Hello lovies! Ok, I know I haven't updated in a while. Truth is, I wrote like 20 chapters but hated the story. To make long story short, I ditched the whole story. Because of that, this chapter is completely free-write, and I have no idea how this will turn out. With that said, please enjoy the story and review!

Several things were wrong with my escape plan. First off, as soon as I left that dirty, abandoned apartment building, I had no idea where to go. And it was raining. I also had no sort of vehicle. Great.

As I start walking through the icy rain, I'm hit by an idea. Batman. He should be on patrol, right?

"You're a genius!" I shout at no one in particular. Wonderful, now I'm talking to myself.

So, what's the most crime filled neighborhood in Gotham? That would be … The Bowery. And where am I? Sometimes, I think the universe just loves me. Seriously. Now, the only problem is getting Batman's attention. Commit a crime? If I was stupid. Cause a scene? Not enough people. Only one option left – get rescued. Scratch what I said about the universe loving me.

Guess I'll be changing my clothes.

Now in my civilian outfit of black ripped skinny jeans, a white "Bite Me" shirt, a red hoodie, and a grey beanie over my black hair, I start to formulate a plan. Get rescued…just go and punch someone? No, too much death possibility. Guess I'm gonna have to go with the damsel in distress approach.

I scan the area around me, and locate a couple of drunk men giving cat calls to passing girls. Perfect. I walk up to the blubbering idiots, making sure to wrap my arms around myself.

"Excuse me," I call out, giving a sheepish smile, "I seem to be lost. Can you help me find 183th & Jefferson?"

The two drunkards turn to each other, and grin.

"Why hello there little miss, you're lost you say?" The first says (let's name him Bill), leaning towards me. His breath reeks of booze.

"Why don't you just come home with us?" The second (I'll call him Domo) says, throwing his arm around my shoulder. Ugh, dude got some serious B.O.

"Um n-no thank-k you." I "stutter". This is too easy.

"Wrong answer sweetheart." Bill shouts, grabing my arms and pins me to the wall. Fianally. I smirk. The drunks look confused, then I start screaming.

The idiots start freaking out yelling "SHIT!" and trying to trip over each other trying to run away. Suddenly, they were both on the floor, unconscious. And there, standing in front of me, was my crush. My enemy. My salvation. The Boy Wonder. Robin.