AN: I've been reading a lot of Vlad/Danny father/son fics lately and this idea came mostly because I love bucking troupes. ;D

Set after Eye for an Eye. Alternate Canon.

The wooden double doors snapped open as the secretary called out, "Young man stop! Mayor Masters is on an important conference call."

Vlad turned from the monitor to the irate black-haired teen that stomped on into the small conference area to his right and flopped down in one of the chairs, arms crossed as he glared at the wall in front of him. Vlad quirked and eye at Danny, making him sink lower in the chair. "Is there a problem Herr Masters?"

"No, no," Vlad shooed his secretary away as he turned back to the call. "Just an unexpected visitor. Now ladies and gentlemen, about the festival."

All he did was sit there. Vlad didn't approach him, Danny never said a word. Minutes and meetings passed and nothing. Every gesture and comment was absently waved away or ignored. The halfas just kept going about their business.

One o'clock and he had to admit he was surprised to find Danny still there when he returned from his lunch meeting. He almost complimented the boy on his tenacity until he sat down, finding Nasty Burger wrappers in the trashcan. He looked at Danny with a knowing smile that only made the teen close his eyes.

Still, all afternoon Danny sat there. Not a word. Not a call. Not a visit. Nothing.

Five o'clock rolled around and his secretary stepped in. "Good night Mr. Masters." her eyes looking at the back of the leather chair.

"Farewell Delilah," Vlad shot her a glare while keeping his voice polite. "I expect you it have everything for the committee meeting prepared when I arrive."

Delilah jumped slightly, "Y-Yes sir." before she rushed away.

Still Danny just sat there.

Sunset slipped away; the monitor, desk lamp and light posts provided more than enough light as they kept working and glaring.

Nine o'clock and Vlad started putting things away, shutting down his computer. Danny took the cue when briefcase locks clicked open. Walking away, he stopped when the door was wide open, his back to him. "Vlad."

He looked up at the calmness in the boy's voice. "Daniel."

He didn't turn back but it was obvious in his stature. All the tension in him seemed to have vanished. "Thanks."

Vlad smiled softly at the back of his head. "You're welcome. You're welcome anytime, little badger."

Danny gave a tiny nod as he walked out, making Vlad's smile grow just as much.

AN: i had a sequel called 'Require' started, but with a few recent reviews i realized that i never developed the plot so i've pulled it til further notice.