Reviews for Humble Beginnings
corellianred chapter 3 . 1/9/2013
Awwwww, aww aww aww! A super cute way to end this chapter.

I'm loving your smuggler to bits and Corso is really sweet and, more importantly, a bit more three dimensional than "hurr farmboy got a crush heh". Which is good :D
clicketykeys chapter 3 . 1/9/2013
D'awwwwwh! Dammit, Riggs! This is why you don't MAKE promises that you really really don't wanna keep!

:D I am just loving this SO MUCH!

WRITE MORE! NOW! XD *happydances*
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
Loved it.
Laryn Chillbreeze chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
Oh that poor boy. That poor, poor boy. Life can be a real bitch when you gotta play by the rules, eh Corso?

Now some might look at the story and think it's going too slowly because we've made it through another chapter and they're still on the OM-Fleet shuttle. Some people have no concept of character development, and thank all that's holy for armored pants (clever of you, putting that in) because there was sure as hell some development going on!

I'd like it if you took a screenshot of Mairu and posted it as the story's cover art. I'm curious about these tattoos that had the farmboy so fascinated. But not if it taking the time to do that interferes with posting chapter 4.
Laryn Chillbreeze chapter 2 . 12/17/2012
Heh. Hoping the faith in their abilities doesn't blow up in their faces. Foreshadowing at all? ;)
Sisters! I love good backstory.

Constructive criticism: Anemia is a blood condition in which the person has low blood iron, which leads to a deficit of hemoglobin - the compound required to bind oxygen to red blood cells. You probably meant anorexia nervosa (adjective "anorexic"); an eating disorder characterized by refusal to eat and having an unhealthily low body weight.

Man, it's TOO much fun teasing Corso, ain't it? He just makes it so easy!
Laryn Chillbreeze chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
BB was right: you're a damn good writer. I don't know how much of this one would be comprehensible to someone who hasn't played a smuggler, but to those of us who have...

Big points in my book for technical correctness and adherence to canon (or believable digression from it). You probably know how much more enjoyable a story is if you don't have to guess what the writer is trying to say because they can't be bothered to proofread their work.

Some of the original lines (Corso kind-of regretting his upbringing, Mairu being grossed out by Syreena's mention of sex with Skavak) had me rolling. Well done! On to chapter 2, and really looking forward to the ones you post later on. Keep up the good work!
BuriedBeneath chapter 2 . 12/16/2012
Well, this is incredible. Your writing is flawless, and Corso's narrative is dead-on. I can already tell I'm going to love your sassy smuggler, and I'm anxious to read more. :)
clicketykeys chapter 2 . 12/11/2012
Bawwwwh! She dunt mean it, Riggs! You must realize that it is an already-doomed-to-fail attempt to stave off an attack of the FEELZ!

YAAAAY for another chapter. So! Uh. When does the smoochin' begin?

I mean, ah, er, am... *clears throat* ADVENTURES. They gonna take the Esseles? :D
Shadow-Phoenix-Rider chapter 2 . 12/11/2012
Welcome to the friendzone, Riggs! XD Good luck getting out of it.

I'm really enjoying your writing style, actually, and looking forward to more good stuff from you.
Shadow-Phoenix-Rider chapter 1 . 12/6/2012
Oh, I'm such a sucker for stories about Corso Riggs and his various Cpatains.

Especially very well written, interesting and original ones.

I haven't a single complaint, if I'm honest, only that I want more!
clicketykeys chapter 1 . 12/6/2012
I'm so glad you did this! I love it :D Makes me wish I'd expanded some of my earlier Corso/Vacy scenes more - at the time, it felt unoriginal. :P

This is great! I'd say you had me at "hello," but really, it was "passel." :D You had me at "passel." Absolutely perfect.

Please keep writing! I look forward to seeing more of your Captain :)