HP/WITCH Crossover

By: Sayaalv

(A/N: I don't own and never will. How will the HP world change with Halinor reborn as a Fem!Harry? Femslash and some bashings. Read to see. Also is a mixture of the W.I.T.C.H. comics and the cartoon.)

Halinor Durano-Starlighter blinked as she looked around. She was a ghost and saw her body lying on her bed at home with her wife and best friend crying over her. Her body was in her favorite blouse and sweatpants, wearing her wedding band on her finger and her bracelet around her wrist while her short curly blond hair framed her cold and pale white face like a halo as her dark pink lips were in a soft eternal smile. Her eyes were closed but underneath the pale eyelids were two brilliant blue eyes that were once full of life, happiness, love, and warmth but were now blank and lifeles.

"Oh Kat. I'm so sorry." Halinor said floating to her distraught wifes side and trying to wrap her transparent arms around the dark skinned female but she went right through her. Kadma had dark skin and long silky dark hair that she often kept pulled up ether in a high ponytail or in a braid when Halinor wasn't running her fingers through it, she had amber colored eyes that were filled with tears, had a golden wedding band on her finger and wore a long purple dress that reached her ankles.

"Halinor, my flame. My life. I promise that as soon as I finish helping your protégé then I will follow you in death. You mean more to me than anything else in the universe. You took half of me with you into the afterlife just now but that's alright. I love you, my beautiful flame." Kadma Starlighter-Durano choked out through her sobs as she stroked the short curly blond hair on Halinors head.

"Oh Kat, don't kill yourself for me. Please, don't. Tiny little Will still needs at least one of us there and it isn't your time! I love you Kat, no matter what I'll always love you. You have half of me with you after all. You have my heart for all of eternity, my proud flower." Halinor tried to tell her wife with tears in her ghostly blue eyes, but Kadma couldn't hear her and instead choked back her sobs when she heard the door to their room open. In came a tiny little red head, no older than six or seven perhaps, with wide hazel brown eyes and slightly tan skin from playing outside so much.

"Will!" Halinor exclaimed trying to run to hug the small child who looked between the ghostly woman and said womans body confused and curious for a moment before looking at a teary eyed Kadma curiously.

"Granma Kitty? Is Grammy feeling better now?" Will asked wondering why there were two of her 'Grammy' when there was normally only one as she looked up at her 'Granma Kitty'. Kadma and Halinor would often have to baby-sit the small red head whenever her parents were too busy and eventually she just started calling them 'Granma' and Grammy' and it stuck, not that either of the two women minded at all since they always doted on and spoiled the child rotten.

"N-No sweetie. Your Grammy isn't better." Kadma answered choking slightly over her words as she opened her arms for the red head to run into them. The tiny girl did so immediately, instinctively knowing something was wrong very wrong at that.

"Is Grammy sleeping?" Will asked looking at her 'Grammy's body curiously and worriedly and earning another choked sob from Kadma.

"Y-Yes sweetie. You're Grammy is sleeping but…she's not going to wake up. She's gone to a happy place now so she won't wake up anymore." Kadma said with her tears making two trails down her cheeks as she held the tiny red head in a hug.

"Grammy is dead isn't she?" Will asked after being quiet for a minute, causing both Kadmas and Halinors hearts to break at the sound of pure sadness in the six year olds voice.

"Y-Yes, she is." Kadma said trying to wipe the tears from her eyes before Will could see them up close. Will paid no attention to this however as she wiggled free of Kadmas arms and climbed onto the bed beside Halinors body. Kadma and Halinors ghost watched as the small red head crawled up and kissed Halinors cheek before curling up to her side and laying down with her head on Halinors chest, right over where her heart would be beating were she still alive.

"I love you Grammy." Will said snuggling closer to Halinors body like she did whenever she had to stay the night with the two women who loved her like the daughter they never had. This was the straw that broke the camels back as Kadma finally cried in front of Will, laying her face down into her arms as she sobbed brokenly beside Halinors body while Halinors ghost flew down and wrapped the two in a transparent hug. She didn't even care that she went right through the both of them, she just needed to comfort her girls somehow. That's what the two of them were to her. Her girls. One was her wife, the woman she's loved since they were teens in school and the one that she had given her heart, body, and soul too. The other her daughter in all but blood, her and Kat having legally adopted the small red head so that she was theirs in name as well as in heart. They mean the universe to her but now she couldn't touch them, they couldn't hear her, she couldn't make love to Kat or even kiss her, and she would never be able to play hide and seek with Will in the gardens again or carry her on her hip as they got ice-cream together. That day three girls cried as they all felt themselves die inside. One was truly dead while the other two lost half of their hearts, at the least, as they cried over their deceased family member.