Reviews for An Awesome Silence
KingdomKuroGeass chapter 3 . 8/6/2013
dont worry bout the whole high school thing, i think you are doing amazing! besides, high school is completely different everywhere
for example here in california (i live in a small town) our high school has no marching band(just regular band class), no lockers (except for PE), no second floor and all the buildings are spread out because we have an open campus
but if you drive a bit north to another city they have a huge top of the line rich high school that has more then one floor, lockers, insane marching band and sports programs and they have the money to fund a ton of stuff that we cant where i go.
and all the classes can be different too! i mean my high school only offeres 2 forgein languages where as my cousins high school offers 5, not to mention AP and Honors courses and Shop classes and all that jazz.
anyways my point is, just write how you think is best especially since almost no high school, or school district is the same. I never would have guessed that you weren't in high school yet and i really am enjoying this story :)
larissita chapter 3 . 8/3/2013
This is so cute!
Shiralala chapter 3 . 8/3/2013
Yay! another almost-highschooler!
cool! most of the people I know on here are older than me...
Littlecosma001 chapter 2 . 2/19/2013
This is amazing! Will there be more?
Aquailita chapter 2 . 1/31/2013
lol thanks! (cuz im staying with a relative while my house is being repaired cuz of biatch sandy.) snf i LOVE peanut butter (not nuttella but next best thing, right?)
anyway glad that u updated anf good luck on the next chapter!
good luck with ur flute and grades too.
tbh i had forgotten about this but now you're back so here i am too!
and the wait i didn't mind. im patient.
Warrior of Aces chapter 2 . 12/13/2012
Good chapter! Awesome that you play the flute, I do too!
xXIceXxShatteredXx chapter 2 . 12/5/2012
Can't wait to
cannoWrite chapter 2 . 11/2/2012
this is good. please update again soon :)
MagicTactician chapter 2 . 10/31/2012
Wonderful so far! Please update soon!
KingdomKuroGeass chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
:D :D :D :D :D I love me some PruCan :D :D :D Poor little Mattie... He needs his Gil to save the day! :P I can not wait for the next chapter :D!
Aquailita chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
aw his life is so sad!
this sounds cheesy (mmmmm... cheeessseee...) but does he ever try writing things to people
ive never heard of selective muteness, but there's selective hearing and selective memory so whatever
canada is cute!
and prussia is awesoem
I DEMAND BY THE POWER OF MY FANNESS THAT YOU CHANGE THE TITLE TO "A Cute and Awesome Silence"! lol just just me being fan-girly. you don't have to.