"Kannaayaaa, this is taking too long!" Kanaya clucked her tongue slightly. "Just relax and it will be over in a few minutes Nep." Nepeta gave another whine but stopped wriggling, and in 5 minutes Kanaya was done. "There. All done. Lemme go get a mirror."

Kanaya dragged a full body mirror to Nepeta, who gasped at what she saw. "I look.." She looked gorgeous, with her hair nice and neat, and an adorable dress hugging her figure tightly, a dark olive green. Her zodiac symbol on her chest. "I look beautiful...Kanaya thank you!"

Kanaya smiled and held out her hand for Nepeta to get down, which she gladly took. "Are you ready for the dance my dear?" Nepeta nodded, and squeezed Kanaya's hand. "I am now, with the best partner ever." Kanaya gave a small blush and smiled. "Then let's go."

It was the best dance the two had ever gone too.

Hey a quickie! Featuring one of my OCP's Kanaya and Nepeta!

Short, sweet, hopefully nice! See you all next time!
