Okay, this isn't a chapter so sorry, but, I contemplated it for a while and have decided that the best way for this story to progress is to split it up, so the last chapter of this story could be considered an ending, the next story will be the sequel, I already have the main points of the story planned out (with help from Winter_Buzz, check out their stories they are great) I have decided that on the next story I am going to try get at least one person to read it before I publish the chapter, I realised that there were point in this that some people were confused by or they simply Disliked, I would like to thank all of you for the great support and the amazing ideas you have given me.
To those who 'flamed' my story (well really one anonymous reviewer) you are entitled to your opinion, since you dislike my story you can simply not read it, I have found stories on here I dislike, I'm sure everybody has come across a story on here they dislike, but to go out of your way to insult a person and then saying how people in your life agreed and think my story is rubbish shows how petty and ridiculous you are, I care not for the opinions of people who don't even use their dislike to help me improve through constructive criticism.
Thanks to all of you who have read my story, and even more so to those who reviewed, I have started writing the first chapter of the next story (when Percy wakes up) and hopefully can post it soon.
Thanks once again.
Edit: I wrote this at the end of December / start of January but I had exams that I needed to revise for :/, all done now so shall try to start writing the next part of this story.