Equius held a dead Nepeta in his arms and tried his best not to cry, not here at least. He gently hugged her and put her down with a parting kiss on her forehead.
Flashback to a few minutes ago
He ran in to see he was too late. Her blood was everywhere. Green, green everywhere. He gasped when he saw her, lying on her side, staring at him with dazed eyes. He ran over to her and picked her up gently and turned her so her back was in resting on his arms.
"Nepeta! Nepeta please, do not leave me, I NEED you." He shouted, letting his voice reflect how he felt. His heart broke to see her like this and made the rest of him fill with anger to the highb100d. Equius swore to himself that he was going to make him PAY for even hurting Nepeta. Highblood or not, this was unacceptable.
He repeated her name, full of panic and concern. She just smiled sadly and papped his nose as if she was just being playful again.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be as strong as you..." she whispered as she closed her eyes for the last time.
He sobbed and pushed some hair out of her face, not wanting to let her go. His moirail...the thought of her...dead...was...unthinking, unwanted. He prayed that somehow, some miracle would bring her back.
But she was already gone.
He got up, sobbing and all of his pity, sadness, turned to anger. He was shaking; he was so full of rage. He pulled out her hat that she had given to him and put it on, full of memories of her.
He ran out of the room, looking at her one last time before closing the space between him and the exit.

Equius Zahhak. Blue-blood. Sagittarius. Apart of the troll species.
He just lost his moirail.
Equius was going after the troll known as Gamzee Macara.
He saw Kanaya running out side and followed her. He almost stopped when she punched Vriska, and sliced Eridan in half, but joined her in the beating of Gamzee. She kicked him, and Equius punched him.
Gamzee would have gone of the cliff with Kanaya's kick anyway, but with the help of Equius, he went SOARING off. Far farther than originally. Equius growled and stood on the edge of the cliff. Kanaya saw what he was wearing and knew, Nepeta was dead.
"I am sorry for her. She was a nice girl." She knew it wasn't the right time to say about her fashion choices, that coat was too big for her, it needed to be washed, and it was...ew.
Equius nodded, trying not to cry again. His heart was literally shattered from this. His only quadrant, his only friend, was...dead.
But at least he was able to see her in the dream bubbles.
He walked up to her, so happy to see her at last. She had white eyes, and BARELY visible pupils in the milky eyes.
"Nepeta..." He gasped as she jumped on him. He missed her so so much. He gently pet her hair and she smiled, snuggling into him.
"I missed you," She smiled at him and rubbed against him, causing him to smiled and start crying again. She got up and wipe the tears away. "Equius, why are mew crying?" She wondered with concern in her voice.
"I don't want you to be dead." He sobbed, conflicting feelings. She was a lowblood, she doesn't need to see him being so...weak. But he shoved those thoughts away, she was his MOIRAIL and would always have a place in his STRONG heart.
She smiled at him in pity. "Well, we have time together when you're asleep, right? So...purrhaps just be happy we get that? Purrlus I died fur you! I purrtected you!" She smiled at this and he had to smile back.
"Yes, you did. You gosh-darned silly face, next time let me purr, I mean, protect you."
She smiled and nodded. "Fair enough!"
She grabbed his hand and put it in front of him. He held it there in the air in case she was doing something. She put it in a fist, but held out the first two fingers, making a sort-of "v" shaped. Nepeta smiled at him and did the same, putting their fingers together, making a diamond.
Equius smiled and did something he never would have done before.
He hugged her, and she hugged him back- thankful that he was finally hugging her.