Chapter Three

It could have been exhaustion from all the running and fighting they'd been doing - Corso privately put odds on the fact that the captain was mad that she wasn't the one piloting the shuttle and had shut down from sheer boredom. Whatever the reason, though, she was finally sleeping, curled into as comfortable position as she could be in the shuttle's admittedly-unluxurious seat.

Corso was grateful for the quiet, and for the fact that most of the other passengers had had the same idea, because it meant he finally got to study the captain's face without being rude and staring. His momma would have whopped him a good one for it, but then, she would have whopped him for what he'd been doing for Viidu for the past few years, too. In the grand scheme of things, maybe staring wasn't so bad.

And he very badly wanted to stare, because the captain was, well... fascinating. Weren't many Mirialans on Ord Mantell, much less beautiful ones with eyes that were the color of ripe oranges dipped in honey. Her eyebrows winged upward above those remarkable eyes, and she had freckles, golden ones that were still visible against creamy gilded green skin that just looked so... soft. Corso wasn't sure which was more intriguing to him, her freckles or her tattoos. He knew that the tattoos meant something in Mirialan culture, and he wondered what hers meant. Maybe he'd get up the guts to ask her sometime, though that didn't guarantee she'd answer him. After all, captain's kinda a private sort, ain't she? Says more with her actions than her mouth, and that's the truth or I'll kiss a ronto.

Corso winced, suppressing the urge to shift in his seat. Maybe thinking about kissing - any kissing - was a bad idea. Captain wants a friend, and I promised she'd have nothin' to concern herself about from me, so I definitely ain't thinking about kissin'.

Problem was, he'd been thinking about her tattooos, and they all drew the eye to one place.

It was completely ungentlemanly of him, but he just couldn't keep his eyes off her mouth. As precise as the graceful geometric designs tattooed on her forehead, cheekbones and chin were, her mouth was absolutely opposite. Plush and soft-looking, generously curved, the captain's lips were the dusky color of the ripe Coruscanti guava Viidu had imported once. The boss had shared some of the soft, sweet-fleshed fruit with him. Tasting it had been a revelation. Very likely, kissing the captain would be a revelation, too. Just before she hit him with a right cross to the jaw.

Just then, Mairu stirred, muttering something uncomplimentary under her breath. "Damn seats. They're like rocks with arm rests." She shifted, stretched, that soft scent of hers kissing the air - void take it, enough with the kissing, Riggs! - and aimed a sleepy, questioning look in his direction. "Hey, how're you holding up, farm boy?"

Corso could feel the blush - by now annoyingly familiar - starting to work its way across his cheekbones. "My back might never be the same and my butt's numb as a rock, but I'll survive, Captain."

The captain laughed out loud, clapping a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound before she woke anyone else up. "That'd be a shame, with a rear as fine as yours, Riggs. Anything I can do to help?"

Yep. Blushing. It seemed to be his default mode around this woman. "Captain, thought we'd talked about that ion-cannon charm of yours."

"Sorry, farm boy. I'm only half awake. Promise I won't strafe your defenses any more." Mairu winced, wriggling in her seat some more with a slinky motion that made Corso want to groan out loud. "We've got some hours left on this trip and I'd love to get some rest. Not gonna happen. Too bad Viidu's stash didn't include travel pillows." She yawned.

No, no, no, you are not gonna open your mouth and offer... Just. No. This has Bad Plan stamped all over it. You're tryin' to be a gentleman, Riggs, and courtin' temptation ain't gonna make that easier.

So, of course, Corso found his lips flapping. "Well, captain, I ain't got a travel pillow, but my shoulder's yours if you want it."

The captain shot him a narrow-eyed glance. "Riggs, are you asking for a strafing run again?"

"No, ma'am." He held his hands up in surrender. "Meant what I said. You got nothin' to worry about from me. Just got a vested interest in keepin' you spry an' lively."

"How vested?"

He scratched his chin. "Well, I figure you're less likely to shoot me if I let you get some decent sleep."

She was quiet a moment, and Corso worried that he'd offended her. Although he doubted it, because she hadn't punched him. Captain was a mite direct with how she dealt with insults. "I... appreciate the offer, Riggs. Of the shoulder. If that's still okay."

He managed not to grin too widely. "Lady's choice." And then he had to grit his teeth as she settled against him. He inhaled sharply, filling himself with the scent of sweet grasses and cool water and woman and sweat. "Sorry it ain't the freshest pillow, Captain."

"Hush up, farm boy. Not like either of us got a chance to grab a shower before we had to run for our lives. If you can stand me, I can stand you."

Captain, Hoth would have to become a beach resort before I couldn't stand you. "Not a problem, ma'am. Best get some rest. Even after we get to Carrick, we still gotta find a ship for Coruscant."

"Another ship I won't be piloting." Mairu growled the words, but nuzzled into Corso's shoulder like a kitten. "Remind me to shoot Skavak twice for every ship I have to board as a passenger."

"Only if I get to shoot him twice for every time I have to fire a blaster that ain't Torchy." Her hair looked so soft, and it was right there, just under his chin...

"I get to go first, or you'll kill him before I even get a chance at him."

"Gonna have to disagree with ya, Captain. You go first, and he's definitely gonna die before I get my shots in."

"Whatever happened to 'ladies first'?"

"Left it in my other armor?"

This time, Mairu stifled her laughter against his shoulder. Desire dug unexpectedly sharp claws into his gut, and Corso was very, very glad he hadn't changed out of his armor before they'd run for the spaceport. It wasn't durasteel, but armor-reinforced cloth was going to do a lot more to maintain his dignity than civilian pants.

"Riggs, that's the second unchivalrous statement I've heard from you today. I swear, I'm corrupting you."

Sweetheart, you got no idea. Or at least I hope you don't. "Beg your pardon, Captain. You're right. How about I let you shoot Skavak first if you swear to get him in a nonvital area?"

"Fair enough." Mairu stifled a yawn. "Think I'll try and get that nap in. Just watching the stars is depressing. I feel like they're not mine."

Corso froze. Well, now. Admittin' to a chink in your armor, Captain? He couldn't stop the gentle smile that curved his mouth as he looked down at her. "We'll have your ship back soon, Captain. And your stars. That's a promise."

"That's the second promise you've made me, Riggs." She had had her eyes closed, but opened them to look up at him. "You any good at keeping your promises?"

He fought the urge, the overwhelming urge, to just drop his mouth down those few paltry inches and kiss her. But this wasn't the place, or the time, and he'd given his word. "Captain, I'm the best."