an attack at him, and Frieza jumped out of the way. The boy drew his sword and leaped off the cliff with the sword pointed up. Frieza looked up to see him, but by that time it was too late, and the Saiyan sliced him in half. Then,he sliced him into little chunks and vaporized him with a large energy blast. After that, he placed his sword back in its holder and landed next to the larger one.

Well, Frieza fell to a Super Saiyan after all. Bardock thought, grinning widely. He continued to watch as the young boy handed his sword to the large alien. So that must be Frieza's father, King Cold himself. The massive alien attacked the Super Saiyan with his own sword, but the Saiyan caught it and blasted a hole through him. Then King Cold was soon vaporized just as Frieza was, and then he proceeded to destroy Frieza's ship.

Well now, hopefully that's the end of Frieza's terrible reign over the Universe. Bardock smiled but soon was surrounded by endless darkness. "Great, what the hell's going on now?" He looked down and saw that his body began fading away, starting with his legs. "If I wasn't dead before I'm definitely going to die this time!" Then, Bardock's entire body faded into the darkness...


Bardock's eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. Sweat droplets formed on his face, he was breathing heavily. "Ugh, where am I?" He looked around himself and found that he was lying on a full size bed underneath white blankets and sheets. The room he was in was less technological than anything he'd seen on Planet Vegeta, but it was decent. Then he realized there were hoses and needles hooked up to his body and an oxygen hose was hooked to his nose, which he removed. There wasn't much in the room except for a night stand at the side of his bed and a desk next to the door.

He removed the covers revealing that he was nude. "Great, where the fuck are my clothes?" He pulled the covers back over himself and let his head fall into his hands. He couldn't feel his headband. "Damn, that's gone too..." For a few minutes, things stayed silent and he fell deep into thought. If I'm dead then why am I in a comfortable bed, in the nude, with needles and hoses hooked up to my body. No, I must be alive, but how, where am I? Then what I saw must have been visions, but I've never had any that were so detailed, so real. His thought process broke when he heard the door open.

A man entered the room with clothes in his arms. "Bardock, you really have awoken! Guess the doctor wasn't bull shitting me after all." Bardock looked at the man in disbelief. He had spiky, light red hair with a single lock hanging down in his face, red eyebrows and blue eyes with black pupils. He wore a black tank top, a green sash and black pants tucked into a pair of black and green Saiyan battle boots. A brown primate like tail slithered around the sash.

"Sheamus?" Bardock said.

"Yeah buddy, I'm alive and so are you!" The red-haired Saiyan placed the clothes in his arms on a seat next to the bed which Bardock lay.

"But how did I survive? I thought I was caught in the blast with Planet Vegeta."

"You were." Sheamus replied with a grin. Bardock was confused. "Yes you were caught in the Supernova, but you somehow managed to survive and were left in space as it sunk into Planet Vegeta. However, you were pretty badly burnt and completely naked." Bardock scratched his head. "I saved your life."

"You? But how?" Bardock exclaimed.

"Relax buddy, my Space Pod picked up your life force as I was escaping. So I opened up the pod door as it flew toward you and you landed inside on top of me. It was uncomfortable to say the least." Sheamus smiled. "But we ended up here, I checked you into this hospital and the doctors put you on life support. If we hadn't made it here, you would have died."

"Huh..." Bardock wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was cool in the room, he was sweating over the shock of the news he had received from a fellow surviving Saiyan. "Were there any other survivors?"

"Actually yes. But they're not here. We ended up getting separated after lift off." Sheamus crossed his arms. "Truth be told, we were preparing after you left the bar."

"So some of you actually listened to my warning?" Bardock too crossed his arms. "Who else?"

"Prince Tarble, but he was sent away some time before Vegeta's destruction. I haven't a clue where he is." Bardock nodded. Sheamus continued. "I left the bar shortly after you did. Some guy followed me as well, said his name was Kinoko."

"Kinoko? I remember him." Bardock said. He ran his hands through his black hair and sighed. "Did he escape."

"Yes, he and his wife Niniku." Replied Sheamus, who then leaned himself against the wall next to the door. "They contacted me a few days after we landed. I told them what happened, but by then you were stable."

"I see. I'm glad to know they're okay."

"Actually Bardock... they're not." Sheamus said. Bardock looked up at him with curiosity. "See, Kinoko contacted me a number of years later and informed me that Niniku had given birth to twins. But she died giving birth." Sheamus sighed, "Then he told me that he sent them off in their space pod because some of Frieza's men invaded the planet they were on and he didn't want them to witness Frieza's mercilessness. I was later informed by surviving natives that the planet was destroyed. I'm assuming Kinoko perished."

"Twins huh? It's not often that a Saiyan dies while giving birth..." Bardock lost himself in his mind again but then snapped out of it when he realized what was said. "A number of years later?" Bardock then jumped out of bed and rushed Sheamus, pinning him to the wall by the straps of his shirt. "Just how long have I been unconscious, Sheamus?"

"Easy lad." He replied. "You've been in a coma for thirty years." Bardock's eyes widened and he released Sheamus. He turned around and collapsed on to the bed stomach first, face buried in the blanket.

He pushed himself up and turned around to lay back first. "Thirty years?" Bardock placed his hands over his face. "How could it be? So those visions... I..."

"Bardock?" Sheamus said.

"I had visions Sheamus." Bardock said, "Dreams I guess, I saw Kakarot meet his own brother, then defeat Frieza, and then I saw another Super Saiyan destroy Frieza once and for all."

"Well then the Kanassans psychic power is real, and you posses it." Bardock locked eyes with Sheamus. "Frieza has perished. But there are still factions of the Planet Trade Organization out there." Sheamus smiled. "Don't worry about the thirty years, you were young when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, and in a Saiyan's life cycle, you're not even middle-aged yet."

"I just... need to be alone for now..." Bardock said, curling up under the covers.

"Alright, but when you're ready, I'll be down in the lobby. The villagers are friendly and welcoming. Those clothes are for you, and your head band is in there somewhere. See you in a few." Sheamus then exited the room and shut the door on his way out.

Bardock was emotionally shaken by the news. Thirty years in a coma? Well I guess it's better than being dead. Those visions were real then, but who was that other Super Saiyan. He wasn't your average Saiyan by any means. No Saiyan I know has hair like that. Bardock rolled over and looked at the pile of clothes that Sheamus left for him. I'm glad my head band is in there. Sheamus has a decent outfit on, I hope my clothes look at least something like that. Bardock then yawned. Huh, I guess thirty years wasn't enough sleep for me. Bardock slowly passed out.

Bardock is alive, and has woken from a thirty year coma. But where is he, and who is this Saiyan known as Sheamus? Will we ever find out the fate of the twin Saiyans? And why is the Planet Trade Organization still operating after the deaths of Frieza and King Cold? Find out as we continue our journey through Dragon Ball ZGX!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this, please R&R, more chapters soon to come. This just might be my ultimate FanFic!