A/N: This was made for the "He said what!?" Challenge on Dokuga. I used a variation of one of ElegantPaws lines, so all credit for the hilarious line belongs to them. I would like to shout out a big 'Thank you' to my beta Countess Millarca for her wonderful beta-ing! Thank you!

Enjoy! Please Read and Review!


Kagome Higurashi and Sesshomaru Taisho had been friends since they were both children. She never thought she would ever see something this priceless.

It happened the night of a big business party for Taisho Corp. when Kagome saw her mate and husband of a year do something that she found both funny and priceless.

After getting dressed in a flowing floor length dark sapphire dress and putting her hair in an elegant bun, Kagome had exited the master bathroom, to see if her lovely mate and husband was ready to leave when she saw him in front of her floor length mirror. She was about to say something, until she took a closer look at him.

He was looking at himself in the mirror, or maybe admiring himself was a better description, with his head cocked to the side a little. He quickly stood straight, finished buttoning up his white dress shirt and did a little turn while pouting.

What he said, well sang actually, next really took the cake.

"I'm too sexy for Milan, tooo sexy for Milan, New York and Japan."

Kagome just stood there, too shocked to say anything, for a moment before succumbing into a fit of giggles and laughter, alerting the Youkai to her presence.

The look of shock and horror on his face sent her into even more laughter, making her hold on to the door frame.

"You will not speak of what you saw here, mate." Sesshomaru said with a glare, trying really hard to look intimidating, but failing miserably as a look of horror was still plainly visible on his face.

"Hn", Kagome snorted, barely containing her laughter as the image stayed in her mind for a long time afterwards.

I Hope You Enjoyed it! ^_^!
