Bruce Wayne pulled a chair from the neighboring table and turned it backward, straddling it at the side of our table. His expensive suit and casual elegance looked extremely out of place in the dingy cafe.

"Need a ride to school, Dick?" Wally's mouth was almost on the floor as he swiveled his head from me to Bruce and back again. I was just as shocked, but luckily I had been trained to hide such emotions. And I had seen him come in.

"Sure Bruce," I replied nonchalantly, chugging the last of my coffee and pulling a wad of bills from my wallet. Wally's breakfast must have cost at least fifty bucks. "I gotta swing back by the Manor though, Wally reminded me that I forgot to put my math homework in my bag. My backpack's in the limo, right? Alf said he'd bring it... Anyway, wanna come along for the ride?" I directed this question at Wally, who had finally forced his mouth closed. He gulped and nodded, standing with us and walking out the door far too slowly.

"Number of people," Bruce stated, strolling toward the out of place limo parked innocently in the litter-strewn street.

"16 customers, 2 waiters, 3 waitresses, a hostess, 2 chefs, a fry cook, 2 line cooks and a busboy," I replied, not missing a beat. Wally looked like his head was about to explode as Alfred stepped forward and opened the car door. We all climbed in with a word of thanks, though I also gave Alfred a brief hug. The old butler was looking suspiciously satisfied, and I had a feeling I owed this little show to him.

In the safety of the limo, Bruce apparently decided introductions were in order.

"Hello, I'm Bruce Wayne, and this is my ward Dick Grayson." Bruce extended a hand, which Wally tentatively shook, glancing at me with barely concealed panic. I smirked.

"Alright Bruce, quit fooling around, he's obviously freaked," I chuckled, slinging an arm around Wally's shoulder and pulling off my sunglasses. "Wally, Bats. Bats, Wally." I waved a hand between them and Bruce smirked, causing Wally's eyes to widen even more. It really was quite funny.

"Okay so now that the apocalypse has begun..." Wally murmured, shifting in his seat and glancing around the limo uneasily.

"Sorry, Bruce likes to mess with people's heads." I glared playfully at aforementioned billionaire, who shrugged and tried to hide the small twitch of his lips. "Anyway, yeah, this is us." I waved a hand around vaguely, removing my arm from Wally's shoulder. Wally stared at me for a long minute, the longest I've ever seen him focus on anything, before he let out a triumphant "Ha!" and pointed at my face.

"What?" I asked self-consciously, raising a hand to my face to feel for pimples or other such embarrassing marks.

"You have bags under your eyes," he said smugly. Bruce laughed.

Short but sweet. Review please.