"GOD MOTHER FUCKING DAMN DICK WAVING HEAD BASHING BIOTICS BITCHES!" One could say Shepard was quite angry as she stormed through the CIC on her way to the elevator.

One could also say that the surface of a star was usually hot, or that water was typically wet if they wanted to be equally informative.

She only forced herself to calm down when the sparks from the elevator control informed her that she had probably been overzealous in her attempts to call the lift to the command deck. With Kelly's cowering whimpers behind her, Shepard took a deep breathe, trying to calm down as she brought her fingertips to the bridge of her nose.

She was still getting used to the strength enhancements of her latest round of cybernetic upgrades.

"Sorry about that, EDI." The Commander apologized without looking up.

"It's alright Commander," EDI's voice replied helpfully, "Would you like me to retrieve the elevator for you?"

"Please, do so." Shepard responded tersely. "And let Gardner know the panel needs repairs."

"If you would like I can direct the elevator to the deck of your choice," EDI continued as the doors in front of Shepard opened and she stepped into the elevator car, "So you need not risk further damaging additional control panels." After a beat the AI added, "I would certainly appreciate it."

"Well I'm sure you can guess exactly where I'm headed, EDI." Shepard snarled with her barely contained rage.

"Acknowledged. Setting your destination to the Hanger Deck." EDI informed the Commander as the elevator began moving down.

Shepard spent the time waiting for the slow lift to descend to consider how to deal with the situation below. It had been inevitable, really, no one was surprised to learn those two were in an all out brawl inside the hanger. Shepard didn't particularly care about that part, however. At least that wasn't what had angered her so much. She warned them, threatened them even, told them exactly what would happen if they tried to pull something like this. Even if she saw it coming, it pissed her off that they ignored a direct order.

Still seething and pacing in the slow moving elevator, Shepard recalled the past events that led up to Jack and Morinth battling it out.

The first warning sign was the day after she told the crew the truth about Morinth. She had stepped off the elevator and saw the two of them glaring at each other.

"Don't think you have it easy, bitch." Jack had told the Ardat Yakshi, "You might have Shepard fooled, but I know your type. Can't wait to bust a nut over your next kill. But that's not gonna happen here, 'cause I'll be watching you."

"I know your type as well, little girl." Morinth replied calmly with an evil smirk, arms crossed dismissively, "Always yelling and screaming, ready to fight anything and anyone, anything you can so no one realizes how scared you are. Too late, I know, and I don't care if you're watching."

It was clear Jack was about to respond hard, likely involving extreme biotic violence, so Shepard decided to step in and put a stop to this mess right away.

"Is there a problem." Shepard used her commanding tone to get their attention. Staring both of them down to make sure they knew she would not tolerate any crap from either of them.

"Nope, no problem here, boss." Jack said a little too casually to be convincing as she looked back at Shepard, "Just giving the new girl here a proper welcome to the crew."

"Don't worry Shepard." Morinth added smoothly, "There's nothing worth your concern over here." The comment earned her another glare from Jack, but the convict knew there was nothing she could pull there so she simply, and quite angrily, walked away without another word.

Things were more or less peaceful since then, even if precariously so, until a few weeks ago, when Shepard caught Morinth and Jack in the mess hall, taking part in a rather heated discussion.

"You're full of crap," Jack had called out loudly, "Your psycho sex vampire bullshit might work on the weak grunts, but you try that shit on the big boys and you just get wrecked."

"If anything, the bigger they are, they easier it is to push their buttons." Morinth teased back, "It's not all that complicated. Just takes patience and observation, and you can find anybody's buttons. From there it's all a matter of knowing when to push."

"Ha, that shit might work on cocks and dykes, but not everyone's so easy to fuck with." Jack shot back, "Sucks for you, but I ain't into the girl's club, so you're shit outta luck if you try to pull that bullshit with me."

"Oh please, you wouldn't even be a challenge." Morinth chuckled, "If I wanted to fuck with you, I could set you off with just four little words."

"Oh shit, now you're just asking for it aren't you?" Jack yelled as she leaned over the table, "Well go on you psycho murder slut, do your worst. I'm not someone you can push so easy, bitch."

It had been a bad move all around, as the Asari merely smiled in response, leaned forward, and whispered those four little words into the convict's ear.

Morinth was proven right when Jack bolted up to her feet immediately, her biotics flaring violently causing numerous objects formerly being used to eat with to suddenly get tossed around the Mess Hall, which now earned its name. Morinth was the only thing near her left unscathed due to her personal biotic barrier.

"FUCKING HELL!" Shepard had bellowed with annoyance as she walked up to the two biotics, "Stand down both of you, or I will PUT you down!"

Jack looked like she wanted desperately to rip the Ardat Yakshi apart, but fortunately she held back. Instead the human biotic turned with burning eyes toward the Commander then quickly shut her biotics down as ordered. Without a word Jack stormed off, likely to retreat to her cubby hole at the bottom of the ship.

Shepard turned her gaze to Morinth, her glare alone demanding an explanation.

"I apologize Shepard, that was my fault entirely." Morinth said, "Don't blame her. We were just talking shop and things got a little out of hand."

That was not the response Shepard had expected. She had to wonder if Morinth had deliberately picked her response in order to masterfully deflate the situation. Give credit where it's due; If she did then it worked perfectly.

"Fine." Shepard sighed, "But the two of you better not get into any more fights or else I will personally kick both your asses until you each learn some fucking self control."

In hindsight, it had apparently been too much to hope for. And now Shepard had to deal with the reports of the large biotic explosions going off in the hanger where those where located. Shepard cracked her knuckles as she thought about the ass kicking she would have to give to both Morinth and Jack. Their uber biotics could go fuck themselves as far as she was concerned. Nobody threatened her or her crew, especially her own crew.

Finally the doors to the elevator opened up and Shepard stepped out onto the Hanger with fire in her eyes. Before her Jack and Morinth were squaring off in the middle of the bay, both holding up massive biotic auras which were pressed violently against each other in a display of raw power that would be extremely impressive if Shepard wasn't so pissed off. She was just about to throw down when suddenly something utterly unexpected happened.

Morinth looked up, noticing Shepard, and calmly raised her palm at Jack as she lowered her biotic sphere. More surprisingly Jack immediately responded in kind, lowering her own biotics just as quickly as she turned to see what caught Morinth's attention. Just like that, they looked back at their Commander as if nothing was happening. Not one bit of their interactions spoke of any sort of fight or argument between them.

"Hey Shepard, what's up?" Jack asked cheerfully.

"Oh, were we being too loud?" Morinth asked casually.

"Well, yeah." Shepard started, somewhat confused, "What the hell is going on here? I thought you two were in an all out biotic death brawl down here."

"Opps, sorry about that." Jack chuckled, "Guess the sparring match got a bit away from us there."

"Sparring match?" Shepard prompted for more.

"We've been training out combat biotics down here." Morinth explained.

"Yeah, I saw psycho slut here doing some impressive shit out there and figured she could give me some pointers." Jack added. "Gotta say she's got some serious skills!"

"Aw, that's kind of you to say Jack." Morinth smirked, "But like I said before, you have some very impressive natural skills too. Keep practicing and soon no one will be able to stop you. Except for me, of course."

"Haha, you're just giving me a moving target to shoot for." Jack turned back to her, "One of these days you know I'll be able to take you down."

It was a surreal experience seeing those two psychotic biotics getting along so well. Shepard was still not entirely sure she was dreaming all of this up.

"So … you two are just … training?" Shepard asked eventually.

"Yeah, who knew Morinth could be such a good instructor right?" Jack shrugged playfully. "Hell, before her all the squid bitches I dealt with just treated me like eezo trash."

"Well classical Asari biotic combat styles use a whole lot more finesse." Morinth commented, "Which, let's face it, is not really well suited to Jack's style."

"No shit!" Jack laughed, "Most Asari are pussies in a fight."

"Good thing I'm not like most Asari." Morinth chuckled, apparently that was some inside joke between them, "Over the years I picked up some unorthodox biotic styles, from the direct hard tactics of the Krogan to some ancient Asari bukatli techniques."

"Some what?" Shepard asked.

"It's a long lost ancient Asari dialect used to describe a fighting style that the Matriarchs prefer people don't know exist." Morinth said, "Roughly translated it's known as the Berserker style."

"Well, that's … something alright." Shepard said.

"I know right?" Jack grinned, "Never thought I'd get anything useful out of training, but I'm learning a lot from her."

"Don't sell yourself short Jack." Morinth said, "I'm learning a lot from you too. Your power moves are down right impressive."

"No shit, really?" Jack smiled at Morinth proudly.

"Really." Morinth nodded, "In fact, I think you'd make an excellent teacher someday if you ever wanted to share those moves with someone."

"Right, well so long as neither of you two are tearing apart any bulkheads then." Shepard muttered.

"No problem, Shepard." Morinth assured her, "We'll be more careful, promise."

"Yeah, what she said." Jack added, "We'll save the big guns for the Collectors."

Shepard nodded at the two of them and turned back towards the elevators, shaking her head as she walked away. However after a few steps a new thought snuck into her mind, making her smirk before she stopped and turned around.

"Actually …" Shepard started, catching Jack and Morinth's attention once more, "Since you're down here training already, how do you two feel about a bit of non-traditional counter-biotic CQC exercises?" She flash them a taunting smile as she cracked her knuckles. In response Jack and Morinth just looked at each other with a pair of knowing, eager grins.

Several decks up, back on the Normandy's cockpit, Joker was cheering on the video feed from the hanger bay while Garrus and Zaeed looked on from behind him.

"Haha! That's it fella's, pay up!" Joker goaded them.

"No way, that doesn't count!" Garrus argued, motioning towards the display.

"Of course it counts, Shepard wiped the floor with the two of them." Joker shot back showing off the same display that was now showing Shepard standing triumphantly over the tired bodies of the other two biotics after their intense training session.

"Sure, but she just wore them down, she didn't actually beat either of them." Garrus pointed out.

"You turians and your semantics." Joker rolled his eyes, "I say it still counts. Besides those kicks looked pretty painful to me."

"You can bet they felt that through their barriers." Zaeed added.

"See, even crazy eye over there agrees with me." Joker pointed out.

"Why the hell are you helping him Masani?" Garrus turned to the bounty hunter, "You were betting on Morinth the whole time."

"'Might hate losing, Vakarian, but I'll never renege on a bet." Zaeed told him.

"Oh fine." Garrus shook his head with mock disappointment, "You win this round Joker."

"Haha, yes! In your face! With a rocket launcher." Joker grinned at the turian who was now glaring at him, "What? Too soon?"

Author's Note: Hello everybody! This little bit was a run of sudden inspiration that I just had to get out over the weekend. A reminder to all the wonderful fans of this series that I haven't abandoned you. However I wanted to let you all know I have shifted priorities a bit and I'm working on a new series of works, all set in the same setting with this awesome version of Morinth that I've come to love so much. The first of these works already has the first chapter out, so if you want to read more check out Renegades of the Night Winds.

Also I have a fun bit I'm currently working on for FemSlash Feb. You should be seeing that soon so keep an eye out and "Party like it's 2199". ;)

Thanks again to all of you, and keep the comments and reviews comming, nothing inspires an author like hearing from their fans! :D