"Emi, come on! Get up!" Mai pulled the covers off her twin sister. It was their first day at a private school called Ouran Academy. Mai was bouncing off the walls with pure excitement. Emi was excited, that was it. Though they both agreed the big yellow school uniforms for girls were completely ridiculous. Instead, they wore black blazers, black heeled boots that didn't quite reach their knees, and light blue and black plaid skirts.
"Fine." Emi groaned, slowly sitting up, "I'm up, happy?" Mai nodded and skipped out of the room. "At least this school will be more normal that the last one." Emi reluctantly got up and prepared herself for the day.
"Hey, boss, look at that." The Hitachiin twins pointed at the purple jeep parked outside of the school. The blonde haired 'king', Tamaki, walked next to them, watching two girls step out of the jeep and wave at it as it drove away. He had never seen them before, he was sure of it. They were very distinct and they were, most likely, twins.
"Interesting…" he said to himself, "Haruhi, did they go your old school or something?"
"Definitely not." The girl/boy said. I think I would remember someone at my old school who had an expensive car like that
"So who are they?" Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison, watching the girls make their way through the courtyard, towards the school.
"Kyoya, know anything about them?"
Kyoya opened his black folder and flipped through several pages. Emi and Mai Farthest. They moved to Japan from Australia several months ago. When they were infants, a house fire killed their parents. They were soon adopted by Mr. and Ms. Farthest and had the girls last names legally changed so they would feel like part of their family. Using several connections, the girls got a record deal and were quite a successful band for three years (ages 12-15) with their older cousin as the drummer. The girls are 5 foot 6 with dirty blonde hair that curls slightly at their shoulders and light blue eyes with glasses. It is clear who is who because Emi is at least 20 pounds lighter than Mai due to a medical problem she's had all her life and will have all her life. Mai is a healthy 123 ish pounds whereas Emi is not much of 100 pounds, and her condition will cause her to get lighter if she is put under too much stress.
"Not really." Kyoya said in a monotone voice. "They just moved into the area not that long ago, so all I really know is their names and features."
"Well what are their names?" Honey asked eagerly, holding Usi-chan tightly.
"Why doesn't someone ask them like normal people?" Haruhi said, leaning on the wall
"Well you can do that, seeing as they are in class 1A with you, Haruhi." Kyoya looked at her over the rim of his glasses
"Fine." Haruhi walked to class with the twins behind her, hoping the girls would be in there by the time they got to class.
They weren't.
Emi and Mai were walking around the school, getting the full tour from a nice girl names Renge. She was sort of… completely insane, but the girls didn't mind. The school was beautiful, almost as beautiful as the oceans back in Australia (which really are as clear as travel agents want you to believe). Renge showed the girls to their class and was about to leave but turned back to them.
"Can I ask you guys a question?" they nodded simply, "Well… you came from Australia, where you've lived all your life, so… why don't you have an accent?"
Emi and Mai looked at each other. They supposed it was true, that they didn't have an accent. Even if they had been living in Japan for six months, where did their accent go? Maybe because they were speaking a different language now it was just something they couldn't help. But whatever the case, they were glad they wouldn't have to worry about being made fun of for the way they talked.
"We don't know." They shrugged, "Thanks Renge, see you later!"
The two of them walked into the class 1A, with their arms linked together. Emi carefully watched everyone in the room. The way that they all looked at her and Mai made her uncomfortable and protective sister like. After all, she was the older one. They explained to the teacher that they were new and were directed to take a seat anywhere. Immediately, they sat in the back right corner with no one in a 10 foot radius sat within.
"Emi, I thought you were going to try and make friends." Mai said taking out her notebook just as her sister was.
"We literally just got in here, besides, we have Renge." Emi shrugged, feeling Mai's protective side coming out. Mai was always so worried that Emi wasn't fond of the idea of making friends.
"Yes but… Renge's crazy." Emi laughed and opened her notebook, taking out her purple editing pen. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a boy with short brown hair and big brown eyes walking in their general area.
"Hi." The boy said when he got to their desk. Emi and Mai looked at him with blank expressions, making Haruhi slightly uncomfortable. Though, she preferred silence to Tamaki's very loud and very misguided nature. "Are you two new here?"
"Yes." The twins said in perfect unison. Haruhi could help but think that they reminded her greatly of Hikaru and Kaoru
"My name's Haruhi Fujioka, and what about you?"
"Mai Farthest." Mai said nicely, "And this is my sister Emi."
"It's nice to meet you. I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you!" Haruhi laughed and took the seat in front of them. As time went on, Hikaru and Kaoru watched Haruhi talk to the girls. They hadn't noticed them at all, which Kaoru had to admit made him sad. The girls were pretty. Really pretty.
"Hikaru." Kaoru's older brother looked away from the girls and at him. Hikaru looked at him. "Maybe we should go talk to them."
"Who? The girls?" Kaoru nodded, making Hikaru scoff, "No!"
"There's no need to say it that way. Look, they only have one friend, let's go say hi." Kaoru started to stand up and walk over, but Hikaru grabbed his hand and pulled him down into his seat. "Hikaru, why don't you want to say hello?"
"Be- because…"
"You think they're pretty, don't you?" Kaoru smiled devilishly
"Shut up…"