What if Obi Wan never escaped Kadavo?

kk, I own NOTHING of Star wars the clone wars. Or the slavery trilogy in season 4.


"I am no Jedi." Obi Wan heard Rex say.

Then Agruss was suddenly skewered by a staff that came from Rexs direction.

"Rex, let's go." Obi Wan said.

They headed for the door when something wrapped it's arms around Obi Wan, holding him back.

"General!" Rex cried.

"Go Rex." Obi Wan said.

"But-" Rex tried to argue.

"That's an order. Now go and find Anakin." Obi Wan was starting to be pulled away by a Zyguerrian (sorry if I spelled it wrong.) guard who had managed to grab him.

Rex ran towards the sound of a lightsaber humming. But was so focused on the noise he didn't notice the fact it was getting closer and nearly barreled into Anakin.

"Rex, there you are let's go." Anakin said, obviously not aware that Obi Wan wasn't with him.

"But general I-" Rex began but was cut off by Ahsoka running in.

"We have to go." She called.

They borded the ship and it began to take off.


"Rex, where's Obi Wan?" Anakin asked.

"I, uh..." Rex was speechless.

"Rex, where is he?" Anakin sounded scared and angry now.

"They took him." Was all Rex could say.

"What?! How could you let them take him?! He was your general!" Anakin rampaged.

"Sir I-" Rex tried to say.

"You what?!" Anakin screamed.

"He told me to do it." Rex said a little louder than he wanted.

"What?" Anakin sounded scared instead of mad.

"We were about to leave when a guard grabbed him. He told, no, he ordered me to go so I did and I tried to tell you while we were still on Kadavo but you were buisy." Rex explained.

"He what? Oh, kriff! Ahsoka!" Anakin panicked.

Ahsoka came running. "Yes master?" She sounded worried.

"Obi Wan is still on Kadavo!" Anakin cried.

"Oh my gosh!" Ahsoka gasped, then began to cry. "Can we go back?"

"We can't." A voice said from behind.

They turned around to see govner Roshti.

"We can't go back there. Think about my people." He said.

Anakin knew he was right. "Fine, let's go."

And they landed on Corascant.


Ok. Next chapter will be better.

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