The Tammy Show

By Lia of Hill Fort

Disclaimer: Three things I don't own: Alanna, who Tamora Pierce owns, the Tortall books, which Tamora Pierce also owns, and Les, who Owns herself. I don't own the IDEA either, which belongs to Hikaness!

Lia: Hello and welcome to the TAMMY SHOW! I'm Lia!

Les: I'm Les and I AM NOT a guy! I'm FEMALE!

Lia: Today's guest is Sir Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau, formerly of Trebond and Olau!

(Alanna walks onto stage, brandishing her sword)

Lia: Oops, forgot the sword. ( Snaps fingers, and the sword disappears)

Alanna: What the CENSORED CENSORED?!!!

Les: (Grins evilly) Language, dearie.

Lia: We've kidnapped you to showcase for the enjoyment of strangers.

Les: Well, not exactly strangers.

Lia: Actually, all of them have read about you. A woman called Tamora Pierce has written four books about you.

Alanna: (Waves sword) I'll get this "Tamora Pierce"!

Lia: No, you won't. (Snaps fingers again. The chains from ITHOTG appear around Alanna) We're going to ask you questions.

Les: Our first question is .why does Coram have such a thing about dancing bears?

Alanna: (grimaces) You don't want to know the truth.

Lia: Tell us.

Alanna: It's because. he IS a dancing bear!

Les and Lia: (gasp)

Lia: That was strange. Question 2: Why did you EVER go with Liam?

Les: And don't tell us he was a dancing bear.

Alanna: Dancing bears have played a big role in my life. my mother was the Shang Dancing Bear.

Lia: Shang Bear, Shang Dancing Bear. I see a connection!

Les: Answer the question already!

Alanna: The reason was. I wanted his eyes!

Lia: You wanted his EYES?

Alanna: Who wouldn't want color-changing eyes?

Les: Who wouldn't want PURPLE eyes?

Alanna: Me.

Lia: Ooookay. question three. If I call you 'Lanna, will you turn me into mincemeat?

Alanna: (Grabs for non-existent sword) Nobody except Thom was EVER allowed to call me that!

Les: Answers our question very nicely. Question four: (pulls out a copy of ITHOTG) Would you EVER wear a skirt that short?

Alanna: I DON'T look like that. no.

Lia: Our last question. Maude is really, really, old now, so why are you making her work?

Alanna: Because the Goddess told me to.

Lia and Les: WHAT?

Alanna: (sighs) The Threefold Goddess (read Emperor Mage and find out) in Her aspect as the Great Mother, told me to keep Maude working. Do I need to spell it out any more?

Les: Did you look at her holding your ember-stone?

Alanna: Yes, and something really weird happened.

Lia: What?

Alanna: I saw, printed around her, the phrase "I am an old lady. I am a healer. I am not Mr. Rogers preincarnate. Actually, I am. This message was sponsored by The Color Red." Can I go now?

Lia: Sure. (Snaps fingers and the chains fall off and Alanna has her sword back.)

(Alanna runs off the stage)

Les: That was strange, and this is the end of our show!

Lia: Bye-bye!

Les and Lia: And don't forget to review!

Author's Note: That was odd. Our next guest is Kel, so send me questions, suggestions, and REVIEWS! Les is based on a real-life friend of mine, who does get mistaken for a guy a lot.

Goodbye, everybody, and don't forget to REVIEW!