Disclaimer: really?! Okay I don't own anything. Sadly.

As John yelled to run, the workers inside the lab scattered. Isabelle ran out the door.

'Yassen follow the damn girl! We need her to tell us what the vials are!'

Yassen holstered his gun and started to sprint after Isabelle.

'Isabelle, wait!' he yelled 'дерьмо (shit)!'

Yassen paused for a minute trying to figure out where the heck the girl went. Something slammed into his side and he let out a cry. Yassen struggled to lift his head and watch as a man approached him.

'Ah the famous Yassen Gregorovich' the man purred.

'You'll be a wonderful addition to my-' someone tackling him cut him off. Isabelle had come from a side hallway and tackled him.

'What the hell is going on Mr. Lightwood?' she snapped. Yassen stared at her almost uncomprehendingly.

Just then John's voice crackled over his earpiece.

'Where are you?'

'Got a little bit of a, uh, situation' Yassen replied shakily still watching Isabelle.

'Hold tight. I'll be there in a minute.'

Yassen sighed and slid down the wall to sit down. Isabelle was still yelling at Lightwood.

'These are biochemical guns! What the…?! You loaded them with viral darts!'

With a grunt and a quick motion the man finally pushed Isabelle off of him and threw her against the wall. She let out a pained cry as her head thudded dully against the wall. Yassen struggled to stand up, but relaxed as John ran in with his gun drawn.

Lightwood was standing over Isabelle a gun drawn and pointed at her head. Yassen struggled to stand up and draw his own gun but collapsed against the wall. Lightwood smiled and closed his finger around the trigger just as John fired.

Isabelle screamed and threw herself out of the way as Lightwood crumpled. John ran over and checked that Lightwood was dead, then went to Yassen.

'What did he shoot you with?' asked John worriedly.

'A biochemical gun loaded with a viral dart' Isabelle stood up, slightly shakily and walked towards them 'he-he was developing them here and I-I thought they weren't ready yet, but I-I-I guess they were…'

Yassen winced as a sharp pain shot through his side where Lightwood had shot him. Isabelle's expression instantly shifted to one of concern.

'Here let me see that' she said gently pulling up Yassen's shirt slightly.

'Do you have the antiviral with you?' she asked.

'Yeah, it's in my bag' Yassen replied.

John interrupted the two of them 'we need to get going. The place is crawling with guards. Yassen can you walk?'

Yassen nodded, 'what about her?'

'We need her to administer the antiviral. She'll come with us.'

Sorry for this chapter being so short! Please don't forget to review! Thanks!