Welcome back to readers to people who have read my other story and hello to all my new readers. I was at home and had a burning urge to write a PruCan story. What can I say; they are so just cute together.

Why should I eat a Twix=Thoughts

"Why should I eat a Twix"=Speech

So with no ado, here is the story.


Being mute was horrible. Matthew was not fully mute, he just had selective mutism. When people did hear about his condition they either gave him pity glances or said he was a faker and he liked the attention. But, it did the opposite. The thing that really made it horrible to Matthew was how people did not pay him attention. His brother, Alfred, was the complete opposite of him in the sense that he was loud, talkative, and energetic. Since Matthew didn't talk, people forgot him. He so wished he could talk to people but it was impossible for him.

Unfortunately, his selective mutism happened while he was around people. What people did not understand is that he did not choose not to talk around people, he just couldn't. His vocal cords would not work even if he tried and tried and tried. Eventually Matthew gave up trying to talk to people. He had a withdrawal from the world and became extremely shy and moody. After the withdrawal Matthew started to have sleep problem and had sensitivity to noises and crowds. When Matthew could fall asleep, he dreamed that someone would pay him heed.


That is all I can will write for now. Tomorrow I shall try to post a super duper long chapter and continue for there. Don't worry PruCan fans, Gilbert will meet Matthew next chapter. So as the French say…Adieu