A/N: Just wanted to make a quick scene before I head out to school. Now if it seems way off from the movie then sorry. Man so much of the stories has changes since the premiere of Alpha and Omega many people on this site really lost the connection to movie and need to watch the movie again to get better sights of who Humphrey and Kate really are. I missed when the site only had a few stories.

Jasper Express

My name was Sebastian, and I was a lone wolf. I didn't fit in much with the packs I recently join so I became a lone wolf to have a better and easier life. I had pure black fur with orange eyes that creped out anyone that looked at me funny.

I was just lying down on my side and watch the world pass by in front of me. Nothing could have ruined this moment until right now. As I begin to fall asleep, out of nowhere something lands on me with full force, hitting my stomach area.

I hold my stomach and grunt in pain as I roll around to see a young gray wolf with white on his lower body and face and had ice blue eyes. I quickly get up and let go of my stomach and look at the wolf.

"Where the heck did you come from?" I asked the wolf. He looked at me. "Sorry I didn't see you there. My name is Humphrey by the way" He held out his paw for a shake. I looked at him for a bit before shaking it.

"The name's Sebastian, Lone wolf" I said. "Oh you a lone wolf too?" Humphrey asked. This had caught my attention. "Wait, you are a lone wolf too?" I asked him. "Yeah, as of today" Humphrey answered.

Then I raised an eyebrow. "Why today?" I asked. Humphrey's eyes just moved around before he dropped his head and looked at me. "Today was the painful day of my life." He answered.

His head low. . .

Near the moment of crying. . .

Soft tone in his voice. . .

Looking away in my direction. . .

. . . His heart was broken!

"It's a girl isn't it?" I asked. His ears perked up and looked at me. "Yes" He said. "This girl, did something to make you a lone wolf, correct?" I asked. He just nodded his head.

"She used me" Humphrey said, with a hint of anger in his voice. "By. . ." I said, trying to get him to explain. "I'm from a pack where there are Alphas and Omegas, and I'm an Omega. She was an alpha." Humphrey said.

I nodded my head and sat down. "Two days ago we were captured by humans to repopulate at another park but she wanted to get home and get married." He said. I dropped my ears in shock and continued listening.

"On our way home, we ran into a lot of trouble. I saved her from falling into a mudslide, I showed her how to have fun and she liked it, I saved her from bears and got us closer to home." Humphrey looked at me.

"Wow, seems that you two have gone through a lot to get back home." I said. "That's not the worst part" Humphrey said. "Oh boy" I uttered quietly.

"On the train ride home, I asked her to howl with me and after some time she finally came in and joined howling, it was the best time of my life. I loved her, and she howled with even she was an alpha" He said.

"But right when we got home, I was about to tell her that I love her but she headed home once we were there and she quickly announced that she is getting married. Then I left today and here I am" He finished.

"So you did all that and she still is getting married?" I asked. Humphrey just nodded his head. "And You think she doesn't love you anymore or doesn't love you at all?" I asked him again. Humphrey just nodded.

There was silence between us, so I ended it with a quick slap to his face. He fell backwards and looked up at me. "What was that for. . ." he asked before I picked him up and looked at him. "She doesn't love you? SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU?" I said, almost scaring him.

"You saved her life once, you taught her how to have fun, you saved her life again from dangerous bears, you got you both closer to home, and she howled with you even though Alphas and Omegas Can't howl together!" I yelled.

"I don't get what you're saying. . ." Humphrey said but I cut him off. "She's an alpha, you are an Omega. Doesn't that get through your head that she howled with you even pack law says she can't? If she didn't love you, then why did she howl with you, as a sign of love for a wolf?!" I yelled.

"I. . . I. . .I. ." was all Humphrey could say. "Everything you did with her changed her about you and made her howl with you because she loves you Humphrey" I said.

"I can't. . ." I slapped him again. "Listen to me, who do you love?" I asked him. "Kate" he answered. "Who do you love?" I asked again. "Kate" He answered with his voice louder.

"Who?" I asked once more. " I love Kate" Humphrey answered in a louder voice. "And what are you going to tell her?" I said. "I love you Kate!" He yelled.

"Now get your little omega butt out and get to her and tell her that you love her so she will know!" I yell at him. "Move out of the way Sebastian, I got a girl to love" Humphrey said as he jumped out of the train cart and ran straight back to where he came from.

"Go get him Humphrey" I said, sitting back down.

But just as I began to relax after my good deed, I hear a loud snarl, enough to make the birds jump out of the trees.

That's when I look to my left, far ahead I see a dust cloud. Then I look closer and see a. . . "STAMPED!" I yelled. To make it worse, it was headed in the direction Humphrey ran off to find his love Kate.

"I got warn them" I said, jumping out of the cart and running to warn the pack.

A/N: what will happen next? Stay tuned for chapter two to find out what happens.