I don't know if this is good or bad or what, but here you go. I hope you will like it.

Disclaimer, as always, in my profile.

When the Eagle Lands

Five years old

When Kakashi was still very young, Minato would often tease the little boy. The silver-haired child was serious about training, but often showed a silent fascination with many other things the blond did, such as reading or simply going to the movies. But when the eighteen-year-old asked him a question that required more than a shake or nod of the head, Kakashi would simply stare at him before lowering his eyes to the ground, and the conversation would immediately stop.

'He's just a mute.' Minato would say to his fellow jounin. It was meant to be a joke, a simple excuse to protect his little student from the harsh comments that seemed to follow the genin around.

He often caught Jirayia-sensei's odd looks after this particular comment, but he never did ask why, he simply shrugged it off as one of the many things the older man found weird about him.

That was, of course, before the one time he made the comment in front of Kakashi.

A chuunin had been throwing the boy dirty glances, having asked a question that had gone unanswered by the child, and Minato was quick to use his trump card "Oh, stop it, Hiro, he can't answer any question like that. He's a mute, you know?" and then a very idiotic, brash comment flowed from his lips. "You just have to pretend he's stupid, see. Don't ask him any hard questions."

The newly-turned-adult thought Kakashi would frown or pout and for the first time yell at him for insulting him, perhaps even kick him. But the only sound that followed was the crash of metal to concrete. The blond spun around, only to see his genin had dropped the pot they were supposed to retrieve for the D-ranked mission.

He was about to chastise the boy when he noticed those suddenly big, dark grey eyes filling with tears. The boy's mouth, he could see even behind the mask his student wore, was quivering just as violently as his tiny clenching-and-unclenching fists.

And then the kid broke and the diminutive hands flew to cover the falling tears that were now cascading down his cheeks. The small body shook with silent sobs and Minato could only say those were the most awkward, dumbest moments of his entire life.

Hiro having disappeared, the jounin kneeled down in front of his student, completely mesmerized by the silently weeping five-year-old. He had no idea people could actually do that!

"Hey, it's okay, Kakashi-kun," He said, picking up the empty pot to check over it. "See, it's not even the least bit damaged, it's not like you failed the mission."

When the silent crying didn't stop, the blond frowned slightly, worried. He reached out, pulling the dark cloth away from Kakashi's face to attempt to clean the tears, and froze.

The small child had his mouth open, but only silent screams were being liberated from the boy's throat.

Kakashi was a mute.

Kakashi was a mute.

Kakashi was a mute.

'Shit.' Minato lost no time in collecting his hurt, distressed student into his arms, rocking him gently and caressing the oddly colored hair the child possessed. "I'm so sorry, Kakashi, I didn't know. I had no idea." But he knew he had messed up, and he felt his heart fall to the pit of his stomach at the knowledge he had just not only doubted but also deeply offended the small figure he now held in his arms. He was an ass. "I'm such an idiot! Please forgive me Kakashi, I didn't mean it. You're not stupid. You're the smartest person I know."

He tried a lot more apologies and reassurances, but the trembling did not subside, and Minato soon found himself running to the only place he could think off. Sensei's house. Because only the two of them were the people Kakashi had trusted, which only made him feel worse.

The blond's fist rapped at the wooden door as he yelled desperately for the older man to come out. To come and help because he was the worst person in the face of the Earth and not only him but Kakashi needed him.

The toad expert opened his door with a groggy look, sighing "This better be important, you bra—" but the sight in front of him made him stop mid-sentence.

He practically hauled the pair inside, quickly plucking the child out of Minato's arms and pressing him against his own chest, big arms almost completely hiding him from the blond's view.

"What happened?" The older male whispered harshly before switching to a much calmer, gentler tone to shush the silver haired child.

Minato explained everything between pants and cries of despair and begs of forgiveness until his sensei stopped him by placing a large hand on his chest, then moving it to his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

The oldest male then gave a pointed look towards the tiny five-year-old, and the blond couldn't resist looking over at the effects of his faults. Kakashi, face flushed, had his head fully leaned on Jirayia's broad chest, hands clutching the dark-blue robes, but was looking right at Minato. Deep breaths barely racked the boy's body now.

"You're still young yourself, Minato-kun. But you know better now."

The blond nodded and looked at the little mute once more. "I-I-I'm r-really sorry, little man. I didn't mean it at all. I… I didn't know, and I know I was still an a—a jerk." He hesitated, looking at his bare feet for a second before raising his gaze again "Y-you can choose my punishment, yeah? Will you forgive me?"

Kakashi's response was to reach out to him with one arm, an opportunity Minato didn't pass up on and was quick to grab the boy from his sides and lift him from his sensei's arms, holding the child to his own chest fiercely.

The blond waited a few seconds, then held the boy at arm length, much to the confusion of the poor kid, who let out a silent gasp at the brusque movement. Minato regarded the boy sternly. "If you're ever in trouble, throw a kunai with a red ribbon tied to it." He allowed the words to sink in, then smiled gently and pressed the boy to his chest again. "I'll be right there, okay?"

After a few minutes of blissful silence, the Sannin in the room couldn't take any more of the cheesiness and proceeded to shove the pair out of his home. As he did so, Minato finally noticed when the man was actually wearing, and made a disgusted face at his sensei before running, Kakashi still in his arms, to the boy's favorite restaurant.

That was the first and last time Kakashi cried over the topic.

I don't know what the pairings can be for this, so... I'll just let you guys decide. They are different one-shots, after all. Though I won't accept all pairings, I'm willing to accept some, as long as I can find a way to accomodate them.

Oh! And I'm also accepting ideas of things that you want to see happen that I can develop =)