Sorry it took so long, but here it is! The next chapter! DA, DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAA!

Sara's pov.

We watched the sorcerer's stone, it's always fun to watch a movie with others who appreciate it. I had the nerve to ask how many other versions were made of the movie. He waved his hand in dismissive thought. "Plenty of others throughout the years, but none of them can hold a candle to the original." he confided in us. Both Lee and I let out a breath of relief.

The clock ticked by as we marathoned our way through the chamber of secrets and the prisoner of Azkaban. I had a thought as the end of the third movie neared.

"Ah, lee? Can I talk to you privately?" she gave me an odd look but nodded and walked out of the room with me into my room the movie still playing. I shut the door behind us.

"Would it be the best idea to watch the next movie?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" she replied. She thought about the movie and I waited for her to get it. After half a minute she shrugged.

"Barty Crouch...junior." I answered. She blinked a few timed before making the connection. "ooohhhh!" she rubbed her lips in thought. "I don't know. Can we let him see David Tennant? Will he be able to see him?"

"He can't see his own show, or pictures from it, but what about other things that his actors have done?" I mused.

"I don't think it would be...BAD if he saw the movie. Maybe he wouldn't see the character? Or he wouldn't recognize him? How often did he look into a mirror?" lee pondered aloud

"So...should we just go with it and see how he reacts?" lee shrugged slightly and nodded. "That sounds like the best idea." we walked back to the room and sat back down, just as Hermione threw the snail shell into Hagrid's cottage.

I started the Goblet of Fire a little nervously. What would happen when he saw David Tennant? I glanced down at the miniaturized Time-Lord, who snagged a kernel of popcorn from the bowl and was munching away to the intro theme. I quickly looked away before I was caught staring. The Doctor, is in my house. Watching a movie with me. On the same bed as me! I gave myself a mental slap for that last thought.

I watched his face as Harry fell into the pensive, and watched a (slightly) younger Dumbledore fail to notice him. My eyes flew to the screen as the former death eater yelled "JUNIOR!"

I watched as the screen filled with his face. "Hello father." His tongue darted to the corner of his mouth. Both lee and I looked to the Doctor, who had a confused look on his face, head tilted. He looked up to lee and caught her watching him, he turned to me and saw me doing the same.

"Would you mind pausing the movie and telling me what's going on?" He said slowly. Lee paused the film as the wizards took him away and harry came out of the Pensive.

We all sat in silence. After a few second the Doctor pulled himself up and stood on the bed, facing us.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"What did you see?" blurted lee. The Doctor scratched his head.

"It's more like what I didn't see. The character was dark and blurred, and I really don't think he was supposed to be."

"The man who plays the character is an actor known as David Tennant." I said slowly, making sure I pronounced his name right.

"He's well known for his most famous role, as the tenth Doctor." Lee said. He dropped into a sitting position, absorbing the information.

"We watched him act as the tenth doctor, he was amazing." I said.

"When he was a kid he loved the Doctor-you so much! It was his life's dream to play the Doctor!" lee told him.

"He was brilliant." I added. He just sat, staring at nothing, thinking. Lee and I followed suit. Neither of us want to break the tense silence. It took a while, but he finally spoke.

"Is he a good actor?" the Doctor finally asked.

"One of the best." Lee insisted.

"He made us believe that he was the Doctor." She said.

"He WAS the Doctor. To us, that is." I added. The silence continued on from there. And lasted for a minute. Then another minute. I squirmed slightly. Lee looked as uncomfortable as I did. The Doctor stayed silent, looking at the sheet in front of him. The only sound in the room was of the fan overhead and the few bleeps and whirrs the monitor of the computer let out.

"I think," said the Doctor in a quiet voice. "That we should continue on with the film." As if we had all openly agreed not to speak further on this, we both nodded and lee reached over to continue the movie. The sounds of Hogwarts chased away the silence that hung so heavy in the room moments before.

Three movies and several hours later, we were in the dining room, eating a late dinner. We all skipped lunch because of the popcorn munching during the movies. We all had our respective places. Me on the right of the long rectangular table, Lee on the seat opposite me, and the Doctor in between us to my right. We all ate dinner silently. I was not able to tell if he was angry or upset at us. His body language didn't tell me that he was mad, but still, his usual silly smiles were gone. I moved my plate aside, done with the meal and slightly ashamed with myself. Lee looked up when she heard me pick up the scrap-paper notebook. Her eyes narrowed, looking back to me and then the notebook. I shrugged.

"Why don't we make our plans for tomorrow?" I suggested. Lee took another bite of her chicken.

"Since when are you so into lists?" she asked. I shrugged again.

"I find that they help with organizing thoughts and plans." I opened the notebook to a new page.

"It takes about an hour to get to the city, what with waiting for the bus and train. What time should we get out of here?" I aimed this question at the other two. The Doctor shifted, a thoughtful look on his small face.

"It's been so long since I've had to think about planning ahead with time like this." He said. Lee and I were both silent at that offhand comment.

"As opposed to different time?" lee joked.

"It's usually a countdown." He admitted with a nod. Oh. Right.

"But it's nice knowing that my Tardis isn't broken at the same time. We know exactly where it is…as of now more or less."

"But how do we find it? What if we don't?!" I asked, suddenly getting nervous. My dinner threatened to make a come-back, and my breath quickened.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down!" lee reached for my hand and held it in her own.

"C'mon man, in through the nose, out through the mouth." She coached. It was the same instructions I gave to anyone who was hyperventilating. My mouth twitched upwards at that. As I was calming down, the Doctor re-assured my irrational fears.

"We know we will find her, because you ALREADY found her!" he insisted. I groaned half-heartedly as I recalled the phone call from that morning. Was it only that morning? It felt like it was weeks ago.

"So I already found her, does that mean I'll automatically find her at that time?" I queried. He shrugged.

"More or less. Unless something happens to disrupt the time-line…." I raised a hand to stop.

"Stop. Just stop." I said rubbing my forehead at the headache that was forming. Lee gave me a look of pity and took the paper and pen from me.

"So, what time SHOULD we leave?" She asked, putting us back on track.

Half an hour later, we had the plan worked out for the most part. We continued with the last movie. My eyes drooped towards the end, and I received a sudden and rude awakening when lee had noticed and made the volume much louder as I was nodding off. I flailed wildly in panic as loud spells woke me up suddenly. Both lee and the Doctor were well out of flailing reach. I gave them both a scowl as they laughed. I exited the room none too gracefully. I washed my face and changed into pjs. I heard the whirr of the air conditioner that told me that lee turned it on.

She changed after me. When she passed me in the small hall, I gave her shoulder a shove with mine She endured it without a word. I face planted onto my pillow after stumbling to my bed.

"Tired?" a voice asked, half-joking. I didn't even notice….

"mmrph." I replied, shifting so I could get more oxygen than memory foam to my lungs. I felt the small weight of the miniaturized time lord step onto the bed. I shifted carefully to take a look at him. His jacket, hat and socks were off. He walked the expanse of the bed to my pillow. I carefully folded my arms under my head, my ear on my arm. It was almost comical to see him sideways, but his face was too serious for me to comment on that. I waited for him to speak. Eventually he did.

"Sorry for before." He finally said, rubbing his arm. I wasn't expecting that.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, confused.

"Sorry for asking like an arse before and getting upset about the David Tennant fellow. You didn't know what was going to happen, but let me watch anyway!" he waved his arms with feeling. "You two only said something after you noticed that I noticed, which I thank you for, but that didn't give me the excuse to be a complete and utter git to two girls who have been helping me out and putting me up the past few days!" he worked himself up into quite a state of agitation.

I reached out and gently placed my fingers over his back and shoulders, like a shock blanket.

"It's ok. I forgive you entirely." I told him. He leaned into my touch and let out a world-weary sigh.

"I never thanked you." He said in a tired voice.

"For what?" I asked, rubbing his back gently.

"For helping me. For putting up with me. For giving me a place to stay and sleep." He rambled.

"How can I ever replay you and lee for what you have done?" he half-heartedly asked, knowing the answer.

"A ride in the Tardis would be nice." I answered seriously. My only answer was a grin.

"There's the smile I love!" I praised. The smile grew and turned into a yawn.

"It's a happening day tomorrow, why don't we both turn in and get some shut eye?" he nodded sleepily and walked back down my bed to the desk to his own make-shift bed. I watched him do before settling under my own blanket.

Under the roar of the AC, I heard a small chuckle, and then a quiet "thank you." I replied to the small voice "you're welcome." And snuggled under the covers, content. I was half-asleep when lee came into the room a few minutes later and turned off the lights.