I was spending all my time in the library these days, searching but nowhere in the whole of Camelot were there any remaining books on Dragons. The great purge was quite limiting to my search to cure Aithusa.
I still cannot believe that the young dragon is unable to speak. I have neglected my Dragon lord duties for far too long. As well as the fact that Morgana has been with MY dragon. This greatly troubles me. What is there connection? Why didn't Aithusa seek my help? And most importantly how do I cure this speak deficit?
I doubt that a simple healing spell will work. I have never been good at healing spells to begin with. Gaius informed me that healing a dragon was never simple as there never truly got injured.
My eyes were getting tired as I stared at the book for voice cures. Perhaps some of the principles of healing humans could at least give me somewhere to start.
"MERLIN YOU LAZY PRAT WAKE UP!" Arthur yelled. I immediately sat up looking around. I was still in the library and the King was breathing down my neck.
I couldn't stifle the yawn which caused the look on Arthur's face to become even more severe.
"I'm sorry your royal highness I must have fallen asleep whilst doing research for Gaius." I tried to look apologetic but it may have come off as mocking. At this point I wasn't that worried. I mean Arthur really should be use to this.
"You are the most incompetent servant I have ever had. I swear tomorrow I start to interview your replacement." Arthur said in a huffy tone. I couldn't help but smirk he said the same thing the week before and a month before that, did he really think I would be afraid of that old threat.
"WHAT you don't think I'll do it. Any number of people would love to be the manservant of the king of Camelot!" He said looking as pompous as usual.
"Sure sire that is until they start work, but I would love it if you replaced me, then I wouldn't be chased by bandits or have some arrogant clotpote bossing me around all day."
Arthur seemed to try and remain stern looking but I could see the usual amusement in his eyes.
"We'll see who's cracking jokes when I replace you and your unemployed. Anyhow hurry up I have a kingdom to run. It's time for a meeting with the round table, there are many important matters to discuss about my Kingdom."
"You wouldn't have a kingdom if I wasn't always saving it." I said under my breath Arthur just believed I was mumbling as he always does.
But I followed as I always do, I wanted to save Athuisa but I needed to keep my role as the faithful manservant safe especially since the reappearance of Mordred. I was still unsure of his motives. I know from my past mistakes that if I learn the truth I will need to act. I can not let him trick me like Morgana. I was too hesitant that time. I do not have room for my compassion especially since the vision I was shown.
He also could be more dangerous than both Agravaine and Morgana's combined forces.
He may not have the powers to rival me, but I'm worried that Morgana could persuade him to join forces; the two of them together would prove disastrous to the kingdom.
Arthur opened the door to the council. The knights were all settled around the round table chatting as usual. Gaius and Gwen were talking amongst themselves.
"So men let us begin. First order of business: tax reform." Arthur said. Great I could be spending the time researching cures, confronting Kilgharrah on why he didn't aid Aithusa or looking into Mordred and there's the whole Morgana thing I should deal with along with the beginning of Albion's great trail. Yup I have a lot to do but instead I'm listening to everyone arguing about Taxes that they haven't changed in years.
I guess I could try the normal healing charm, but perhaps with a remedy Gaius may use to treat voice loss, the combined effort may allow Aithusa to gain some speech perhaps long enough to tell me who did this. Not only to give Aithusa justice but whoever has the power to do this to a dragon is someone who I need to worry about.
"MERLIN!" That got my attention. "Huh?"
"Oh are we boring you? In case you missed that last order I need you to ready the horses immediately!" He was really mad. Arthur hated it when I ignored him in front of the council so instead of arguing. I said 'Yes sire, I will do that immediately."
I wonder where we are going. I hope it wasn't another hunting trip I really do despise them. Plus Arthur gets so touchy when I scare the animals. But really hunting for sport is just so barbaric.
I walked into the stables. I greeted the stable boy.
"Hello John."
"Hello Merlin, Good day." I nodded back.
I started work on preparing the horses. But right after I finished my own horse I didn't know how many I need to do. Great another awesome part of my great day it's not like I can read people's minds. Though that would be an awesome power but Gaius informs me it is impossible because thoughts are formed through some complex medical/ science way. I got bored and toned him out which leads me back to my current problem.
"You will need 12 horses." Said a voice I was beginning to recognize far too easily, Mordred.
"Thank you." I replied at this point in time he is a knight. Even though Arthur is lenient with the rules he would be very difficult with me if he learned I disrespected his newest knight. Being a servant does have many disadvantages.
"Why do you not trust me Emrys?" Mordred asked. I was surprised at his bluntness normally those I was suspicious off ignored me completely.
"For many reasons Mordred I don't know what your motives are. I have not forgotten anything." He may remember I know how powerful he truly is.
I know that I shouldn't let him be aware of my suspicions, but we both know he isn't a match for me. For once I don't have to pretend to be the fool.
"What I remember is me being a boy who needed to be saved not being a threat and YOU wanted me dead!" Mordred shouted at me.
I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right in that I wasn't sure whether or not to kill him back then and now I face that same dilemma.
"Then you should also remember that I saved you from the guards. I brought you to Morgana's and I convinced her to ask for Arthur's help. You are alive because I ignored what I knew about you."
His face was becoming more and more troubled.
"I was a boy what wrong had I done anyone?"
"None and that is why you are alive today but I know your goals" though I wasn't sure of his motives it didn't mean I could lay the foundation of my suspicions. If he is guilty if something he may trip up. "I have seen dozens of people fool the king and his knights, they are easy to trick but me no one has ever fooled me."
"What tricks am I playing?" Mordred asked his voice had gone from angry to cold. "You should understand better than anyone?"
I should have known he was easily rattled. He may be a good man now but I still have no reason to trust him. Kilgharrah warned me of his destiny. I know better than to doubt the Great Dragon
"I have not decided whether or not you're a threat yet. Mordred I do hope you do the right thing because you are correct in that we could be great allies." I replied. He has great powers perhaps being a knight will show him that he could use his powers for good.
Mordred was studying me as I finished preparing the horses. "Then you should know that Arthur is planning to go after a group of bandits that have somehow acquired rings that have the marks of the old religion." I guess he has chosen to trust me with some information. "You Emyrs know that those rings can give ordinary men or mediocre sorcerers great powers. You should keep your eyes open."
If what he is telling me is true this particular group of bandits could be more deadly than usual. But the most troubling part of this story is how the bandits got the rings in the first place. I have only ever encountered one person who has had a ring. Gilli and I know he doesn't have the power to make more so who could be providing them.
I realized Mordred was still staring at me, "thank you for the information and call me Merlin from now on. I don't want anyone to get suspicious."
He nodded. "So is this the beginning of you realizing that I'm a good friend to have?"
I wasn't sure. He reminds me a lot of Morgana and I trusted her and she stabbed me in the back. I wonder if he will prove worthy of knighthood. At this moment in time I don't need him to be too angry and or untrusting of me. "I think this is a great step towards friendship."
He stepped towards some of the horses and led them towards the courtyard where the knights usually meet. I was surprised I never received help from anyone but the stable boy who came forward and took two more horses. He is a new knight he will change his ways soon. They all do. Not that I'm bitter but once you're knighted you follow their customs. Lancelot was the only one who truly remained the same person.
I still miss him especially at times like these. It would be nice to have a confidant in the knights, someone to keep an eye on Mordred, I had considered asking Gwaine but that would require too much explanation. He also trusts his comrades to much to doubt any of them. It could do more damage than good. I guess I am on my own as usual.
i hope u like u it i will try and update soon but i cant make any promises. I would love to hear your opinions so please please review :)