And the final part. :)

It was cool even for evening as Maria finished her swordplay, wincing as she stretched her already abused muscles. Truth be told she was a little disappointed, having half expected Altair to follow her out immediately, yet here she was nearly two and a half hours later and there was still no sign of her hopefully remorseful husband. If she hadn't succeeded in teaching him a lesson in manners this afternoon then he might never learn, not that she wouldn't enjoy the teaching anyway. She had only just put up her sword when someone caught her from behind, trapping her sore arms at her side and forcing her into the crook of his shoulder. She smiled, speak of the devil and he appeared it seemed.

"You missed practice and I am quite done in; you should see if you can find someone else to spar. I wouldn't want to see you going soft in your old age." Altair snorted, "You're only upset because I caught you unaware; getting rather complacent in your old age, aren't you? We could work on that if you like."

Maria leaned back into him as his arms moved up to her shoulders, massaging gently as he moved, she hummed contentedly.

"Hm. You might be right, we could both do with a little more practice." He leaned down to kiss the top of her head softly, "Get your sword, I find I am concerned for my favorite recruit. I think you need extra training." Maria groaned, "I'm exhausted." She could hear the whine in her voice, and at this moment didn't particularly care.

"It wouldn't be a fair match, you've been writing in ledgers all morning and-" "And you've had a chance to prepare. If you can't take on one old soft assassin then maybe you should consider settling down, starting a family…" Maria barked a laugh, "My husband wouldn't agree, he needs me to watch his back, you see." she teased.

She could feel his soft laughter, "I don't think he'd mind all that much, he could look after himself for a while I think." Maria stepped away, "I think not. I'll just find that sword shall I? We'll settle it once and for all." Altair bowed mockingly, "By all means, let's finish what we started."

The smirk hovering about his lips gave infinite meaning to his words and Maria felt a small thrill run through her, almost banishing her fatigue. This duel would be rougher than usual as hard as she had worked this afternoon, but if she were clever maybe she could turn it to her advantage.

Altair chuckled at the sudden gleeful skip of her step; really, he didn't mind losing as long as they finished their little battle of wills to the satisfaction of both. Then again, there was professional pride to be considered; she was good, but in her condition she would not stand a chance against a master assassin. Still, for the sake of her pride, and no little amount of his left over frustration from this afternoon he would not take it easy on her.

He was casually playing with a short sword when she returned, flipping it from right hand to left as he completed a complex weave of twirls moving slowly to savor every motion. Maria unsheathed her sword and took a firm grip, sweeping it out to to her side to test her good arm; it trembled just a little, but she could compensate if she caught him off guard. She circled him slowly and he followed her with his eyes, making no move to prepare but still twirling that cursed blade.

So bloody arrogant; she'd see how long that would last. She swept in quickly, feinting to the left and he stepped back to finally assume a guard stance, still sporting that lazy smirk; she swept her blade in low and he parried with a speed that belied his seeming indifference. Maria swept her blade wide tauntingly, leaving herself open and he took the bait, swooping in gracefully with a side swipe that she blocked with considerable difficulty.

Perhaps taunts were not the wisest way to go, her breathing was already unsteady but whether from exertion or excitement she did not know. Altair moved into close range and Maria swore, her brief moment of distraction might well have cost her the match, but she wasn't going to lose so easily as this; fair play be damned. As he moved into her reach, she kicked out, curving a foot behind his calf to pull him into her, throwing him off balance for one crucial second so that she could throw him back.

Altair glared, "That wasn't strictly fair, this is swordplay, not a wrestling match." Maria shook her head, "The rules only matter when they're turned against you right? Otherwise any advantage is fair."

He examined her critically, apparently coming to a decision he resumed his guard stance with a nod, "Very well, consider the rules suspended." Maria rolled her eyes, "Now that I have your lordship's approval, I suppose all is well."

He moved swiftly, raising his sword to attack only when she raised her blade in defense, he cast it aside, ramming her inner shoulder with enough force to cause her to loosen her grip on the hilt of her blade, before she quite knew what was happening she was lying in the dirt with her weapon cast aside and one very triumphant assassin pinning her there with his knee resting lightly on her ribcage. Clearly he thought this would be the end of it; he was wrong. Maria dug her feet into the ground, arching her hips so that he would be forced to change his center of balance before twisting sharply as she lashed out at him, as expected Altair attempted to move with the false blow and she in turn spread herself over him, pinning his shoulders triumphantly with her knees to either side of him.

She leaned forward to kiss him roughly, and he caught her hair to hold her when she began to pull back. As she began to relax, he arched and twisted, pinning her beneath again and she smiled fondly at the self-satisfied gleam in his eye. She would let him think he had won this round, as long as she got what she wanted.

With his practiced hands, Altair made short work of her training gear, the buckles and ties were no match against his years of experience, but then she was not exactly a novice herself and arrogant creature that he was, his armor was minimal at best. Or perhaps like her this had been precisely what he intended; trickster, too clever by half. Maria's thoughts cut off with a sharp indrawn breath as Altair's hands skimmed down her waist.

"You're cold" she gasped, "Make me warm?" he whispered throatily. She caught his hands in hers, clasping them as warmth slowly returned to his chilled fingers, and guiding them up her body, Altair studied the way her muscles trembled at his touch, treasuring each involuntary spasm. She dug her nails into his shoulders as he leaned close, drawing him down for another open-mouthed kiss, pausing to nip at the corner of his lips as he smiled. She would wipe that self-satisfied expression off his face if it was the last thing she did.

Maria arched as his fingers traced her ribs, temptingly close to her breasts, but refusing her wordless pleas. She winced, the ground was rough and there was a pebble digging into her back, she knew just the thing to take care of it. She trapped his hips with her legs as she arched again and pushed into the crease of his arm as he gasped and faltered, with a twist she had him on his back. Much better. It was her turn to smirk at the momentary surprise that flitted across his face.

"Better this way."

His gaze swept down her body and back up again, lingering on her breasts. "I agree".

Maria laughed outright until he caught her hips to draw her back down, sucking at her collar bone in just that way, dipping into the sensitive hollow of her throat to lick as her head fell back. She fought to draw back again, her hands caressing his stomach, watching the smooth glide of muscles beneath his flesh, delighting in the effect she had on him. Altair clutched her hips, moving her against him insistently as he writhed but she held steady, continuing her loving torment, following the path of her fingers with her mouth, leaving small bruises.

"You had best leave that robe on for a few days, otherwise they'll know exactly what you've been up to. These marks were never made by weapons." He caught her arms and drew her back up, biting sharply into her shoulder, laving it gently.

Moving down to capture her hand, he traced her soft pulse with his tongue, licking and pulling until he had left a number of marks himself.

"I won't be alone."

He arched sharply into her and she fell forward, caught up in his embrace once more.

She shifted her hips gently, rocking against him as he drew her breast into his mouth, moving in time with her. She had meant to savor this, but after playing this game for most of the day her patience was fast running out, and judging by Altair's increasingly unsteady breaths, he would agree.

She rocked violently against him and he arched, both giving a shocked gasp as he slid smoothly into her. He clenched her hips tightly enough to bruise as she rode him, her nails digging into his chest to leave red scratches, small droplets of blood just beading near the surface, he only held her all the tighter, gasping as her orgasm caught her and shuddering as his own caught him unaware.

They lay in silence for a moment, content simply to bask in each other's company for a time.

"You had the advantage, I was fatigued." "Is that so?" She bit his shoulder sharply, "Some insolent bastard woke me too early this morning."

"Is that so? Insolent bastard, indeed. I hope you taught him a lesson?" "One he won't forget for some time, I suspect."

Altair hummed softly, "I think he will, men are forgetful creatures, they require constant reinforcement." He kissed her softly, moving down to lick at the pale bruises on her neck and shoulders.

Maria allowed him to roll her beneath him, " You're right. He could use another lesson, I think." Altair shook his head in playful reprimand. "When will you learn that I am always right?"

Maria wrinkled her nose, tilting her head for another kiss. "Then again, he is too arrogant by half; his pride is sufficient company to warm him."

She gasped as Altair shifted sharply against her. "I wonder, if I leave him to meditate on the nature of humility with Malik-"

Altair growled as he gripped her tighter. "You'd better not."

"No?" She smiled softly, "Well, you know best."