Dream of Better Days
Chapter 4:
Everyone Learns Faster on Fire

Raph was certain he'd never run so fast in his life.

He wasn't sure if Don was with him or not, he didn't care. Though he'd never admit it, there was an inherent need to bottle up those kinds of emotions, it was panic that had him fling himself clumsily across the rooftop. He slammed, unceremoniously, into the railing of the fire escape on the adjacent building; the one this night had started out in. He cursed as he missed his mark and had to catch himself on the wrought iron with only his fists. He felt the metal bite into his hands, the flaked bits of rusted steel and iron digging into his coarse skin like shards of broken glass. It was with no thought or effort, only action, that had him pull himself over onto the landing so he could dart toward the widow.

Flames were licking up the side of the building and spitting out at him as more shells went off. The sheer intensity of the flame and heat was not of concern to Raph, all his mind considered was the well being of his brothers trapped inside. He was rearing up to dive head first into the window in order to pull Leo and Mikey out of the burning building.

He was seconds from doing just that when he heard his name over the roar of the blaze, and the swelling from the heat in his ear canal.


For a moment, he thought it was his subconscious screaming at him to stop. The same voice that rarely surfaced and, when it did, he beat it back into submission with the intention to control his own destiny.


It was the second time his name echoed in the chaos that he realized his internal voices never, not ever, sounded remotely like Donatello.

He twisted around to see his brother on the adjacent roof, swinging his arms around wildly trying to get his attention. A momentary shot of annoyance bolted through Raph until he realized Don wasn't just trying to stop him. There was more to his actions as Donnie was screaming something unintelligible and pointing down. Raph squinted and then whipped his head over the railing to where Don was pointing.

He could hear Don's soft landing on the fire escape across the way and his feet pattering down the stairs. Some several stories below Mikey and Leo were laying haphazardly on the metal grate - neither moving. He was moving before he realized his feet were carrying him down toward them.

"No...no, no, NO!" Raph was mumbling as Don had gotten to the ground and was now coming up their fire escape from the bottom; both arriving at the same instant. Don's hands were shaking while he reached forward to touch Leo.

He fought off a jump when Raph's fingers closed around his wrist. "Don't do it, Don...don't touch them."

Don's round eyes turned up to his brother. He couldn't will himself to blink if he wanted to and his bottom jaw trembled. He was the tech guy, he put stuff together, he fixed things - not people. All of them were versed in how to treat bumps and bruises, mostly they just waited it out. Don had never seen anything like this...no amount of waiting could erase the ripples of black, charred skin from Mikey's face or realign Leo's misshapen shoulder. Donnie, for the first time, didn't know what to do.

"I...I...I was just going to check for a pulse." Don whispered, his voice trembling as he said it.

It was that moment that both of them took in the weight of what was being said. Raph gave Don's wrist a push toward them and the force made Don catch himself so he didn't land on Leo's unconscious body with his full weight. He was inches from Mikey's head. He could smell the charred flesh and Don was unsure if he'd be able to keep his last meal down.

His head snapped up to Raph and a bright, albeit naive, smile crossed his face. "He's breathing! Leo's breathing."

"Maybe not for long if we don't get moving. I think this building's gonna come down. Then none of us'll be breathing."

Don nodded a little bit, acknowledging what was being said, but not comprehending that that meant they needed a plan. No matter the capacity for thought, in his fear and awe-struck state, Donnie was having a hard time concentrating; he often did under pressure. He could hear the fire near to them now, having moved down the building at a rapid pace for the decaying interior and likely questionable workmanship done some dozen decades before. It was elevating his stress level and lowering his clearheadedness.

"No..." Don jumped and Raph's head snapped down, both hearing Leo's husky voice rasp. "The kid...get the kid out."

It was the final words he let loose before there was no energy left in their leading brother. Don looked up to Raph with a questioning gaze that silently begged the question, 'Do we have to?'

"No." Raph said with some finality to his voice. "No, I'm not going in there for some kid that could get us all caught or killed. We don't got the time for it, Don. Lets get out of here. Now!"

"But Leo said -"

Raph opened his mouth to cut Don off as Raph knew the turtle had a tendency to ramble, and he was in no mood for it. However, the building took care of it for him with a sputter and a deafening crack. The fire escape, designed for what it's name declared, broke free on one side and all four turtles, already packed into a small space, slid across the grate. Raph grabbed Mikey's carapace with meaty digits, wrapped around his slippery and scorched plastron. Don caught Leo's ankle with a hearty jerk; all so neither tumbled over the edge, but both conscious brothers were barely hanging on.

It was as if both were in agreement when sudden danger loomed around them in the compromised structure of the fire escape. The decision to get Leo and Mikey out of there immediately was silently made. The sooner the better; particularly as the sounds of sirens drowned out the sound of fire and flashing lights blue and red were echoing down the street, bouncing off the buildings in an array of color.

::Author's Note::

Together we have made a resolution, a New Year's resolution. Moving forward we will not start posting any story that is not complete. The ones already posted, obviously, are an exception. That being said we are planning a new part for 'Sing to Me'. Also, lately, Harley has had an idea for a new short work. Keep an eye out for that too; I expect it'll be four or five chapters revolving around Donatello.

As always, thank you for reading. We'd love to know what you think. Thank you so much for your time.