Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight – they belong to J. K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer, respectively.
Author's note: Another chapter! And while I am really excited by this story and the response it's gotten, I have to say that I have been neglecting 'Advent' as a result… But, I can tell you (to those reading that fic as well and anyone who'd like to), I am working on the final chapter – it's just much more difficult than I thought it would be.
Anyhow, as always, thank you guys so much for the reviews/faves/alerts! They have been awesome and I cannot thank you enough for the readership. You guys rock!
Enjoy :)
Welcome to the Real World
Summary: Edward discovers he has a soul – in the most astonishing way… E/H slash.
Chapter Three: A Surprise Visit
"…I've missed you so much, Edward – I don't know what to do without you. I need you! If this is about me, Edward, then I can change – I swear to you, I can! Just give me the chance and I'll be absolutely anything you need, Edward! Please, jus-"
The recorded message cut off abruptly then. Edward blew out a gust of air – partly in sadness, partly in frustration. Bella had now taken to calling both the house phone and his cell, which he never answered when he knew it was her.
It did hurt him, though, feeling so useless. He had never wished to cause Bella any pain, and he longed to eradicate her hurt now. He knew that he could not, however. This was something that Bella would have to get over on her own. However, judging by this, and every, message he had received from her, his ex-girlfriend had apparently lost the knowledge, let alone the will, to stand on her own two feet. It seemed that she honestly believed she needed Edward constantly in order to get on with anything – and even then, it would be Edward doing the living for her. She was no longer an individual and it killed Edward to realize that this was, in part, his fault.
What had he done to the interesting, independent girl he had first met? Was there no trace of her left at all within the Bella that existed now?
Edward shook his head firmly. He did not have the answers to those questions, but he did know (no matter how much it pained him) he could not go back, would not go back.
He deleted the message.
Making his way downstairs from his room on the third floor of the house, he lost himself in his thoughts once again. So many changes were being made, with him and around him, and his mind felt more strained than ever thinking on it all. He did not regret his decision to be introduced to the Vampire Court, not at all. In fact, he felt lighter having made that choice. However, the reactions of his family (aside from Carlisle, who was elated to have the opportunity to finally and officially present his Heir) were tiresome. Esme, his ever-loving mother-figure, was torn between happiness (in part because her husband and mate was so overjoyed, in part because her first 'son' was progressing so wonderfully as an individual) and anxiety (due to the sheer size of the responsibility that Edward had decided to take on). His siblings' reactions varied, and were not nearly so clear-cut.
Alice, the sibling he felt closest to, had been avoiding him. He knew it was because the emotions she was feeling were contradictory; this was causing a bit a tension within her and towards him. On the one hand, she was happy for him. Happy that he did not seem as lost as before, or so stressed out, and happy that he was doing things that he truly wanted with his life now. On the other hand, though, she was still prickly over the fact that he refused to continue to date Bella (someone she considered to be her best friend and who she still sorely wanted as a sister). She was even more upset that his current contentment was found after he had broken up with the Chief's daughter. She refused to see that his decision did not mean there was anything wrong with Bella, but simply that they were wrong for each other.
Jasper, much like Alice, his wife and mate, had mixed emotions – though his were not quite on such a directly personal, or sentimental, level. He was proud of Edward for deciding to no longer stagnate as he had been. He was also proud of the fact that this decision signaled Edward's acceptance of his being a vampire, as well as his role as Heir to the family. He was happy about his newfound independence. The not-so-positive feelings, however, stemmed from his almost instinctive wariness – for Edward and for the family as a unit. Jasper has always felt this way about any change, though, so it was to be expected.
Rosalie, of all the family, felt the most extremely over Edward's choice. To put it mildly, she was pissed off. Unlike the rest, who have never really been intrigued or even interested, the blond beauty has always been fascinated by the Court. Ever since she had been told about it, she had wanted to be introduced and integrated herself; however, per the Vampire rule, no other Childe of a Sire may be introduced at Court before the Heir of said Sire has been introduced. As Edward had always refused being brought into the Court, Rosalie never got her chance. Truth be told, she has always resented Edward for this (among other things). Until then, though, she had managed to put it aside, as it seemed Edward would never agree. Now that he has, however, he has effectively ensured that she would not immediately receive the acclaim that she wished to gain within the Court.
This was because everyone was always far more interested in the Heir, the one given the high status within the community due to the solid power he or she would lend their coven. Thus, Rosalie would be relegated to the sidelines, depending on how much effort she was willing to put into rising in the ranks. Like all vampires, though, especially those born into luxury as she was (both as a human and as a vampire), Rose was not used to actually working for what she wanted.
Apart from that, she would have to wait a full year before she could be introduced. This would be the year given to Edward to fully and firmly integrate himself within the vampire community, to carve a place, as it were. This was done for the benefit of the Heir (so that he or she may adapt without the added pressures of competing siblings), the Sire (so that he or she may focus solely on his or her Heir without distraction) and the Court (so that they may not deal with the stresses that come with assimilating too many at once). Rosalie, of course, refused to accept any of this and was, essentially, being petty as a result. If vampires could get headaches, the tension with Rose would have brought on a migraine.
Truly the easiest person to be around currently, at least for Edward, was Emmett. The happy-go-lucky attitude that his youngest (albeit largest) brother always exuded was refreshing to the bronze-haired vampire. In all honesty, Edward could admit that he had never appreciated this quality of Emmett as much as he did then. While his brother did not know much about the Court, and wouldn't be able to handle such a stuffy crowd and atmosphere himself, he was simply happy for Edward. He was happy that he was no longer suicidal – when Edward had heard that particular thought, he had felt it like a ten ton force ramming into his chest. What had he very nearly put his family through? The other reason Edward would rather be around Emmett was his stance on his break-up with Bella. He was secretly relieved that Edward was no longer with the girl. While she was interesting (in comparison to the sheer nothingness that normally happened around his family) he never felt that she and Edward made much of a match. He also, to a lesser degree, felt that the relationship was far more trouble than it was worth.
And, callous though it may sound, Edward was beginning to agree. Not because he felt any animosity towards Bella, or even the situations they have been in, but because he had now had ample time to think things through. So much unnecessary pain and conflict could have been avoided if only he and Bella had truly considered everything, if they had reacted more coolly and maturely. Even if they had not, though, the hurt could still have been dealt with better if they had only taken responsibility for all they had caused. But they had not done so, and thus they had never learned from their mistakes; they had not become any better – both as individuals and as a couple.
As they say: vision in hindsight is 20/20.
Entering the living room, Edward looked up and froze. Peripherally, he took note of Emmett sitting on one of the couches watching television. This is not what grabbed and held his attention, though.
Through the glass wall facing the back of the house, not far from the door and leaning against a tree as though without a care, Edward could see the very casual figure of Harry.
"What are you doing here?" was the first thing out of the vampire's mouth, and once again sounding much more inhospitable than intended.
What was it about this being that set him on edge so much?
Emmett, having turned to him as he spoke, now looked around himself, bewildered, before turning back to face him.
"Dude," he said slowly, confusion still in his eyes, "I live here…"
"Not you," said Edward, shaking his head and walking out before his brother could respond.
"Hey, Ed," Harry greeted when he had reached him, smirk firmly in place. "Nice house."
"It's Edward," stressed the undead being – he absolutely loathed his name being butchered.
"Right… still so stiff then?" teased Harry and, for some odd reason, the familiarity he used both warmed and vexed Edward greatly. "What? Not happy to see me?"
"Why are you here?" asked the vampire again.
Before he could receive a response, however, his eyes widened in horror as he remembered exactly what Harry was – a reaper. Death's Soldier.
"Oh, God, no," he gasped out. "Not here… It's not – not my fam-"
"Whoa, whoa – calm yourself, Edward," Harry placated before he became the first vampire ever to have a heart attack. "I'm not on the job right now."
The relief Edward felt hearing that was palpable, even though his breathing was still quite harsh.
"Then what… why come here?" he bit out, still reeling from the intense fear he had just felt.
"Oh, I was in the neighborhood," said Harry nonchalantly. "Thought I'd drop in, say 'Hi'."
For a beat, Edward could only stare incredulously. And then he broke.
"Urgh!" he growled menacingly (though one would not be able to tell based on Harry's laughing face). "You are so infuriating! Do you ever give a straight answer to anything?"
"Not if I can help it," was Harry's candid response, once his chuckles had subsided and he had pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.
"As it happens," he continued, more subdued now, "I am here on business."
"But you just said-"
"I know what I said, Edward," Harry interrupted, lest the vampire work himself up again, "and it still holds true. But I really am here to work; I'm just not working right now."
"Right," said Edward, taking yet another unneeded breath. "Right. So… can you talk about… your work?"
"Not really," replied Harry, smirking at the vampire's obvious discomfort with what he was. "But I can tell you I passed through Seattle before coming here."
He looked at Edward expectantly then, as though he should know something about that.
"Seattle?" Edward prompted, wondering exactly what he was supposed to understand by the location alone. "How would I know… what's…?"
It hit him. The multiple killings that had been occurring in that city; the deaths so frequent, they had become a norm to hear about in the news. The killings that he knew were not the work of any humans – killings that were clearly (at least to those of his kind) a vampire's doing.
"Oh," was his succinct response.
"Indeed," Harry returned.
"But what does that have to do with me? Or my family?" asked the vampire, nervous, though he didn't know why.
Harry cocked an eyebrow. "I was hoping you would tell me."
"I – we have nothing to do with that," Edward said indignantly, highly offended by the accusation.
Harry was unfazed. "Not directly, no."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Do you perhaps know any redhead vamps, Edward?" Harry asked by way of a response.
"What does that have…?" Edward started, but trailed off with a sigh. This habit of catching up a second too late was really starting to annoy him. Worse still, it only seemed to happen around Harry. "A redhead vampire?"
He asked this for confirmation, not really wanting or needing an answer; he already had a chilling suspicion where this was going.
"One does come to mind," he said finally.
"And her name wouldn't happen to be Victoria, by any chance?" prompted Harry.
Edward blew out a frustrated breath. "I thought we were rid of them! I should not have been so naïve."
"Hmmm," was the response received.
Clearly, Harry was not someone who believed in coddling people by denying the truth. Edward both welcomed and rejected this – he had always, even as a human, been someone who was comforted and placated whether he was in the wrong or not. For want of a better word, and though he would be hard-pressed to admit it out loud, he was quite spoilt.
This was not a nice realization to make about one's self.
"I'd like for you to explain, Edward," Harry said, all business now (and the vampire already missed his blithe nature).
The Cullen Heir knew this was a command, not a request, and, while it did irk him, he found he could do nothing but do as told.
"Last year we had a… situation with three nomadic vampires. I had taken my… my ex-girlfriend-"
"Isabella Swan," Harry input when Edward faltered for a moment "A human."
"Yes," said the vampire, still unnerved at just how much information Harry was privy to, and also uncertain as to why he felt so awkward speaking of Bella with him. He continued nonetheless. "Anyway, I had taken her to spend the day with my family and I – we were playing baseball. During the game, these vampires showed up and it was too late to try and get Bella away from them. We all surrounded her, trying to mask her scent, but one of them – James, the tracker of the group – caught it regardless."
Edward paused. He still did not like thinking of that time, and how foolish he had been.
"Some of us managed to distract James for a time, while Esme watched over Charlie, Bella's father, and Alice and Jasper took Bella to Arizona to get her away. James caught on, though, and managed to trick Bella and get her alone. We managed to get to her in time to save her and we destroyed James. Victoria had run off by then and Laurent – the last member of the trio – said he wanted nothing to do with James and ran off as well. Like I said before, I thought that was the end of it. But now, it seems, she is out for revenge."
"It does fit," Harry said after a while, his gaze far off as though weighing Edward's version of events with other information that he had. "The black intent surrounding Victoria is usually associated with hatred and vengeance. James must have been Victoria's mate."
"He was going to kill Bella!" Edward defended angrily, stung by Harry's statement far more than was warranted. "And for sport!"
"Relax," said Harry with a roll of his eyes, clearly regaining some of his laidback nature. "I'm not judging your actions, Edward. I am merely putting the puzzle pieces together."
Edward calmed down instantly, but looked away, embarrassed by his outburst.
"And thank you," he added, his tone far softer than Edward had heard it before. "Your information was helpful, at the very least in allowing a greater understanding of Victoria. I am grateful you agreed to share it with me."
For a moment Edward could not find the words to say, but eventually managed to find his voice.
"You're welcome. I'm… I'm happy I could help."
Harry's lips quirked and he began to turn away. "Well, until next time, Edward."
"Wait, you're leaving?" Edward exclaimed sharply, his eyes widening due to both his outburst and the ever-surprising want to not be out of Harry's company. "I, uh, I mean already?"
"Aw," cooed Harry teasingly, his eyes glittering with amusement and something gentler, yet unnamable. "You really were happy to see me!" He touched his heart for effect.
Edward rolled his eyes and decided to divert attention. "You know Victoria is our responsibility, right? We are not going to stay out of it if she's coming for us."
Harry appraised him seriously, noting the sincerity of his words, the determination. "I wouldn't expect you to," he said finally. He winked, effectively ending the solemn moment. "See you around."
"Where…" Edward said, interrupting his departure yet again. "Where are you staying? You know, while you are… working?"
"Careful, Edward," was his playful response. "Your family already thinks you're crazy – don't push it."
"What?" asked the vampire, not understanding the seemingly random statement. "My family does not think I am crazy."
The Soldier winced, a look of mock-sympathy on his face. "They do now."
Edward frowned before looking back towards glass wall of his house. There, just inside, he saw his entire family watching him strangely, as though he'd lost his mind… Realization dawned on him quickly, along with an icy feeling of dread.
"They can see you, too," he said hesitantly, "can't they?"
Harry smirked. "Like I told you before, Edward: for some reason, you are special."
"But, but… can you, I don't know … make yourself visible to them?"
"I could…" Harry said slowly, a mischievous and quite foreboding grin forming, "but where would be the fun in that?" He then faded, as he did before, into black smoke before disappearing entirely.
"Harry?" Edward called out anyway, not yet willing to believe that he would do this to him. "Harry! Urgh!"
He punched a hole into the tree, frustration overcoming him momentarily. Eventually, he could stall no longer and slowly turned to make his way back to the house, attempting to prepare himself for the reactions he would receive.
Unsurprisingly, Emmett was the first to speak when he walked into the living room.
"So… you named the tree Harry?"
It was maybe an hour before sunset by the time Harry got back to Seattle. He landed neatly on the rooftop from which he could view the warehouse – the very same one Victoria was using to keep her newborn army. She was quite clever in this regard, making use of existing myths about vampires in order to keep her creations in check – like bursting into flame and turning to ash in the sunlight.
"What have we got?" he asked the woman already situated on the rooftop, kneeling beside her.
"Twenty-five newborns, one vamp about a year old, no Victoria," was the prompt response. "I'd estimate around ten not making it through the night, just based on their temperament, but we can't see a damn thing for certain regarding any of their souls!"
Su Li never did have a problem making her frustrations known – at least, this is what Harry had come to realize once he'd gotten to know her. Sadly, this was only after he'd taken on the role of one of Death's Soldiers – Su already being one by that time.
He had known the Japanese girl only by name when attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (she'd been a Ravenclaw, if he remembered correctly). What he, and too many other people, hadn't known, though, was that Su was one of the brave fighters – and one of the casualties – of the intense wizarding war at the time. Just for that, Harry would always regret not knowing her in that life. Having since gotten to know her, however, he now also regretted it due to what a wonderful person she was.
With her petite frame and all the right curves, she was a stunning sight to behold. When coupled with her pale skin, rosy lips, beautiful honey eyes and ice white hair, though, she could never be ignored. Harry certainly couldn't, the first time he'd met her. And now she was one of the raven's closest and most trusted Majors amongst Death's Soldiers.
"You know," she continued, breaking Harry from his musings, "it almost makes me wish one of the ten to be killed is this mystery vampire that's blinding us."
"Almost," Harry replied grudgingly, "but not quite."
She gave him an amused look at that. "For one of Death's Soldiers, darling – his bloody General, for Merlin's sake – you sure do get unsettled when it comes to taking lives."
Harry returned her gaze with one of his own, filled with exasperation. "When it is unnecessary, then yes, I do. Death is not a game. It – he – should be taken seriously."
"And I understand that, I really do. But when it comes to this particular vamp – we're never going to be able to tell whether his or soul is to be reaped at any time. Ever. Even if it didn't blind us to everyone else, the gift is within it, and it blocks the being entirely."
Harry let out a weary sigh. "I know," he said. "We have no choice but to kill this one being irrespective and ensure his or her soul moves on. I know. I just wish it were different, that there was some loophole we could find instead."
Su didn't reply – there was no need to. A moment of silence passed before she spoke again. "What are we going to do? We're going in blind, here – how do we deal with this?"
"Best we can do is to get each newborn away from the army, away from Victoria," was Harry's reply; clearly he'd spent time thinking on this problem. "We then break the link between them. If we're still blind around the newborn, we'll know."
"And how do we break the link?"
"By giving them another option," said Harry, as if this were a simple endeavor. "If their souls aren't meant to be reaped yet, I think we should send them to Haven."
"Haven doesn't have the manpower do deal with this many newborns," Su pointed out practically – and annoyingly.
"Then we'll recruit," the green-eyed being said, more curtly than intended (he really didn't like the idea of failing anyone, not even newborns with no connection to him). He took a breath to calm himself. "Listen, Su, we can't just let them loose on the world if their souls still have time on Earth. This," he pointed to the warehouse where the newborns were being held, "this is the only life they know – it would be beyond unfair to expect them to survive well outside of this."
"Not to mention the sheer chaos they could cause in the Natural world," Su said, choosing not to remind Harry that it really wasn't his problem. He was grateful for that.
"Exactly," he said, giving her a small smile. She returned it.
"So, how do we do this?" was her next enquiry, getting back to the matter at hand.
"Slowly," Harry replied bluntly. "We cannot do anything that would influence the world of the living greatly, and we have to be even more cautious with the Natural world – this hampers us, but we can manage it. We absolutely cannot risk Victoria knowing about us, though. Who knows what she'll do if made to panic or is driven to desperation. And I don't even want to think about what would happen if one of us were somehow captured by her."
"Why?" asked Su, genuinely confused. "It's not like we can die."
"True, but we can be held hostage, trapped and made to do her bidding."
Su's eyes widened, both in shock and denial. "That is arcane magic! What are the chances that she would know anything about that?"
Harry shrugged. "She's old, she might or she might not. But I'd rather not risk it regardless."
Su nodded her definite agreement. "So…" she said, still a bit shaken at the thought of being enslaved by a psycho vampire, "one newborn at a time?"
"Yep. And it would be best if Soldiers who used to be magical were tasked with this. That power will be needed to calm the newborns down enough so that they listen to our proposition – should we be giving them one."
"Right," said Su, her anxiety completely gone now – she was quite efficient that way, "so our plan is process of elimination – I like it. And once the blind-spot is dealt with, the situation with Victoria can play out as it was going to."
She gave Harry a sideways look at this point, knowing something was up with him. And he'd thought he'd managed to hide his distraction so well. Damn bronze-haired vampires everywhere!
"Our job will be done here," she continued, studying him closely while awaiting his confirmation.
Harry paused for a beat before responding and, he could tell, that was just long enough for Su to validate her suspicions. She now knew that there was something the raven was not telling her.
He purposefully kept his face blank, though, even as his emotions went haywire while he processed her words.
"Of course," he replied tonelessly, his eyes averted. "It will be over and there'll be no reason for us to remain."
And something inside him froze as he said it.
Author's note: In case you guys were interested, one of the biggest inspirations for this story is the song 'O, Death' – the Jen Titus version (which is the version used in Supernatural when they introduce Death for the first time). This can be found on YouTube. Great scene and great track – however morbid that may sound :P
Regarding Bella – judging by the reviews I've received, it's a mixed bag. So for now and until I know what to do with her, she will remain in the background – I won't just cut her out because, as much as some of us would like, she can't just drop off the planet…
Hope you all liked this chapter. Please leave a review to let me know your thoughts. I do take your suggestions and criticisms into consideration, I promise.
'Til next time….