
Enjoy : )

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HOMESTUCK. :(

Chapter 5:

There was a loud crunching sound as Mr. Makara bit into the sandwich Gamzee had made. Honey mustard and mayonnaise oozed out from the sides and so did ham. He looked up at his son and nodded approving the sandwich.

"What did you call it again?"

He asked his son. Gamzee's face lit up, he put his hands up before him dramatically.


Gamzee said proudly. His father nodded.

"That's great."

Gamzee found Tavros walking home as he left Subway that afternoon. Tavros was looking at his feet, his cheeks puffed out and red and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey Tav, What the fuck is up?"

Gamzee asked walking over to Tavros. Tavros jumped when he was approached, then settled back down once he realized it had only been Gamzee.

"Uh, I don't know..."

Gamzee frowned. "You look awfully mad Tav, you sure you okay?"

"I never said I was okay..." Tavros corrected Gamzee as he sped up and tried to cross the street. Gamzee nearly screamed aloud. He grabbed Tavros' arm and yanked him back onto the curb just as a car sped past. They stood on the curb staring ahead in shock, then Tavros looked up and Gamzee met his gaze.

"Uhm...I...didn't see that car.."

"Fucking...scared me bro."

Gamzee was barely able to get out. Tavros frowned, pulled his arm from Gamzee's then looked ahead.

"My dad doesn't want us hanging out. He knows who you are."

Tavros said walking across the street as the light flickered to the tiny white man instead of the red orange hand signally them to halt.

"Aw, shit, that's fucked up, why's he gotta fucking govern your motherfucking life like that huh?"

Gamzee asked mainly himself but Tavros answered with a sad sigh. "I mean, he's not a bad guy, my dad's really cool and he doesn't really like his job, but, he really doesn't like your dad." Tavros said. Gamzee huffed.

"Wish our old men would just deal with their own fuckin' probs." Gamzee growled. Tavros nodded. "So, I know your dad doesn't want you chillin' with me, but, how about I take you out to a movie this Friday night?"

Tavros stopped. Was this guy serious? Did he just ignore every thing he said? He really didn't want to upset his dad, maybe just a bit of him wanted to go on a date with this guy, but...he couldn't bring himself to lie to his own dad. He sighed, then turned to Gamzee.

"Okay, look, what I was trying to say was, no matter how badly I might want to go with you on this date, I can't bring myself to anger my dad."

Tavros said as clearly as he could. Gamzees' face reddened. Tav called it a date. "Come on brother, you always this obedient?" He asked leaning closer to Tavros in a seductive way. Tavros' face flushed.

"I uh- no I mean, I obey my dad but...not sexually or ...I don't ...know what you mean."

Tavros blurted out turning beet red. Gamzee busted out laughing then he looked back at Tav and shook his head.

"No Tav, I didn't mean sexually, I just meant doing everything he wants you to do. But, you know I'm pretty sure you could sneak out er something. Shit would be nice huh?" Gamzee asked looping an arm around the smaller boys' shoulders. Tavros blushed. He liked the thrill of just the thought, so the actual action would be probably amazing.

"You've uh- got yourself a deal." Tavros says smiling. Gamzee smiles back more excited than the mohawk boy.

"Kay, I'll meet you here at nine. Is that good?" Gamzee asked. Tavros shook his head.

"At Ten okay? That's when my dad actually falls asleep. It takes him around two hours to fall asleep." Tavros says. Gamzee nods, "Alright then, just one last thing." Tavros looks up at Gamzee when he pauses.

"Let's seal this motherfuckin' arrangement with a peck." Gamzee suggests. Tavros cocks an eyebrow confused. "Peck?"

"A kiss." Gamzee clarifies. Tavros nods. "Alright." He says. Then leans up to Gamzee, and hesitantly kisses his lips.

"You've got yourself a date then." Tavros says in a shaky voice.