I was tempted to write this What if story after I have seen Spooks series nine. Never before I have written a short story, so this is my first try.

Special thanks goes to my betareader, for her help, support and spending her time.

Title: Clean up
Fandom: Spooks/MI-5 TV serie
I do not own the character of this story. They all belong to Kudos/BBC.


Three days ago his recreated life as Lucas North seemed to collapse like a house of cards. John Bateman was back in the form of a long forgotten face from his past, Vaughn, and a suitcase full of stuff from his former life as John.

Vaughn had been his mate in Dakar, fifteen years ago. In Dakar he had jeopardized his life as John Bateman when he had made the biggest mistake of his life. Afterwards everything had changed. And now all his painful fears and suppressed memories were back. Vaughn knew the whole truth and had tried to blackmail him.

For three days he had lived in a trance, but now enough was enough. He had to make a decision. What should he do? The question was: who I am? Am I John Bateman, or am I Lucas North? Suddenly it was clear what he had to do. There was somebody who could make the decision for him: Harry! He had to talk to Harry.