AN: Okay guy I am deeply ashamed of the wait I've put you guys through. First of all the day after I posted that note my laptop broke to pieces and I've only recently replaced it and well I didn't feel like writing till today.

AN: Well first off you should know that this story won't be all about the Terrorist organization. Basically it will go to the wayside of Gibbs and Tony developing a relationship and Tony moving on with his life. Its going to be more like a back story okay. As a future warning you should know that this story will have slash and mature content. You may even see kinks that you are not comfortable with. I will make sure to put warnings in every chapter.

"To start off with Agent Dinozzo. What was your opinion of Timothy McGee when he first started?" Anderson asked as he watched the Gibbs squeeze Tony's shoulder.

Tony looked thoughtful as he answered, "I was a little shocked that he was on the team at first. Kate I understood. She had a unique mindset, knew a lot about protection detail, and had a profiler degree. She brought something new to the table. McGee was as green as they come and would have normally started working on cold cases before moving to Gibbs team. Sure he brought something we needed, but there are least three people that applied that I know are just as good if not better than him in that field who also had field experience. What's worse is that he had FLECT training, but he didn't know of a lot of things he should have. Quite frankly the only reason I didn't make a request for him to retake his qualifications is because Gibbs chose him and I trusted Gibbs judgment. After awhile I was glad I didn't, because he was turning out to be pretty decent. While he wasn't an out of the box thinker; he was still pretty capable.-"

"I wish you would have told me your doubts about him. Really I chose him because I had gone through ten experienced agents with his skill sets and I just though I would try training one from the ground up." Gibbs spoke looking at Tony.

Clearing his throat Anderson continued, "Can you tell me when you started having problems with McGee?"

"At first the only problems we had was the chip on his shoulder. He was bullied some as a kid and took the hazing every agent goes through too personally. I mean everyone goes through it and it is considered a test on whether an agent is capable of handling the stress of the job. Hell I've gone through it four times and compared to what everyone else goes through I was downright gentle. The worse I ever did was superglue him to his keyboard after returning his report to him for the third time for not completing it to NCIS standards. Hell you should have seen the hissy fits he threw anytime I ordered him to do the grunge work he was supposed to do as a probie. But other than that he was fine really until Ziva joined the team. Her constant contempt and insubordination seemed to bolster him until I could barely get him to not question every order I gave. That was when I finally gave him his first three reprimands and for awhile he 'grew up' for lack of a better term. Then when I became team lead he started acting like some rebellious teen who didn't like his new teacher. At first he was just a little insolent and then he just got worse." Tony sighed and then winced as it pulled the stitches on his face.

"Give me some bullet points on how he acted," Anderson offered as he put is knuckles under his chin.

Tony started listing with his fingers, "He would question orders or not even do them, he refused to do his paperwork, he barely came to work, and anything he did do was half-assed. And it didn't matter how many reprimands I gave him, because Jenny wouldn't do anything to them and I couldn't give them any type of punishment. Quite frankly I wanted to force him to redo his FLECT training and put him on unpaid suspension, but Jenny said that she wasn't going to divide her MCRT just because of some attitude problems. I finally got it through to her a few days before Gibbs's showed up that I needed a new SFA."

Anderson frowned, "I see, did he discontinue his behavior once Agent Gibbs showed back up?"

"At first he was the same and then he lightened up bit. It didn't stop completely until we went to Somalia."

"I see," Anderson watched silently as Agent Gibbs rested his hand on the back of Dinozzo's neck causing the man to relax from his tense posture. "I believe that is all I need on Ex-agent McGee. Agent Dinozzo what was your thoughts on Miss David joining the team?"

"I was angry. Not only was Director Shepard endangering classified information by allowing a foreign operative on the team she was also endangering any case we did after that ;just so she stick it to Gibbs that she was his boss. I mean do you know how many times I had to keep her from contaminating evidence. Murders almost walked free because Jenny got the bright idea to put someone on the team who didn't have a damn clue about proper procedure and the chain of evidence. Don't even get me started on her precious Mossad. Its like she expected NCIS to alter ourselves into Mossad just because she said so. Hell our first mission we had to go undercover and she nearly busted our cover six times in one meal and then when we had to fake having sex all she could gripe was that in Mossad we wouldn't be faking. No way in hell was I having sex with a woman whose body language practically screamed how she would slit my throat after. I mean just because I flirt with people at times does not mean that I am that des-"

"Okay Agent Dinozzo I believe I've got the point about your reasonable distaste of her initial employment. I do believe though that you need to speak to someone more in depth about this as it is apparent that you have kept this bottled up for way to long," Anderson interrupted slightly amused at the man's outburst. He smiled gently showing no censure as Dinozzo looked down embarrassed and looked at Gibbs slightly. Gibbs face just showed exhaustion as he absently rubbed his thumb up and down along the others neck.

Anderson cleared his throat when the two started staring at each other. While he was happy that the two were connection with each other he had no interest of being a voyeur. "So you were dissatisfied with her lack of standard and needed training and her apparent refusal to adapt to this job. Can you tell me of any specific problems you had with her and when they originated?"

Dinozzo reached up and grasped Gibbs upper arm as if to ground himself before he answered, "She was a bit insubordinate at first but after a while she adapted to my lead and I didn't really have a problem with her except for trying to fill in her gap of knowledge on being an investigator. Her behavior didn't really get bad until I was made lead. She was a bit affronted at first with being under my command at first but after a month or so it was like switched flipped. She went grumpy to furious. She questioned my orders and sometimes ignored them. It steadily got worse until that last month were she seemed to cool down and seemed more interested in getting into my pants then continuing her little revolt against me. When I refused she got even worse if that was possible and then Gibbs came back. She seemed to cool down after that though she still carried on with her snide remarks and smaller attempts at questioning my orders. If anything she seemed more interested in proving that I secretly wanted her and that I must be jealous of anyone she dated."

Tim absently fingered the handcuffs around his wrists as he put his thoughts in order. So first things firsts. Tony ran into the terrorists and because they turned the radio off he didn't hear Tony call for help. He swallowed at that as he felt a it of guilt rise up him. Tony was probably dieing at the hospital all because he wanted to one up the man. Sure Tony disgusted him a little with how a playboy like him could be working at the federal level, but he didn't want the man dead. He just wanted Tony fired so he could get the SFA position that belonged to him. Whats worse was in one fail swoop he had lost any chance at working for the law was gone along with his dreams of being director. Not only that he was going to be charged with life endangerment negligence, premeditation to release confidential information, and illegal hacking. Tim rubbed a fist into one of his eyes as frustrated tears leaked out. Why did this have to happen to him? How could he be so stupid as to turn the fucking radio off? More importantly did he somehow hate Tony more than he realized that he secretly wanted him dead? Crossing his arms on the table he put his head down and tried to think of simpler times when Kate was still alive and all that mattered was getting the bad guy at the end of the day.

Leon smiled as Jackie kissed him as walked in. Watching his children wrestle over the remote he tried not to think of how terrible his day had become. Humming softly he wrapped his arms around her as she chopped peppers. Oh god how he missed the easy days were he could just come in and leave all thoughts about work. He felt regret now for accepting such a position filled with nothing but bureaucratic bullshit and constant pressure of being in charge of so many agents. Where went the days of coming home to play catch with his kids was an everyday thing? He closed his eyes inhaling softly into his wife's hair as he thought about the fact that a few hours he had lost the use of one of his best teams. That one was in the hospital, another facing charges, and that the last was working for organizations that could see the death of his children. Holding back a shudder he tried not to think of memories of mangled women and children from his short stint at Anti Terrorism.

He jumped startled as Jackie spun in his hold. She gently placed both of her hands on his cheeks. Looking into her eyes all thoughts about NCIS fled his mind as he allowed himself to focus on her.

"So let me get this straight. Ziva is apart of something called Goglier or whatever and she set this whole thing up?!" Tony shouted furious as Anderson finished explaining the details.

"Tony calm down before a nurse comes in and sedates you," Gibbs ordered as his mind tried to comprehend what he had been told. Inhaling deeply he watched as Tony laid back down and watched him subdued and obviously wanting him to take control of the situation. "Let me see if I've got this straight. This group has a person in charge of a group of generals who control factions in separate countries. These guys are in charge of three lieutenants and a group of people that work independently of each other. Now you originally thought Ziva was a lieutenant in charge of cells or a member of cell, but now you know she is one of the independents. Her job was to sabotage certain cases to let her compatriots run free or to stall us on cases. And apparently she hasn't been doing a good job and she heard rumors of her future disposal so she made a last minute ditch effort to have Tony killed to cement her position. Have I missed anything?"

"Well, no you haven't. Though there is one last thing you should know. Jenny Shepard is alive and she is a chameleon spy. Right now she is probably in another agency making a name for herself and we have no clue who she may be. Her job apparently deals with getting a hold of any confidential information she can."

Gibbs swallowed as he suddenly felt lightheaded. Jenny was alive? And she was a spy?! Was anything of their relationship real. Feeling sick his next question tumbled out without any thought. "Who is in her grave?"

Gibbs watched as Anderson grimaced, "Margaret Shepard, Jenny's apparent identical twin. She disappeared about a year before Jenny's 'death' along with any record of her. A visit to the dentist and some burn damage and well she was the perfect clone."

"You mean she killed her own sister. She held her own twin hostage and planned her death for a year. Jesus. What about the tumor?" Gibbs flinched at the horrified disgust in Tony's voice.

"Well apparently her medical records were switched with Margaret's because cause that woman really had a tumor. I guess I'll leave you to yourselves. It's late and there really isn't any other information."

Gibbs watched as Anderson left before turning to Tony. He watched as his face twisted into deep concentration as he came to terms with all that he had learned today. Had it really only been a day? It felt like ages. Leaning back he thought about the woman that he at one point loved. Had he been only a mark? Where was she now? Hell how had he been so wrong about Ziva? How had he not seen her behavior towards Tony. Had he been trying so hard to not think about Tony romantically that he had failed to see something so obvious. God he could really do with some coffee or better yet bourbon. Yes he needed a whole god damn keg of bourbon.