Ok,so originally I had planned for this chapter to take place during episode 4 (Convoy). However, looking though the episodes again, I felt that for the sake of some character building is taking place during episode 6 (Speed Metal). Please bare with me if I seem like I'm moving too quickly.

All seemed calm, almost peaceful in the town of Jasper. It was late afternoon in the small town and the sun beat down on the small town relentlessly. Although Kat could feel the searing heat through her thick, black leather suit, she was moving fast enough that it didn't bother her as much. The scenery passed by her in a blur, hues of oranges, reds, and yellows blended together, melting with the continuous blue sky. Kat shook her head as she tried to ease the nagging, painful tug her chest gave. Questions started filling her mind of her past, present and future, and of course one that had happened earlier that day. It wasn't until Jack grabbed her shoulder and shook her at the end of school today that she 'woke up'. Until that point she couldn't remember anything of the past several days.

And a lot had happened. Kat had been there since Jack mentioned something about it. When she met up with the rest of the crew at the base, she had found the surveillance cameras that were left over from before were still recording. Rewinding the footage she watched the last several days, than without a word left the base, the throttle on her motorcycle wide open. She was pretty sure no one noticed either. This shook her to her core, she watched herself participate in the events that took place at and round the base. She even recalled watching herself attempt to save Miko, but watched on in silent horror as everything transpired. What was happening to her? Kat wasn't sure she wanted to know or find out.

Forcing her tears back down she calmed herself somewhat and lost herself in the passing scenery. It wasn't too long before she came across a small town. The only thing that appeared to be of significance were several large casinos and a shopping outlet. In passing them she caught a gas station, pulling into it saw the words that caused her to pause: Primm Stop n' Go.

'Fuck', was she could think at that moment. It was also in that same moment that she realized she was all the way on the other side of Nevada, and at the border to California at that. She sighed heavily as she took her helmet off . Getting off of her bike she pulled out her credit cards from the inner pocket of her leather jacket. Brimming the tank, she walking to the convenience store. An older man with salt and pepper hair sticking out of his red hat was leaning against the counter with his arm. He eyed Kat in a condescending manner with piercing brown eyes, but she shrugged it off. Grabbing water and snacks, she set them in front of the man.

"Do you know where I can get some home cooking?" she asked as she smiled at the man. The corner of his lips turned upward in what could have been a smile. His brown eyes softened a bit as well. "About a block up the street there's a diner, I think you'll find what you're looking for there." his voice rasped, but held the smile nonetheless. Thanking the man, Kat place her items in her tank bag and walked the bike to the small dinner she thought she remembered seeing.

Upon entering the small 60's style diner, she was given a look that she could have made paint peel. Easily brushing it off she took a seat at the counter and looked around the place. Most of the objects that could have been chrome, were. The edging on the tables and counter, the frame of the chairs, the napkin holders, salt and pepper shakers, as well has some trim pieces on the wall. The restaurant was mostly white with accents of red and a sea foam green alternating with black. Neon lights bordered the room as well with the same red and green colors. The place looked forgotten in time as black and white pictures littered the walls in between the low backed booths. Looking up Kat noted that since the windows were large and plentiful the lights weren't even on.

Sighing she put both hands on either side of her face, resting her elbows on counter. The woman who had been glaring at her the whole time, finally walked over to Kat. She looked like she was in her mid 50's with her gingered hair styled up on top of her head. She wore a classic sea form green white collar, button down dress that stretched a little too tightly over larger body size. The woman looked as though she had seen better days, winkles and a firm frown were set on her face.

"What do you want?" the woman asked as brown eyes met green ones.

"Um, well the man at the gas station down the street said there was some good home cooking here." Kat asked somewhat meekly as though she were being scrutinized.

The features of the woman's face lifted and a smile graced the corners of her lips. "You'll have to forgive me, I thought you were in one of those biker gangs that come through town. Although saying that aloud sounds very rude of me. Anywho, what can I get for you deary?"

"Um do you serve breakfast still?"I asked hesitantly.

"You betcha, all day."

"Alright, I'll have 3 scrambled eggs with extra crispy hash browns, a couple of slices of white toast and a tall glass of milk please." I said fairly confidant this time. She scribbled down my order and in was gone within seconds, while I was left of my own device.

After reading the various advertisements that adorned the counter, I moved on to watching the few people that were in the dinner. They were all old with the exception of a young boy around 16 who came out to bus the tables every now and again. I closed my eyes and tried to push the thoughts that were surfacing to the back of my head again. Pain seared through my head as my vision faded in and out. Shaking my head, the noise of a counter bell ringing snapped me back to reality and food was placed in front of me.

"Here you go deary 3 scrambled eggs with extra crispy hash brown, a two slices of toast on the side and a tall glass of milk. Is there anything else I can do for you?" the woman asked. I shook my head 'no' as my reply. "Well, here's your ticket, let me know when you're ready to go and I'll be your cashier."

Soon enough, while still trying to savor the taste of my meal, I finished. Leaving a 100 dollar bill on top of the check I walked out with a heavy sigh. The now setting sun, cast darker hues of its original warm color scheme as dusk fell upon the city. Reaching my bike a ran my hands through my hair as I tried to push away my headache, I wasn't succeeding. Needless to say, it was going to be a long drive back in the dark. Sighing again, I pushed my helmet on, started my bike and took off into the descending darkness.

Sooner than I would have liked, my mind started to wander in every direction it could go. I realized that I couldn't remember the past week or so much less than the past several days. Angry, frustrated, and not wanting to go home anytime soon, I turned off the main road. The road was hardly ever used anymore considering people usually wanted to get from point A to point B fairly quickly.

I let the blank, emptiness fill my mind, leave only a dull buzz of pain humming through my brain. Sometime had past before a blinding, rush of pain jolted through my skull, causing me to run off the road. Not know how far off the ribbon of pavement I went before jumping off my bike, it smashed to the ground, possibly shattering the plastic paneling. My feet wouldn't support my own weight and I fell onto my knees instantly. I clutched my helmet, ripping it off, I grasped it in my hands, but soon I threw it away from me with as much strength as I could muster up. My teeth were clamped down tightly as I clutched my head, a scream ripped through my throat but I barely registered the fact through the pain. My world grew dim, dark spots filled my vision, and I could feel the tears leak from them, streaking down my face.

My mind was soon riddled with rage, despair, but most utterly a dark, consuming hatred. I could feel it attaching onto every fiber of my being, there was no reasoning behind the emotional chaos, it simply was. Then the voices began.

'You really think their your friends?'

'How could anyone be friends with the likes of someone like you?'

'You know they don't care about you, how could they? With someone as deranged as you?'

That-that's not true.

'Of course they don't care what happens to you, otherwise they would have given you protection.'

'Oh, then why didn't they give you a guardian?'

'Why hasn't anyone wondered where you are?'

'You're so pathetic.'


'You're mine.'

"Noooo!" I screamed, I forced my eyes open and struggled to my knees. My vision faded in and out, flashed of my life, past and present filled my mind. I stumbled to get to my helmet that laid not too far from me, but collapsed and tumbled into a small ravine. As the dust settled, I dug out my cell phone and stared at the screen as it came in and out of focus. Big bold words with several numbers brought a small grin to my face.

"To-told you." I whispered to the wind.

15 missed calls, 4 voice mails, and 17 text messages.

My hand dropped like a heavy lead weight, and my pone was thrown from my hand. I turned my head towards the night sky, and time seemed to stand still. I could hear myself breathe in the cool night air, and feel the slight breeze rustle about my hair. The stars shone brightly in the black emptiness that surrounded them, this was what life was about. Witnessing everything that went on around us, recognizing it, seeing it, feeling it, living it. At that moment the hatred, the darkness, the blood lusting rage, left my body, replace with the peacefulness that surrounded me. There weren't very many planets orbiting stars of their own with life on them, and I was lucky enough to meet the race that live on one of those rare planets with life.

I blinked and continued to stare at the vastness that yawned before me. For all the moments of uncertainty, of its lowest lows, of its deception, lies, greed, filth, corruption, misery, hatred, loneliness and overwhelming darkness, this one moment of peace and clarity, was worth the struggle that had brought me to this point. This is what makes life beautiful. I took one last deep breath before darkness cascaded around me, into the peacefulness that wouldn't last.

"Jack you're going to wear a hole into the floor." He stopped and looked at Acree, sighing.

"I'm sorry I just can't help it. I'm worried about Kat. I've called her like, a zillion times, left numerous voice mails and text messages and I haven't gotten an answer back from her at all. Not to mention she's been acting kinda weird lately." Jack exasperated.

"What do mean 'weird'?" came Ratchet's reply.

"Well, I don't know, she's been real moody and aggressive, not mention distant, at least more distant then usual." Jack explained.

"Is that it?" Ratchet pushed.

"I-I don't know I guess there's just been a lot going on to really notice anything else if there has been. I just want her to be safe." Jack replied with a sigh.

"Well, we might be able to track her signal." Raf piped up.

"Really?" Jack questioned.

"Sure as long as her cell phone is on and its with her." Raf said as he whipped out his laptop. Quickly typing in her phone number, it didn't take long for the search to find her cell phone.

"Huh, well that can't be right." Raf muttered furiously typing away, trying to confirm the results.

"Jack might want to see this." Raf called over his shoulder.

"Well, did you find her?" he questioned quickly.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if the location is correct or not." Raf replied nervously.

Jack did a double take of the screen. "She's where!?" he cried out.

"Well it says that she's 30 miles away from here, several miles off the main road."

"Ratchet do you think you can Ground Bridge us to these coordinates? Please?" Jack asked, with desperateness underlying in his voice.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look." he replied sighing.

"Thanks Ratchet, means a lot to me, even after the stunt I pulled tonight." Jack replied rubbing his arm. Shame was apparent on his face but he knew he deserved the feeling, however Kat shouldn't have to suffer for the mistake he made.

"Come on Jack, let's go." Arcee motioned to the Ground Bridge that 'wooshed' to life before them. Sighing, they both stepped forward into the darkness of the night. However, neither of them were prepared for the sight before them. Kathrine's precious bike lay in pieces, the dark shiny plastic glowing softly, her helmet lay some distance away. Jack stood frozen for a second soaking in the scene before rushing forward, towards her helmet. Picking it up, the smooth plastic was scratched all over, and the front visor was cracked at one corner, spreading halfway across the surface.

"Kathrine!?" he called out for her.

"Kathrine!" he yelled louder then before, he could hear Acree voice, but what she was saying was lost to him. Panic was starting to set in, Jack breathing began to elevate. Looking wildly around him, he caught the edge of what looked like a ravine. Stepping closer, he peered over the edge and his heart sunk. At the bottom lay a dark figure with long red hair. Throwing the helmet aside, he slide down the slope.

"Acree! Over here!." he cried, his voice somewhat strangled. Rushing over, Arcee stepped into the ravine. She crouched over her small figure, looking for any signs of her predicament. Jack stood by watching for a anything, an expression maybe, he wasn't sure himself.

"Ratchet, I need a Ground Bridge at my coordinates now." she spoke over her communication link. Carefully gathering Kat up in her arms, she stood waiting. Jack who had gone back up the ravine to retrieve Kat's bike and helmet, soon came back, looking up at Arcee, he bowed his head and sighed.

"Is-is she going to be ok?" he asked solemnly. Acree looked down at Kat's limp body in her arms and vented a sigh of her own.

"I don't know Jack, we can only hope." she said as she looked down to someone she never would have considered a friend. They had grown exceedingly close to these humans, not knowing what the repercussions would be, they still didn't. The Ground Bridge sprang to life in front of them, silently they quickly walked though.

Wow ok, for one let me apologize, I didn't even know it's been since June of last year that I updated. Second, I wanted to make this chapter much longer but I've decided to post it as is. I've been working on this little section for this whole time, yeah lame I know. Anyway, I've been very stressed and have been having problems physically and mentally. I know what I want to do and where I want to go just might take me a bit longer than I really want to. I'm so sorry again, thank you to all who have been following and patiently waiting.

You're all wonderful.

Silent Midnight Shadow