Notes: Finally! And it only took almost a month /shot

Anyways, another chapter of this riveting tale. This chapter is probably better than the last one, but I still think it's pretty lame.

And we are FINALLY entering the true NSFW realm of this fic. It only took 14 chapter and seven months /dies

You guys have the patient of saints, I swear. Also, these chapters will tend to get more and more Dave-centric, but there's a good reason for that, trust me.

Chapter 14: An Intricate Game of Uninvited Thoughts

Two weeks passed after that fateful e-mail exchange between Dave and Mike, which seemed to have clicked something inside the younger Strider's mind, even if he kept trying to deny it to himself. Although, by the end of those two weeks, he couldn't really disguise the fact he was, without a doubt, being dragged into whatever kind of "game" Mike was pulling him into, and his chances of ignoring the man were becoming slimmer ad slimmer.

Mike had become progressively more straight forward in his advances, and in turn Dave felt the need to try and one-up him at any chance he got, using search engines as a tool to guide his messages a level above those of Mike's. He was surprised by how incredibly easy one could have access to literature and stories of the adult kind, without even needing to prove his age.

He could only imagine how surprised Mike was on the other side of the computer, certainly not expecting this thirteen year-old to be able to keep up with him.

Dave was almost proud of himself, if a part of him wasn't extremely confused by why he felt the need to be on a par with his admirer. He supposed that since he always felt compelled to compete with his older brother on everything, he should try and do the same with this other random adult. If he could strife one on one with his brother, he could very well keep up with a few perverted messages. It was no big deal.

It wasn't like his mind wasn't already partially tainted by being in contact with those dumb smuppets almost ever since he was born. And now by being neck deep in his brother's schemes, not to mention those random messages from the site directed at him, he was far from being "innocent".

The messages exchanged between them followed a logical progression, from mindless flirting – most of them coming from Mike – to kisses and caresses, hands always descending lower, staying put for longer, words slowly changing from sweet to vulgar.

And there were those dreams too. More and more present with each passing night, always getting longer and more vivid.

It certainly didn't help that, for whatever reason, Mike seemed to be able to tap into kinks and desires Dave didn't even know he had in the first place. He was being far too good when it came to pushing Dave's buttons and getting into his brain, and that was what bothered the younger Strider the most. Sometimes that made it quite hard for him to rationalize about what to say next, or how to react in a way which would not make him seem hopelessly disoriented.

Naturally, none of it was shared with anyone. Not even…

TT: How is everything with your admirer? You haven't spoken about him for a while. Did you break up?
TG: we had to be in a relationship in the first place to break up
TG: which is obviously not the case
TG: things are just uneventful
TT: That's quite disappointing.
TT: I was expecting an exhilarating tale of forbidden love from you two.
TG: sorry to disappoint you
TG: but the truth is that dude isnt even being creepy anymore
TG: hes just being his constant nice self
TT: Well, at least you seem to have gotten a manner of "friend" out of this whole experience, right?
TG: i suppose you could call him that yes
TT: You sound a bit disappointed about that.
TT: Were you expecting more out of this?
TG: i dunno
TG: maybe
TG: considering how interested the guy seemed on me i expected him to be willing to get in my pants at the first opportunity
TT: Maybe in the end his fascination for you was only on an aesthetic level, and not a sexual one.
TG: you are probably right

Dave hated lying straight to Rose's face like that, but he couldn't take chances. God only knows what could happen if he began spreading the word about the true nature of his relationship with Mike. Not to mention he also feared losing Rose's friendship because of that.

Still, as "perverted" as Mike's messages could get, straight out sex was never a subject. The make outs were heavy, and the vocabulary heavier, but the real deal was never mentioned.

Until one momentous Saturday night.

The night before, Dave had received a sole message from Mike, which read only the following:

Dave, I want you to watch the video I'm sending you.

If you grow to enjoy it, then I can be more… bold in my advances towards you.

Of you don't, it's a not a problem. You have been exceptionally alluring so far.

Then, there was a link which lead to a downloadable video. The file name didn't give out many clues as to what it was, but Dave had an idea of just what were the contents of said video. It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

When Saturday night rolled in, Dave watched his Bro get ready to go out. He had some dj-ing job in a club downtown, and as the young boy expected, he wouldn't be back 'till way past midnight.

"You don't go spending the whole night up, right?" Bro said as he fixed his hair while looking at the bathroom mirror, with Dave standing in the doorway and rolling his eyes.

"Bro, every time you go out at night we have this exact same conversation, I know all your instructions by heart already. Don't go sleep too late, don't stuff my face on ice cream, don't answer the door to strangers… I know all of this, and I'm not a baby anymore." Dave let out a huff of air as he finished speaking, and in response to that he got a smirk from his brother.

"You forgot not to rummage through my stuff." He could hear Dave let out a 'ugh' in clear frustration.

"You should stop leaving your shit all over the apartment then. Yesterday I found one of your gross underwear hanging on the edge of the kitchen s-" Before Dave could finish his sentence, Bro put a finger to his lip.

"The kitchen is part of my room too, deal with it." The older Strider stepped out of the bathroom, as his younger brother glared at him from the back.

Dave waked after his brother to the front him, watching pick up the keys to their truck and walking to the door. Before he left though, he turned to his younger brother and stood there for a while, with Dave tilting his head to the side, waiting for whatever his brother had to say.

"So, are you really going to let me leave without a hug or a 'bye' or something?" Bro said, the fakest tone of sadness to his voice.

"You should be the one to hug and say bye, you are the one leaving!" Dave walked to his brother, a bit against his will, but hugged him either way.

"Bye you little shit." Bro said mockingly, patting Dave on the head. "And really, don't stay up."

The younger Strider's answer to that was a punch right under his older brother's rib. He watched Bro laugh out loud while opening the door to leave, and closing it behind him. Dave still could hear Bro's mocking laughter as he walked down the corridor, and he couldn't help but chuckle a little at that.

His brother was such an enormous asshole, but Dave knew all he did was in the interest of keeping him safe, and for him to grow up proper. Even if his methods were… very unusual.

Locking the door, Dave looked around the empty apartment and didn't really know what to do. Here was still half an hour to go 'till 11PM, and if he went bed any time before 1AM he should be on the clear with his brother. He considered wasting time away with the XBox, while munching on some microwaved pizza, but then his mind went to the message Mike sent him the night before.

Suddenly his interest on that video grew, and considering he was home alone, he could watch whatever it was without the fear of his brother suddenly popping up behind his back. He had a nasty habit of doing that at the most inappropriate moments.

He sat at his computer and left the video to download. It would take a while for it to finish though, so he thought he should actually go for that pizza. He was kind of hungry. He also thought maybe he could catch a bit of some dumb movie while he ate.

It was already midnight when Dave finally realized he had been sitting on the couch with an empty plate on his lap as he watched some random Charles Bronson movie. Something about him being hunt down by some evil organization which wanted to drive off a family from their house to dig around where they lived. To be perfectly honest Dave was barely paying attention to the plot. He was too busy thinking about all the jokes him and his brother could do about plotholes and shitty twists.

Turning of the TV, Dave left the plate in the sink and went back to his room, sitting back on his chair and checking to see if the download came through alright. It did, and for a moment he was reluctant about opening it. Did he really want to be exposed to whatever was there? He concluded the nature of the video, but he had no idea what it had, specifically.

If anything, he could always close the video, delete it and never speak of it again.

Taking a deep breath, he double clicked the file, and watched as his video player opened. The first few seconds of the video were the logo of some company, certainly the ones behind what he was about to watch. At least that eliminated the possibility of him watching some weird homemade movie.

The whole thing was pretty direct. It didn't even have a dumb porn plot or anything. It was just making out and sex, plain and simple. Some blond boy who resembled him a little, only a lot older - he was clearly legal – was sharing a fluffy and comfy bed with a dark haired man, whom was clearly a lot older. Both of them were still fully dressed, except for shoes, but they were already kissing when the scene faded in, the man's hands firmly grasping at the youngster's waist, their legs interlaced and their bodies pressed together as closely as humanly possible.

Dave watched as they made out for a while, the brunette pulling up the blonde's shirt at one point to remove it, before unbuttoning his own shirt, lips on the young man's neck, causing him to groan.

He kept watching as the older one kissed down the blonde's body, stopping in the way to bite and suck at his nipples.

Clenching his fists on his lap, Dave kept his eyes on the video, the expectation of what would happen next getting a hold of him, and before he knew it, when the older man was finally unzipping the youngster's jeans, he was almost involuntarily biting his lips.

The brunette's pants were discarded shortly thereafter, and both men were finally down to their underwear only. The blonde laid down on top of the other man, and the make outs only got heavier, with the older man's fingers digging on the soft flesh of the younger man's ass and thighs, their hips pressed and rubbing against each other.

With a shift motion, the older man changed sides with the younger one, with him now on top, his lips hungrily sucking and biting on the blonde's neck. Dave heard him murmur some random swear word as his fingers dug on the sheets under him.

The younger Strider barely registered the space between the make outs and the moment where the older man had his underwear off, his half-hard cock just a mere inch away from the youngster's mouth.

And then he watched the blonde take that dick in his mouth as it was nothing, as if he had done that a thousand times before. He probably had. And in the back of his mind he knew he shouldn't be getting hot and bothered by that scene, but he was. Worse than that, he couldn't help but put himself in the place of the younger man, and he cursed himself for following such a thought, because he knew Mike picked that one video with this exact outcome in mind. The sly fucker…

With his fingers gripping his jeans a little, Dave watched the sucking with his eyes almost too wide, leaning forward a bit to get a closer view. The younger man was ridiculously eager about it, sucking and lapping at the cock in front of his face as if his life depended on it. Although, apparently that wasn't enough, as the older man soon put a hand behind his head and grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulling his head closer until his entire erection was gone inside the blonde's mouth, the youngster's nose almost touching his stomach.

The older man kept guiding the depth and pace of the sucking, with no protests whatsoever from the younger one.

"You like that?" The brunette said, almost in a whisper, pushing the blonde's head back, a little bit away from him. The younger man hummed and nodded, lips bright red and parted slightly, his cheeks tinted pink.

Dave watched the older mean lean forward to kiss the other man in the lips. It was a pretty long and rather intense kiss, one of his hands running down the youngster's body to pull down his underwear and expose his erection. And almost in a flash, they were sucking each other, and the Strider's eyes were like saucers, his fingers rubbing the inner side of his thigh.

Don't get hard, I swear to fucking God that if you do… He thought to himself, ears being filled by muffled groans as he felt a feeling of warmth build up at the bottom of his stomach.

The more he watched though, the toughest it was to not feel aroused. His eyes couldn't decide if he should focus on the older man's hips thrusting at the youngster's mouth, or at how softly he teased the blonde's cock with those long licks.

When that was over, Dave was relieved, but that feeling was short lived, because soon enough, the blonde was sitting on top of the brunette's hips, moving back and forth and causing their erections to rub against each other. And with each moan from the younger man, Dave could feel his own cock twitching inside his pants in response.

After almost a full minute of staring, Dave finally acknowledged the bulge in his pants, and both angrily and reluctantly placed a hand on top of it, the palm of his hands rubbing softly against it, almost on the same pace as the blonde's hips moved.

Then, there was the peak of the video.

The younger man lifted his body a little, getting a hold of the older man's hard rock dick and guiding the tip to his ass.

Shit, they are really going to do it… Dave watched intently as the blonde eased himself on top of the brunette's cock, as it slowly disappeared inside him.

When the younger man began moving up and down, Dave licked his lips, his hand pressed firmly against his bulge as he got harder with every move and every sound.

It didn't take long for the older man to apparently grow impatient and begin thrusting up into the younger man's ass, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the loud moaning from the blonde being enough to send the younger Strider even more and more over the edge. His hand began to work faster, fingers gripping onto his bulge as he heard the younger man moan louder and watched the older man's hips work faster and deeper.

Even before any of the men on screen could come, Dave came inside his underwear, his free hand holding on the edge of his desk as he felt hot spurts being shot inside his underwear.

Panting a bit and paying little to no attention to the video still running on the computer screen, Dave felt a mixture of arousal, frustration and anger inside his head as he leaned back on his chair, shifting in place. He was frustrated at himself for actually giving in and being aroused by that video, and angry because the only reason why he had that thing in the first place was because he indulged Mike far too much.

He tried to pay no mind to his aroused side, which was urging him to send Mike a message and ask what he had in store for him.

Stopping the video, because he had seen enough, Dave got up from his chair decided to take a shower and go straight to bed, trying not to think too much about whatever he just did. He was genuinely lost. That wasn't a matter of one-uping a stranger anymore. He had just sloppily jerked off to two guys doing it and even heavily considered being in the place of one of them, and it was just plain unnatural.

Entering the bathroom, he took off his clothes and entered the shower with his underwear still on. He was going to wash that himself, because he wasn't feeling like explaining Bro why his underwear had suspicious stains on it. And he was pretty sure his brother wouldn't let him live down such a thing without mocking him for all eternity.

Dave's shower was brief and his briefs were stain free in no time. He dried himself up and stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. He hung his underwear somewhere inside his closet to dry, and put on clean one, before slipping on his pajamas.

Eyeing his computer, he shook his head to dismiss the thoughts that dared come back to it. He left his wet towel on his chair and turned off his computer, proceeding to turn off the light of his room and lying in bed.

He stared at his phone lying next to his pillow, that nagging voice inside of his head telling him non-stop to send Mike a message. Dave shifted in bed for almost ten minutes, eyes shifting from the ceiling to his computer and his phone, until he angrily picked up the small gadget and opened up his inbox, answering to Mike's last message.

i watched the video
whats the catch now
is that what you want to do to me

There. He thought angrily, throwing the phone near his feet, and putting his pillow over his head. He honestly didn't know himself anymore.