Hello everyone~ This is an AU EridanxFeferi and GamzeexNepeta roleplay-turned-to-Fanfiction!

I'm not very good at introductions, so let's move on to the pre-plot~

(Homestuck and all it's characters belong to the wonderful Andrew Hussie. My partner and I own nothing more that the plots held in this roleplay)

Two kingdoms, one ruled by king DuelScar, the other by queen Condesce, began to form as one as the king fell for the highest blooded queen. The queen's advisor, The Delorosa, warned her about how easily the king could be swayed, though she paid no mind. Days before they were to be married, queen Cendesce caught king DuelScar with his own advisor, MindFang.

However, during the trial, MindFang used her powers of manipulation on judge RedGlare, convincing her that it was the Delorosa who had been caught with the king, thus sentencing her to death.

Seeking revenge for being betrayed by the man she loved, Condesce declared a war on the kingdom. 8 sweeps later, she admitted defeat, and agreed to DuelScar's request. He would spare her kingdom if she gave up one of her daughters to his kingdom. She agreed without hesitation.

Just a short summary of the beginning plot~ Now the story can truly begin!