Rated M for sexual situations, possibly a Two-shot.

Maria groaned as sunlight pierced her sensitive eyes. still blurry from sleep. It looked to be approaching noon, far past her usual time of rising, but then it had been a busy night. She rolled over, unsurprised to find her husband's place empty- the master assassin would always have some item of pressing business to attend to naturally. Not that it kept him from his husbandly duties; she chuckled sleepily as her eyes slid shut once more. "You've slept half the day away" came a murmur from the doorway, Maria did not so much as start. having long since grown used to Altair's sudden appearances, what concerned her more was the thought that he might roust her from her bed at this unholy hour of the morning… afternoon? "I'm tired and it's your fault; you can hold down the fort alone for a day, I'm certain."

She pulled the blanket close and shut her eyes tight; perhaps if she ignored him he would go away. The bed dipped as Altair sat at her side, resting a gentle hand on her head, he began to stroke and she could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke "I could, but I am of no mind to work alone. Get up- if you will stay in Masyaf you must keep our ways."

Maria turned her head to nip his wrist playfully and buried her face in the pillow. If she could have seen Altair's sudden shift from fond smile to mischievous smirk doubtless she would have risen right away but as it was she gasped as the blanket was pulled forcefully away, baring her to the cold. She grabbed for the blanket with a vexed growl, but Altair took her wrists in a firm grip, stretching them out at her sides. He leaned forward to press his mouth to her ear and Maria shivered at his soft whisper: "I gave you an order."

Maria pulled her head sharply away as he traced a pattern along the shell of her ear and blew softly. "I am not inclined to obey." He chuckled darkly, "There is a price to be paid for insubordination." Maria found that sleep was quite suddenly the farthest thought from her mind and evidently Altair agreed, sweeping his tongue into her mouth and taking ruthlessly. Maria met him with equal fervor as she pulled his bottom lip into her mouth and bit, savoring the faint metallic taste of blood. Altair firmly yanked her hair back to bare her throat to his lips and teeth, nipping and sucking at the delicate flesh exposed. Maria swallowed a moan as he bit her collarbone sharply and pulled the soft skin into his mouth to lave it soothingly.

He pulled back slightly to admire the bruise before descending into the vulnerable hollow of her throat, tracing his tongue up the line of her throat to nibble at her jaw. Maria shifted against him, curling a leg around his waist to bring him closer and arching her body into his, delighting in his swiftly silenced groan- she lifted her free hand to catch at his robe, yanking impatiently at the ties but Altair pushed her hand away, catching her eyes he smirked, "No." "Not strictly fair, for you to be wearing all the clothes."

Maria gestured to her bare body and shot him a provocative look beneath lowered lashes. Altair shifted against her, allowing her to feel the effect she had on him, but to her disappointment he made no move to disrobe. He once again descended to leave a line of open-mouth kisses across her throat, between her breasts, latching onto her nipple with his teeth and tugging. Maria quickly forgot what exactly it was they had been debating a moment ago and lost herself in the sensation.

She traced a fingernail up his spine causing him to arch into her, biting almost to the point of pain then suckling gently as his other hand rose to cup her neglected breast, catching her other nipple between his fingers, he pinched harshly as Maria dug her nails into his back and raked them down. Altair's breath caught for a moment before he shifted away, Maria was distressed to hear a pleading sigh escape as she pulled insistently at his robes, trying to draw him back; he was swift to return and Maria rejoiced to feel his warm skin against hers but only for a moment.

She trembled as his too clever mouth moved to her stomach, she felt him smile just as he moved between her legs, pulling her legs over his shoulders and tugging against the fingers she had twined desperately in his hair. Maria gasped and arched as his tongue found her center, dipping in to taste her. She writhed, pulling insistently at his short hair and fighting to keep her breathing in check- it was too much, she could feel her climax building "Altair, please," Maria struggled to form the words "Please."

He stopped suddenly and rose, stretching as he slipped his robe and cowl on once more. "I am glad to see you are awake; I expect you in the main hall in twenty minutes. There is work to be done." He leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips and she could taste herself on his lips, a bitter reminder of exactly what she apparently would not have this morning. Maria scowled fiercely, "Remember your own words: there is always a price to be paid." Altair paused at the door, sweeping an insolent gaze over her exposed form, Maria, completely unselfconscious, rose from the bed to return his regard. "I look forward to it, darling." And he was gone. Maria sniffed disgustedly as she attended to her morning ablutions. He would get his. She would see to it personally.