AN: Rated for possible future content. I want to go deeper into this, but may leave it as a oneshot. If it remains one chapter for too long, I'll change the warnings/rating. Possibly going to turn out to be a Kakashi/Sakura fic, thus the warning of main character death. This story is not beta-read, so if you find problems, let me know. If I do get more adult than this, you'll see it under the pen name AdrianneLea on AFF. Thanks for reading!

The last of the Rookie Nine had made it to jonin today, along with other chunin from the other four major countries. Even Naruto was promoted today. Officially at least. They had all received field promotions during the war. Tomorrow they would be inaugurating the new Hokage, too. All in all, the chance to celebrate was taken up by everyone physically capable. Even the hospital bound were celebrating with each other, a few of them even managed to smuggle in some alcohol.

Some were happier than others. Some had lost important, precious people in their lives, and this was still a time of mourning for them. Though it had been three years since the start of the Fourth Shinobi War, they had fought two more with no stop in-between to rebuild or regroup. When Tobi's army was being finished off, another army invaded. This one they had no experience with in the past. This one used weapons they called "guns." It took a long time (nearly two years) to fight them back to where they were first encountered.

Now that their world had been destroyed twice over in such a short time, and leadership had changed in four of the five nations due to deaths, the five nations were stronger allies than ever before, and they had to learn to make an alliance that would continue through peace-time. They also had to simultaneously rebuild their homes and rebuild their armies.

Today, though, was supposed to be a day for celebrating all the promotions of all the five nations' combatants in the back-to-back wars.

On the outskirts of the main camp, Haruno Sakura watched one of her team-mates tend to a sore leg. It was still purple in places below the knee where an unfortunate fall had broken it days before. She had heard about the break, but wondered why it hadn't been tended to yet. There were many capable medics around that should have helped him in her absence. With a huff, Sakura made her way over to his tent.

"How long have you been fighting off the medics?" she demanded, kneeling down beside him to simultaneously swat his hands away and start mending his leg.

His lips smiled, almost hiding the pain in his almond-shaped, dark eyes. "I guess I'm more like Kakashi these days."

"What does that mean?" she asked, concentrating on knitting the ligaments back into place.

"There's only one medic that I will ever allow to heal me," he admitted. "You're the most gentle."

"I'm only gentle with the two of you because you're babies, Yamato-taichou," she retorted. "Worse than Naruto and Konohamaru."

"I think you just don't like it when people latch onto you," he countered. "Kakashi and I don't trust people much, but you're one of the few we like."

"I don't see why you would like me above someone like Shizune," she replied.

"You're more gentle. Didn't I say that already?"

"Hinata is gentle."

"But not as skilled."

"Will you shut up already? Getting your muscles and tendons together is a simultaneous project. It's not easy!"

"Yes ma'am." Yamato smiled. "Anything my nurse commands."

"Shut it."

"For how long?"

"Until I say you can speak again."

"When will that be?"

"At the rate you're going, never."

"But what if I have to warn you about something, and there's no time to write it down?"


"Yes, Sakura-chan?"

"You're being annoying."

"Am I?"

"Be quiet and let me concentrate." she ordered again.

"But I don't think-"

He was cut off as she gripped his throat with one hand, disabling his vocal cords with one touch.

"I told you to shut it," she reminded. "I'll let you talk when I'm ready."

She tried to work quickly, knowing that the numbing she caused in his throat would only last a couple minutes at best, but he insisted on being a pest anyway. Multiple times he tapped her on the shoulder and mouthed questions or used exaggerated hand signs to try and communicate more pestering.

"Do you want me to fuck up your leg forever?" she asked, exasperated.

No, he mouthed. I let you work now.

"Stay still."

He wished he could give her another "yes, ma'am" to bother her. Being called ma'am by people older than her was an embarrassment all on its own. She didn't believe she deserved the respect of that title, let alone the title of sensei many people gave her since she took over the medical teams of the entire combined forces. For key battles she had been taken along to the front lines any time a diplomat or visiting commander went. Multiple times this also meant she ended up fighting her way to and from the fighting to retrieve wounded with the rest of the front-line medics.

Yet, there were still some she allowed to call her Sakura-chan. She preferred anyone else call her -san or -sensei, but her team and Rookie Nine (eight now) were only to call her Sakura or Sakura-chan. If any of them dared call her -san or -sensei, she'd pummel them nearly as hard as she once pummeled Naruto on a daily basis.

Once all internal pieces were mended, she worked on the cosmetics of the bruising. Sure, to people like them it really was just cosmetics, but she knew the amount of relief the removal of simple bruising could be when it came to sleeping on the ground. This man had a hard enough time sleeping due to nightmares and duties alike. He didn't need the excess discomfort of bruising to keep him awake at night.

When that was done she ended up just massaging his calf aimlessly, not realizing he had been silent for far longer than she had anticipated. Looking back at his face, she saw that his eyes were transfixed on her hands, his own wrapped around his bent left leg as he watched hers glide over his long, thin muscle in selfless comfort. She stilled her hands and watched as his eyes traveled up her arms to her elbows, across her thighs to the round of her rear and up her side to her shoulder. He was taking in every aspect of her that he could. Her throat, her jaw line, lips, nose, eyes, hair... then back to her eyes when he realized he'd been caught.

A light blush touched his cheeks and nose as he smiled and looked away again. "Sorry."

"Don't be," she answered, a small smirk of her own playing at the corners of her mouth. "You're not the only one suffering from the fact that we're surrounded by gorgeous bodies and not knowing whom is safe to touch and whom will kill you in your sleep. It's been a long time for a lot of people, and we're all loosing the fight not to fuck our friends just to get off with something other than our own hands."

He'd never imagined to hear it put so bluntly before, especially out of her mouth. She was right. She was legal, too. The only question was, should the end up on the same team again in the future, how would tonight's actions affect them? Would she be willing? Was she contemplating asking him? Would he be able to keep it as a friendly fuck, or would he ask her for more? Would she ask for more? What if she didn't want it? What if she did, but he told her no for the sake of their current relationship and future possible relationship?

The little rises he got out of pestering her when she worked to heal his leg were more than amusement for Yamato. They were his own form of fore-play, testing just how far he could push her, how much adrenaline he could build up in her system before laying a hand on hers, before disappearing into his tent to listen to her voice change from annoyed to something more...desirable. But, of course, he knew her annoyed tone to be similar to the one she used when sexually charged, too. He heard her during her first time over a year ago.

A casual relationship with a kunoichi from Mist had landed him in the top of a tree with the woman on his lap. Before they could get all that far into things, however, another pair had settled not far away. Turned off by the younger pair making far too much noise, the kunoichi left without him. She died the next day in battle.

Yamato had stayed, though. He was curious whose ass he'd be beating the next day for ruining his night. When he snuck into a near-by branch, he became transfixed, watching and listening quietly from the shadows as Haruno Sakura lost her virginity to none-other than the Kaze Kage, Gaara. It appeared that Gaara wasn't any more knowledgeable on a woman's body than Sakura was about how to please a man. It was funny, to tell the truth, watching the two fumble around, becoming frustrated more and more with one another, and then having a pitiful release each. If either of them had been more experienced, they both could have reached a much better climax.

So, despite the fact that he was still turned on all to hell and had only his hand for company due to those two, he let them be, never once telling a soul about the experience. He knew all three of them were better off if he did so.

Now, though... He just wanted to see if she'd learned anything since then. If she hadn't, he wanted to teach her. He wanted to hear those frustrated grunts and comments directed toward him as he slowly built her up to a hard, long release. He wanted to wear her smaller body down to the point where she had no choice but to fall asleep in his arms until dawn a day later.

"You sure are trying hard not to incriminate yourself, taichou," Sakura spoke, bringing him back to the here and now. "It's just that one particular appendage is telling a story your glassy eyes aren't willing to say right now."

"Hmm?" he mumbled, not quite registering what she was saying so much as imagining her petite mouth wrapping around his cock.

Sakura simply pointed between his thighs. He wasn't hard yet, but the process had started. His member was getting heavier, thicker, farther down his thigh in anticipation.

"Damn it," he cursed, taking his right leg out of her lap to hold it closer to his body, trying to hide his groin. Except that his balls were puffy, too, and he was only wearing thin, night shorts at the moment. Her laughter would help him calm down, except she wasn't laughing. Her smile was a sly one as she shook her head.

"You can either leave me alone or help me," he muttered after a moment. "It's not my fault you're gentle and it feels good to have a woman's hands on me for a change."

"Even if it's only your leg?" she teased. showing just a little bit of nervousness.

He stared hard at her. No way was he going to tell her yet that having his calves massaged was actually a turn-on for him. It was the one part of his body that rarely ended up injured during a fight, and thus only his occasional girlfriend ever touched them. The relaxation of having those muscles rubbed had become associated with women he was sexually attracted to, and thus to sex itself. It didn't help much that he was also thinking of her in that way before she touched him tonight.

"If you don't leave in five seconds, I'll take it as consent to haul you to the other side of the mountain," he warned.

"What's on the other side of the mountain?" she asked, honestly having never thought about it before.


"I can go on my own and find out," she thought out loud.


"I know the stream wraps around it," she said, standing up and dusting her bottom off.


"Wonder if there's a small pond or lake there, or if it's higher up," she continued wondering out loud, but still not going anywhere.


"You can't be serious about that threat, taichou!" her voice turned to a high pitched squeal at the end as he used his newly mended leg to trip her.

His hands flew through seals nearly as fast at Kakashi's as he wrapped his legs around her waist. The next thing she knew, everything was dark, and cramped. The air was pushed out of her lungs hard, and everything smelled like wet dirt. A moment later she found herself gasping for air on a thick tree branch. None of the noise of the camps could be heard any longer.

He had taken her to the other side of the mountain, as warned, since she hadn't gone when he said.

Yamato, watched from a branch above as she sputtered for a few seconds before straightening her clothing. Though he himself felt no discomfort traveling through the earth, trees, or even water, those he took along weren't usually so fortunate. She was the first non-prisoner he'd transported that way in months, and having the luxury of seeing down her shirt while she looked around like a bewildered cat was definitely another plus.

He hadn't seen much of her these past three years (outside of a hospital tent, anyway), and the transformation in her body was clear. When they first met, she was only just beginning to broaden in the hips and her breasts were barely worth binding down. Tonight he saw that she had lost most of her childish body. Her hips were broad, her breasts large for a kunoichi, though average for a civilian. She was otherwise all muscle and sinew. Her eyes came up to his nose when they stood side-by side, and he swore her leg muscles were larger than his. She had the potential to be more of a powerhouse taijutsu fighter now as opposed to his method of speed. There were no scars that he could see, her abilities and training making that possible for every wound she received and healed for others.

Sakura had grown into a lovely young woman on the outside. Her slightly deeper voice matched, as did her somewhat re-grown hair. It now fell just below her collar, some curls that hadn't been there when she was a child made their presence known at the ends. He knew they would be silky to run his fingers through just by looking at them in the half moon-light.

"So, I guess there is a lake on this side, after all," she answered her own earlier question, looking straight up at him with a small smile. "It's pretty with the water lilies."

"You can look at it later," he said, pushing himself off the branch and pulling her with him to the pine-needle covered ground, being sure to land atop her. Most of his weight was supported by his elbows to either side of her breasts, the rest lay on her pelvis, pressing his slightly fuller erection into her thigh. He only had a second to stare at her before she made her own move.

Using her legs, to push up and roll them over, she ground into him hard, trapping his hands to his sides in the process. He thought she was pissed off and about to leave, but, before he could speak, her lips crashed onto his, kissing hard and forcing her tongue behind his teeth. He had never been dominated like this before, and he felt his cock twitch in response, pulsing into her core a couple of times as it grew fully hard between them. The sensation made him gasp into her mouth as she let out a low moan into his.

She let go of his arms to run her fingers through his curly, chocolate hair. He encircled her waist with his arms and held her tighter against him, gently bucking his hips into hers, slowly grinding their sexes against one another to the pace she set with her mouth on his. One of her hands reached down between them to caress his ball sack a couple times, bringing a low growl from his throat before he flipped them over once more. He loved the feel of her fingers on his balls, but he was so starved of such attentions that one more caress would bring him over the edge. Before that happened, he wanted to be sure she made it all the way to her own peak.

Nipping lightly at her throat and collar bone, Yamato brought his own hand between them, but not as low, not yet. He focused on unbuckling her belt and pealing away her pink wrap skirt, occasionally running a finger down her shorts through the dark curls of the v between her hips. This brought more moans and tightened fingers in his shirt and hair. Satisfied that it wouldn't take long to remove her shorts, he moved up to her shirt. Pulling down the zipper he noted she wasn't bothering with bindings today. The shirt was tight enough, and worn just the right amount to hold her breasts in place without being too tight to breathe comfortably in a fight. Now he knew why she'd kept the same outfit for so long. It was cool and functional, but the only relevant thing at the moment were her breasts as they spilled out to the sides before his eyes.

Yamato kissed his way down to one hardened, pale nipple, warming it with his mouth, only to pinch it between his teeth and suck cool air over it again. Her back arched high, lifting them both several inches off the ground as he did this, her nails digging into his back through the thin cloth of his night shirt. It stung, but he tolerated it because it meant she liked what he was doing. Why else would she be repeatedly whispering "Yamato" into the air?

Eager to feel her silky skin against his chest, he lifted up just long enough to pull off his shirt, and Sakura took the offered second to finish removing her own shirt and skirt as well as hook her thumbs into his shorts and slide them down a little. He helped her with the task once she got them to his knees by pulling them off the rest of the way while she did the same with her own shorts, and they paused a second to take in the sight of one another.

"Oh..." was her main response when focusing beyond the hard lines of defined muscle on his arms, chest, and long stomach. ""

He worried then. She certainly wasn't laughing. Her eyes were wide, and her jaw slack, but her fingers reached out to graze the underside of his dick, tip to base before wrapping her hand around his shaft and giving a gentle tug back to the tip... all nine inches of his thick length straining in her hand. Despite the litheness of the rest of his body, that one part of him managed to be a bit of a problem. A couple of the women he'd bedded in the past had gotten hurt when he forgot they couldn't take all of him inside their bodies. Would he have to hold back for her, too?

"Start slow, if you can," she said, "You're a lot bigger than I thought."

"I'll start with this, actually," he replied, working out a way to help things along as he pushed her back against the pine needle covered ground. He used that hand to continue massaging her breast and side as his other hand caressed the dark curls between her thighs with a featherlight touch.

At first, she seemed to loose some of her high and start to bore with the situation, but he steadily pressed his fingers harder against her lips, pausing only to spread her legs slightly, just enough to slip a finger into her slit and tease her moist flesh with a fingernail. Her breathing hitched and her back arched again. Once more he backed off for a few strokes, once more to dip in again, a little harder, a little deeper. The time between mini-penetrations shortened with each one, until he stopped to find a new spot. He circled her clitoris a few times, leaning in to kiss between her dark curls and her navel a few times, slowly sliding his body up along her own.

He didn't slide up all the way, though. Instead, he widened her legs just a bit more, placing the tip of his length to her opening, slowly pushing just the head inside her body, still circling her clitoris with his thumb. If their breathing was quick and labored before, this new sensation caused the deepest, harshest yet. The sensation of their sexes meeting, flesh to flesh, was tingling warmth that turned hot as burning coals quickly. Her inner lips quivered around him, and he almost lost it again, choosing instead to lean forward and take a breast in his mouth as he had earlier and repeat the warming, then cool sucking exorcise he'd done earlier, only this time in conjunction with a roll of his thumb and a thrust of his hips. His length was half way in her before she realized.

Moving his non-supporting hand to her hip, he nibbled at the undersides of her breasts for a moment, letting her hips buck up against him, pulling him in a few more inches until his tip pressed hard against her cervix, deep inside. She was two inches too shallow for him to get everything he wanted, he noted, moving his lips and teeth back to her neck. Once again he began sucking and nipping there, and this time she returned the favor as they slowly moved their lower halves against one another, pushing a little harder, a little quicker each time. He wanted to have her all the way around him, to feel his balls slap against her hard, round ass with each thrust. He nipped a little harder, squeezed a breast roughly, with each deepening, stretching thrust in order to overload her senses. The tactic worked, and he knew because she did nothing but hold on tighter, arch her back up with every push, and her channel got slicker.

His balls were tightening up on him. There was absolutely no escaping it now, he was going to climax very soon, and it sounded like she wasn't far off, either. She moaned and gasped along with him with each movement, inner walls tightening hard around his pulsing length. As they both got a little louder, he decided to kiss her again, swallowing any sounds that might escape the bowl shaped valley they were in and make it back to the camp. He didn't anticipate the kiss being the thing that would drive them both over the edge, him only slightly before her. His balls clenched hard, spraying his seed into her deepest recesses, triggering her to clamp down harder than ever, flooding his thighs with her climax.

He laid down, head in the crook of her neck as his member slowly returned to normal size, breathing hard and unable to hear anything other than both their heartbeats. The scent of pine, her musky perfume, and sex hung in the still, warm night air around them like a blanket as they regained their strength. As the fog of lust started to clear from his head, he felt the most peculiar thing. She was kissing his cheek, forehead, shoulder, anything she could get her lips to that weren't his hair and didn't require movement of their lower halves. Her right fingers trailed a line along his shoulder and down his side to his hip and back up again.

"Hi," he smiled up at her. "You good?"

She smiled at him warmly, "I'd be better if I weren't so tired from earlier."

"Why?" he asked, not understanding.

"Because I want more of you like that," she purred.

His chest swelled with happiness, "We should get our clothes back on and get back to camp before they notice we're missing. There'll be time for more of this when we both have the energy."

"You promise?"

"Promise," he whispered against her neck kissing her just below her ear. "Let's go.