Writer's Note

This I think will be the last chapter until I get everything settled later in the week. Which is good it gives you guys all time to catch up on your reading? I feel like I'm going too quickly for my readers. Yet, with everything happening in my life lately this story seems to just keep calling to me like a siren. The story is about to take a dark sinister turn. Caution in your readings guys!

Chapter 6

Haunted House

"We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out." Winston Churchill

We walked the late night streets together hand in hand. I knew though our hands were connected our hearts weren't. I peered at the boy he was handsome with his classic bad boy image. I admired his shaggy wavy chestnut hair the way his plump lips curled into a sneaky smirk. I most adored the boy's eyes. He had deep amber eyes with long lashes that curved around the lining of his eyes. He was tall, dark, and handsome. His features reminded me of a Native American prince yet as handsome as he was there was nothing deeper to us then looks. I loved Hector deeply but I knew I wasn't in love with him. It wasn't the Notebook type of romance we shared; it was more like two extravagantly close friends, forcing themselves to stay together, for fear of loosing one another.

We were quit as we followed behind Arnold and Lila. I knew that my jealousy was merely just the sliver that remained of an obsessive nine-year-old girl who hated Miss. Country. It was just childish feelings that I could easily neglect knowing they were superficial. Yet, I knew there was a hint of envy lingering in myself. Both Lila and Arnold laughed and chatted ignoring my boyfriend and I being silent. "Oh Arnold you lived on a farm? I miss the farm life sometimes the country girl in me calls for farmland. I like my city life that I lead now though." Lila placed her hand on Arnold's sculpted arm flirtatiously. I scuffed at her outfit she was cheaper then the 99-cent store!

Arnold came to an abrupt halt tugging Lila's hand to stop her from continuing walking. Lila looked over at us and Hector leaned in to peck my cheek. His lips were always warm almost burningly hot against the skin. I didn't care for the sting of his lips but they were always assuring of sincere company. For a split secant, an expression I couldn't read flashed across Lila's freckled face. "Oh Arnold I'm ever so nervous will you walk me to the door?" Her request spoken sickeningly sweet; then again being as spunky as I was Lila had always been sickeningly sweet to me. "Sure thing Lila," Arnold assured her as she wrapped her arm around his own. Arnold was a gentleman he'd never reject a damsel in distress. Hector and I lingered on the sidewalk as they both crept up the steps to the door.

The house was eerie. It was a decrypt two-story house. The green paint peeling off the rotting wood. I wondered how stable the inside of the house was. The outside had gone to the dogs long forgotten and neglected on the outskirts of the town. I was amazed it still stood. No one had torn down the monumentally crappie building that mocked the concept of being considered a home. "Oh shoot it's locked!" Lila called back to us I was cold so Hector had snuggled up to me warming me right up. "Looks like we'll just have to go home now!" Lila informed us all cheery to escape the creepy house. This would be fun I was going to punk Little Miss. Perfect tragically.

"Oh Lila, don't tell me you're actually afraid?" I lifted my light colored brow, "It's only an abandoned house." I jeered snidely. "No I'm not afraid but it's locked and after almost a hundred years I'm sure there's nothing left to find." Lila extended her arms as if to block the door. "Enough; is enough," I sighed, "Move aside sister," And with that I elbowed her to the side. Lila purposely bumped into Arnold with my shove and they both smiled at each other. I picked up a long forgotten stick off the dead grass that was supposed to be this house's lawn. Arnold jumped slightly as I slammed the stick into the living room window. The glass shattered to a million pieces as I pulled out the remaining pieces. Soon the window had completely disappeared.

"That's my girl!" Hector called out pride fully to me. "Let the games begin," I cackled at Arnold his green eyes wide as orbs from my attack on the window. "After you Helga," He waved his arms to the window. Lila and Hector exchange looks. "It'll be alright Lila, how scary can an empty house really be?" Hector encouraged her. Lila grudgingly followed suit after Hector. "Why don't Lila and I see what we can find down hear and you and Helga take the upstairs." Hector suggested to Arnold. I found the pairing odd but shrugged it off no need to be an overly jealous girlfriend. My jealousy seemed to be at its peek tonight in all directions. "Sure, whatever's clever?" Arnold replied. "Here," Hector handed Arnold a lighter. "In case you find candles or something." with that Arnold tapped my shoulder to follow him up the old rickety steps.

"Why are you always mean to Lila when she's just trying to be nice?" Arnold complained as the stairs creaked with our added weight. "What's it to you Hair Boy," I countered. Yup, the nine year old in me had taken over and was running wild. "Yeah real mature, whatever you say Helga." Arnold retorted. "Are you blind Arnold? Or can you not tell precious Lila isn't so precious and innocent anymore?" I did not like after everything that had happened in the last two months that his first time being combative towards me, was over Lila Sawyer. "What's it to you what I think of Lila? You've only spent the last couple months assuring me you don't care what I have to say." Arnold was angry I could here it in his tone. Though he spoke softly, the resentment seeped from his speech.

We had reached the master bedroom upstairs. The window was shattered. I recalled how the urban legend had claimed the Ghost Bride leapt out of the window after her murders. I shook it off this was just a stupid superstition right? When I got the chance, I would go to my local library and try to research on it. "So that's it? You're just going to hide under your hard ass shell?" My mouth gapped Arnold had never spoken to me like that or anyone else! "I'm sorry; it's just there's something about you that gets deep into my skin." He said softly pacing in the room. I did not know what to say I started peering around the room. There was an old bed home to dust mites now. Beside the bed was a nightstand I opened it and there was a leather bound ancient looking journal.

"Arnold look." I penetrated the hollow silence stunned as I handed him the book. He opened it his green eyes darting from left to right as he began to read whatever the contents of the journal was. I sat on the bed dust rising as the bed miserably creaked.

He was like a phantom angel of beauty as the moonlight engulfed him. His hair shined from the reflecting light of the moon a deep blonde. I pondered what it would be like to sink into his hair like laying in the middle of a golden yellow field of corn. Even now, years later I still remembered his scent it was strong yet reserved. It held a deep musky manly smell yet in that scent lingered a hint of sweetness. What was the sweetness of his smell citrus? His Jade eyes seemed to shimmer with a burning flame of passion. His passion was opposite of mine. Where mine burned wildly with abandon devouring in enthusiasm his was a slow churning flame flickering arithmetically in time; almost as if the pulse of a beating heart. It was truer then true. Always had been Arnold and I were ying and yang; yet at times, though opposites we seemed to pull towards each other beyond our human forces, as if we symbolized gravity and the Earth. Were we just a case of natural magnetism?

His shapely pale pink lips parted revealing a row of teeth similar in shade to the first fall of winter snow. He had a naturally sun kissed color skin. I assumed it was from the years of farming that he had developed the bronze shade. His physicality in body made him seem like a fictional hero. I recalled my favorite childhood Disney movie. He was like a walking, talking, breathing, Hercules right down to the tender heartedness. He seemed almost fictional in the moonlight. I examined him as if he were an artistic masterpiece. I was a wise girl. After suffering through all I had in a life I knew far more then the average teenage girl. Even as a child, I exceeded my years consumed by century old poets and love novels. I had known at nine years old I had found my soul mate. Yet, just as in the play we preformed in so long ago, I knew it was never meant to be. Arnold and I would always be star-crossed lovers. A modern day Romeo and Juliet.

I could deny it until I was blue in the face to Arnold but not myself. I could not let Hector go he was so much to me my closest ally. We both had exceedingly dangerous lives; mine at home his in the streets. We had saved each other's lives before quite literately. Hector was the male version of me. Who would understand yourself better then someone with the same personality? I knew Hector and I couldn't linger on forever. A life without him would be empty; after everything we'd been through could Hector and I be solely friends. If in my heart of hearts, Arnold was my Romeo, did this make Hector Paris? No girl dreamed of her Paris but alas discovering her very own Romeo.

"This is the Ghost Bride's diary Helga the Legend has to be based on truth." He was deep into the journal as if the bride her self was whispering secrets into his ear. "What are you reading about?" I asked him quizzically. He blushed, "I feel like I can relate to her. It's before she got married." He answered spiking up my curiosity. "Read it to me," I suggested to him. His blush deepened. "I won't read her entry, but I'll read a poem." I knew he was reluctant with the entry because that was what he related to. I didn't speak a word watching as he stood by the window. The curtains waved around him from the breeze. Helga said nothing everything seemed to surreal almost non-existent. Her head reeled from all the thoughts tantalizing her brain capacity.

He cleared his throat and began to read:

Lilian by Lord Tennyson

Airy, Fairy Lilian, Flitting, fairy Lilian, When I ask her if she love me, Claps her tiny hands above me, Laughing all she can; She'll not tell me if she love me, Cruel little Lilian. When my passion seeks pleasance in love-sighs, She, looking thro' and thro' meThoroughly to undo me, Smiling, never speaks: So innocent-arch, so cunning-simple, From beneath her gathered wimple. Glancing with black-bearded eyes, Till the lightning laughters dimple. The baby-roses in her cheeks; Then away she flies. Prythee weep, May Lilian! Gaiety without eclipse. Whearieth me, May Lilian; Thro' my every heart it thrillethWhen from crimson-threaded lips. Silver-treble laughter trilleth: Prythee weep, May Lilian!

He finished reading throwing the journal into his blue backpack he'd been carrying tonight. I glared at him not fooled at all. Since elementary school, Arnold and I shared our little tango in life. Both taunting the other with desire back and forth. Both never blatantly announcing our feelings to one another. No, we shared cryptic little notes like this poem. I knew why he had read it. Arnold had never spoken the words he loved me. I knew though that Lilian represented myself and my lack of confession as to how I felt now. In this poem, he'd expressed without uttering the words that he loved me.

"She had terrible taste! Edgar Allen Poe is a much better read." I told Arnold dismissively. I stood up and my head was spinning. I lost balance slightly and Arnold caught me in his arms. "Helga, what do I have to do to show you I'm sorry for leaving?" His eyes captivated me I peered into them lost in a green forest. "Arnold, I told you. What's done is done. Our story seems to be a constant reading of the same chapter repeatedly. A candle light shines bright and beautiful but when you touch it; all it does is burn." My voice was intent with a slight edge of coldness. "Like you said yourself in the hospital all we do is complicate each other." I added. We glared at each other with a ferocity that could only be comparable to a pouncing tiger.

"This is exactly what I mean Helga!" Arnold blurted in aggravation.

"Elaborate then Arnold. You sure are articulate." I replied sarcastically. His hands clasping me closely began to shake slightly and I knew I was hitting a nerve. Since we'd met, I had always had a way of deconstructing and reconstructing Arnold; sometimes even in the same day. "Since P.S.118 Helga I've played your games of hot and cold." He paused and I glared boldly. "I let you fade in and out of yourself there for support when you need it; waiting in the background when otherwise. Even when you are down right apathetic and annoyingly heartless! I stand beside you never calling you on it and accepting that this lame façade you've created just comes with the package." I glared at him fuming at Arnold's words he'd disappeared for years and thought after hanging around for two months I should just let him waltz into my heart again. Yeah right! I thought bitterly. "Game over now though Helga. No more back and forth. It's as easy as yes or no. Helga do you love me or don't you?" He demanded his voice barely an audible hiss but it carried to my ears as if he'd hollered it across a vast plain.

"Arnold. I have let you treat me like a by stander my entire life. I've patiently waited for you to see what you've always had right in front of you. I waited through Ruth and I waited through Lila. I even kept myself open in high school. I left my boyfriends the minute the phone rang and you wanted me. Year after dragging year until at last finally you asked me. I told you that night didn't I. I told you that you couldn't tell a person a wish. Well I was right; wishes are frugal useless. I don't make wishes anymore Arnold. I don't hope for shit. My heart is here today gone tomorrow. I don't care for wishes and fiery tales of romance." I stated simply.

The absolute potent misery with in me soaked drowning suffocating my soul. It was unbearable the intensity between Arnold and I pushed almost nose to nose. Tears glided down my cheeks and I felt unadulterated rage inside. I hated being weak and I especially hated showing my weakened spirits in front of Arnold. Not just Arnold but anyone for that matter I did not show weakness towards. I hated him I knew I hated him. Hate was only a breath away from love.

"Helga that's not what I asked. I asked you do you love me." His eyes pierced into my heart like a jagged blade. He was persistent after fifteen years of patients I had finally worn him thin. "Helga I love you. It may have taken me longer but I think at eleven years old that's a long time to know what you want. I want you but I need to know now. Helga do you; or do you not, love me?" He demanded of me. I glared at him hatefully. Why did he bring out what I worked so hard to bury down. Why did he make me feel? He made me feel because at the end of the day it was beyond our control we are only human.

I didn't get to answer him though. A deafening scream shredded through the air down stairs. My heart spluttered spastically at the sound of the high-pitched scream. It was torturous the sound of murder. Arnold and I abandoned our conversation bolting down the staircase. Lila laid spread out in the kitchen floor. The air was abnormally cold for an August night. Hector Leaned over her picking her frail body up. What would cause her to faint like that? I peered over ahead of her where Hector's eyes glared dumb struck. Arnold gasped in shock. I clasped my hand over my mouth biting into it to silence the screams waiting to erupt from it. There laying feet away was… but no it couldn't be? It was it was a human heart! Arnold torn his heart out tonight, dropping his heartbreak all over the floor around me. Now, someone else had too in a much more sinister way. Things had gone from bad, to worse, and now to horrifically ugly!