A/N: This is my first fic. I wanted to write a story on how Gohan went from being "the son of Goku Son" to "Gohan Son, the defender of Earth." Basically, it's a story on how Gohan created his own legacy and the hardships he had to go through to do it.

This is the prologue of the story; this is only the beginning. This will be a longer fic. and a multi-part story. I already have over 100,000 words typed on this story. My original plans were to make this a 25+ chapter fic and then have a sequel, making it a two part series. In this case, I would have to update at a pace of one every two weeks in order to keep a consistent update pace.

I've gotten complaints that this would be too far in between updates so I've been thinking of ways to make these updates more frequent and I came across an interesting thought. I was playing with the idea of making this a three part series instead of a two. That way, I don't have to worry about keeping up with the time schedule since the last chapter of this installment of the series would be chapter 12, and I already have Chapters 1-10 already written. After debating over this for a few days, I have decided that it would actually make more sense to do it this way anyways since the story is already long enough with these chapters alone and it actually make sense to end the story at that point plot wise too.

What does this mean? This means that I will be updating more frequently! I'm debating to do either weekly, or twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. Let me know what you guys think about this.

Now on to the prologue! As always let me know what you think. I would like to give a shout out to both my brother and my good friend silverstardust for reading over all of my chapters and making sure that they make sense. Thank you guys!



"telepathic communication"

~change in setting~



~Cell Games Battle Site, Age 767~

"AHHHHHHHH!" Eleven year old Gohan Son is finally unleashing his deeply hidden power. All of the Z-fighters and the mini Cell Jr.'s they were all fighting are all standing there wide eyed at how much power the young chibi has… everyone except his father, the legendary Goku Son.

Everyone thought Goku was crazy when he said he gave up in favor of his son fighting the battle. Even Gohan himself thought the idea of him being stronger than his father was absurd. Of course, everyone knew Gohan was strong for his age. Heck, the kid's a freakin' super saiyan at age eleven! To say that he was strong was one thing, but to say he's stronger than his father, the Goku Son, who protected the Earth from countless villains and just proved that he was far stronger than every one of the other Z-fighters in his recent go at Cell was something completely different. Goku however just gave Gohan a reassuring smile and started to prove his point.

He walked over to Gohan and had asked him if he had any trouble following the fight. Gohan, to everyone's great shock answered, "N-no… I could follow just fine… but that's because you weren't going all out! If you were then–"

"Gohan, I don't know about Cell, but I was doing my best," the father cut off his son, who starts to sport an amused look at the shock registered on his son's face. "But to you, you thought I wasn't trying huh. I think I know what's going on. You automatically assumed that I was stronger than you so when I had yet to reach your own ki level in my battle you assumed that I was still warming up, am I right?"

"…Yeah, you're right…"

To say that everyone (including Gohan) was in complete shock would be an understatement. Goku had just proved his point using undeniable logic that his son was indeed stronger than him. Of course this didn't stop others from still questioning the feat. Vegeta was in complete denial. This is madness! The saiyan prince silently seethed. How could that spawn of a third class baka such as Kakarot be so strong!? It's impossible!

"So, Gohan," Goku continued. "Go fight Cell and beat him so we can all go home." He spoke with such confidence. The look in his father's eyes told Gohan that he truly believed that his son was more than capable. Seeing this confidence from his father gave the young demi-saiyan confidence in himself.

He looked up at his father and gave him a determined look that he derived from his father's confidence and support. "Alright dad, I'll do it!" He was a little hesitant at first, but deep down, he knew that his own dad wouldn't just throw him into a battle he couldn't handle… would he?

Gohan proceeded to fly down to the battleground. He looked up with Cell a little apprehensively, but when he felt his ki, his confidence skyrocketed. He's fatigued from his battle with dad! His ki is way down. I can easily beat him now I know I can!

Of course Goku also noticed that the grasshopper humanoid known as Cell was weakened. He wanted to get a true measure of his son's strength so he did another thing that questioned his sanity in the eyes of everyone else: he gave Cell a senzu bean. To most this would definitely be considered sending his own son to his death. Goku however made that claim that it wouldn't be a 'fair fight.' This comment shows his unequaled, unwavering faith in his son. He's so confident in Gohan's strength that he believes that Cell needs to be at his best just for the fight to be close.

This had the opposite effect on Gohan. While showing no outward signs of apprehension, inside his confidence was wavering. What does dad think he's doing?! This is Cell we're talking about! At this point Cell was powering back up to his full ki level. Feeling the android's new ki level, Gohan makes a decision. Now how am I supposed to beat him? Well I might as well go all out from the start.

Gohan powers up to his maximum. Powerful winds swirl around the preteen and he disappears in a cyclone of dust and light as his ki continues to rise. Eventually, the hurricane winds cease and the young demi saiyan is engulfed in a golden aura as his ki reaches its limit. Gohan looked up at Cell and gave him a cold stare. "Okay Cell! I'm ready!"

All of the Z-warriors besides Goku couldn't believe what they were feeling. Gohan's ki was much higher than his father's was and it was on par with that of Cell. Even the green android itself was impressed and actually looked eager to fight the young warrior.

And that's what he did. Cell charged Gohan and threw an array of punches and kicks and Gohan dodged them all with great ease. It was obvious Gohan was the fastest of the Z-fighters. His small size also helped him be more elusive. When Cell saw that this wasn't working, he was forced to bring out some more of his true power and increased his ki. After that, he started getting some good blows in and eventually gave Gohan a devastating roundhouse kick that sent him all the way through a tall mountain made of solid rock, burying him under hundreds of giant boulders.

Everyone (except Goku once again) thought Gohan was finished after this. Piccolo was the most adamant since the young demi-saiyan was his one true friend.

"Goku look at what you've done! We warned you this would happen if you let Gohan fight Cell! Now look, HE'S DEAD! YOUR SON IS DEAD!"

Goku however still had a soft smile on his face. "Piccolo, Gohan's fine. Can't you still feel his ki?"

"What? Hold on… Yes! It's there!" Piccolo responded, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was genuinely relieved that his gakusei was indeed still alive. "How could I have missed it? It's still so gigantic!"

Cell however, caught up in himself after the kick thought that he had killed Gohan. "There Goku. You happy now? Take your senzu bean and let's resume our fight!"

"Baka! Look behind you!" Goku yelled back at the green menace. He wore a smug look on his face.

Cell turned around just in time to see the remains of the mountain that Gohan crashed into fly into the air and a golden light come out from underneath. Out from the golden light came Gohan, surrounded by his golden aura shining brightly around his body. Yes, the young hero was very much alive. It would take much more than that to take him out for good.

Gohan slowly strutted back to the battle site. He knew that at this rate he could not beat Cell, so he took a different approach. Being the peace lover that he was, he tried to reason with Cell and tell him that fighting was pointless and that he hates fighting. After the android merely mocked him for telling him this, Gohan pulled out what he thought was his trump card.

Gohan told Cell why he thought his dad had put so much faith in him. Gohan explained that every time he would get angry when he was little he wouldn't be able to control himself and suddenly, he would get this incredible power and use it relentlessly. His calm, controlled demeanor he had been displaying, even during his battle with Cell, would vanish and he would go absolutely nuts, turning all of his power on the target that caused this anger. He also didn't fail to mention that while in this uncontrolled state, every enemy that he faced was beaten down. He gave him countless examples from Radiz to Freiza.

The point of Gohan telling Cell this was to scare him into stopping the pointless fighting. However, this plan backfired completely. This actually intrigued Cell, the saiyan cells in his body getting the best of him. This game was getting too boring to him. He needed a challenge. After Cell had heard this story, he really wanted to see Gohan mad. He started doing everything he thought of to provoke Gohan, but nothing was working. Gohan had the steely resolve not to lose control. He was afraid of the damage he might cause when he lost it. That was, until Cell had started attacking all of his friends and his father.

Cell had managed to spawn many "mini Cells" which he called Cell Jr.'s. He then proceeded to send them to kill off all of Gohan's friends until he lost control. Gohan was slipping ever so slightly, but was still holding onto control, until all of a sudden, Android Sixteen's head came rolling in between Cell and Gohan (Android Sixteen had been blown up by Cell earlier). He told Gohan not to hold back: to protect the life that he cherished ever so much. That's when Cell crushed his head, silencing the Android for good. At that precise moment, something in Gohan snapped and the hidden rage that he had been so intent on keeping caged up had been set free into the transformation now currently being witnessed.

Gohan has finally lost it. His ki continues to grow to everyone's amazement. Cell even starts to panic as Gohan's ki continues to surpass his own. Goku starts to smile, beat up and all from his fight with Cell and his subsequent fight with his own Cell Jr. He isn't hiding how proud he is of his son's strength, not that anyone would notice. Everyone was still staring at Gohan as he continues to get even stronger than anyone could even imagine.

Goku is beaming at his son at this point. He was the strongest warrior for the longest time, but now his son has surpassed him. Words could not begin to describe the sensation he was feeling. Every father's goal is to shape their child into being not just as good, but even better than themselves, and Goku is currently witnessing the passing of the torch of Earth's hero and the strongest warrior in the universe from father to son.

Gohan lets off one more yell and the golden aura that is surrounding him now engulfs him, making him look like the burning sun above. Then, his ki suddenly makes the biggest leap anyone has ever felt and the flame starts to subside, but the golden aura continues to surround him, now with bolts of lightning surrounding him. Gohan has gained an extra two inches in height and his bulky muscles have gotten even bulkier. His spiky golden hair has shot straight up except for a stubborn lock that hangs over his forehead. He has obviously undergone yet another transformation, making him a super sayian 2.

Yet the most dramatic change in Gohan is his attitude. His eyes show no glow; no innocence; no peace. Instead they are dark and cold. In this new 'super saiyan 2' form, his calm demeanor has vanished. In place of it is one of rage; one of pain; and one of revenge. Out are the peaceful, merciful intentions. In are the intentions of merciless revenge!

"You are gonna pay Cell!" Gohan screams with authority. He sends the menacing android the coldest look it's ever seen. Cell's still standing there, shocked at what has just transpired. Finally he comes back to reality and does his best makeshift grin.

"Well well well." He says with a smirk that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Looks like things are finally gonna get interesting."

Gohan simply walks up to Cell, who had snatched the healing senzu beans from Krillin earlier, and in a blur of motion, takes the beans back, shocking Cell to say the least. He then proceeds to use his super speed to track down all seven of the Cell Jr.'s and take them all out in a no-nonsense way with one blow each. This stuns everyone else since they were struggling to stay alive against them, even Vegeta and Trunks, who were past the normal super sayian level. Gohan then passes the senzu to Trunks, who is the only one still not too beat up, and tells him to distribute the senzu to everyone else, and using his new speed, zooms back to the battle site right in front of Cell.

Cell was now furious that Gohan had taken out his children so easily. He was now ready to battle himself. He punched and kicked with all his might, but in vain as Gohan dodged everything Cell threw at him. He might have been fast before, but now he is faster than anyone in the universe. He made it look incredibly easy to simply dodge punches and kicks that everyone else on the battle field couldn't even follow.

Gohan is simply toying with Cell. He hasn't even made an attempt to block, let alone attack back yet. This makes Cell furious. "WHY ARE YOU TOYING WITH ME?!" He screams in frustration. "THAT'S IT! NOW YOU WILL EXPERIENCE THE WRATH OF MY FULL POWER!"

"What!?" Trunks cries in response, now finished giving everyone a senzu. "He wasn't even fighting at full power?! He must be bluffing to scare Gohan!"

Cell starts to power up, a golden aura starting to surround him. His increase in ki is producing a huge gust of wind and making the Earth shake below him. His ki keeps increasing steadily, making all of the Z-fighters once again wide eyed and shocked. They couldn't believe how much power Cell was hiding.

"Well I guess this blows my theory out the window!" Trunks grunts.

Finally, Cell reaches his maximum, the golden aura continuing to surround him. He now has a giant smirk on his face as he looks at everyone's faces contorted in fear. Well everyone except one who actually looked bored and unimpressed.

"Is that all you've got?" smirks Gohan. He is actually chuckling a little. All of the other Z-fighters are just as shocked as Cell at this reaction from Gohan.

"Ha!" laughs Cell, now smirking even more. "You think you can fool me with that bluff? I will show you true fe–"

Cell was cut off by a fist to his gut, which made him keel over in pain. How!? He thought How did he do that?! And… why does it hurt so much?!

"Well if this is all you've got, then I would be worried if I were you!" Gohan says, now angry and boring those ice cold eyes directly into Cell's. "YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL THAT YOU'VE DONE!"

Gohan proceeds to absolutely beat the crap out of Cell. This battle is so lopsided that one almost starts to feel sorry for Cell… that is until they remember what he did to everyone. Cell then attempts to blow up the Earth with a full power Kamehameha wave. Gohan nonchalantly shoots a more powerful Kamehameha back at Cell and it rockets the two waves at Cell, leaving the green android in a very bad position: he has gotten the whole left side of his body blown up. He's completely defenseless as he needs to build up energy before he can regenerate his lost limbs.

"Ugh..." Cell manages to grunt weakly. "How… i-is th-this possib-ble… he's just…. a k-kid…"

"Gohan has won!" yells Yamcha jubilantly. "He did it! He beat Cell!"

"I will say this," Piccolo says calmly. "He is in bad shape, but don't forget, he has MY cells in him! He can regenerate… but… what is Gohan doing?!" Piccolo's getting very concerned now. "Why hasn't he finished off Cell yet?! He has him outclassed by far!"

"You're right" Goku says, now sharing Piccolo's concern. At that moment he yells to his son. "GOHAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, FINISH HIM OFF!"

"Finish him off?" Gohan yells back. He shoots his dad a disappointed look and then gives him an almost evil smirk. "Sorry dad I think I'll wait. I'm gonna make him suffer more. He deserves it!"

"Wait, what?" Goku's dumbfounded. Did he just hear his son say that he wanted to make someone suffer? He would never say that even if it was Cell. This power was changing his son, and not in a good way. "GOHAN! WE HAVE TO END IT NOW! DON'T LET HIM GET DESPERATE! WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S CAPABLE OF!"

Gohan simply gives his father a soft smile, giving him the message that he's got it under control. Goku however is still apprehensive towards the whole situation. He knows that Cell, despite being outmatched by far, will do just about anything to win. If he gets desperate, who knows what he will do, plus his son is not himself.

"He's changed…" Goku mutters. "I didn't think the power would get to his head. No, not my son!" Goku still is in denial at the whole situation. Gohan is acting like he never has before. He has become completely arrogant and bloodthirsty. He is obsessed with making Cell suffer for everything that he's done. In other words in some ways, he's become just as bad as Cell!

"That much power can corrupt anyone," Piccolo says reassuringly, "especially someone like Gohan who isn't used to that kind of power. Let's just pray that he comes to his senses in time and this change isn't permanent."

At this point, enough time has passed for Cell to build up enough strength to regenerate his lost limbs. He then goes in a fury like no other, pouring out all of his ki into his muscles, increasing their size tenfold.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR MAKING A FOOL OUT OF ME!" Cell furiously shouts. He then starts to throw punches at Gohan which Gohan easily dodges. Cell may have way more power now, but his bulky muscles are slowing him down.

"Hey look!" Trunks shouts enthusiastically, eager to point out Cell's flaw. "He's making the same mistake he mocked me for! He's so bulky that his speed is suffering!"

At that moment, Gohan decides it's his turn to attack. He gives Cell a jaw cracking roundhouse kick to the face, launching Cell across the landscape where he lands 1000 feet away. That had to hurt… Gohan doesn't stop there. He uses his super speed to teleport over to Cell and then delivers a sucker punch to the gut, bringing the evil green android down to his knees.

"Y-you're not a b-boy… you're a m-monster!" Cell weakly manages to choke out. Speaking of choking, Cell appears to be choking on something…

"Cell is finished," states Piccolo. "And soon he will lose his complete form."

"What do you mean Piccolo?" Krillin inquires his green ally.

"Watch and you'll see what I mean."

Cell now looks like he is about to gag. Sure enough, a minute later, he coughs up something big, about the size of a person.

"Android Eighteen!" Krillin shouts, both in shock and in relief. It's been painfully obvious that Krillin has had a crush on Android Eighteen the moment she pecked him on the cheek when they first fought the androids. He's extremely happy to see her again, even if she is covered in Cell's saliva at the moment.

"What does this mean?" asks Trunks of Piccolo.

"The end of Cell," he states bluntly.

What Piccolo said indeed comes true. Cell lost his complete form and now is back in his first transformed state. Cell's ki decreases drastically as well, so now even Vegeta or Trunks could finish him off now.

"What have you done!?" Cell yells wrathfully.

"Well, this battle just got even more boring!" Gohan says with a sigh. "Oh well, I guess my blows will hurt even more now." Gohan twists his mouth into a sadistic grin at this statement and he gives off a very disturbing chuckle.

Cell quickly tries to escape, but Gohan, who by now is far above him in strength and speed, catches him in an instant. He then kicks Cell across the battlefield once again, leaving Cell lying face down in the dirt. Gohan approaches this very weak Cell mockingly, looking down at him with a wide grin now.

He kicks Cell across the battlefield, Cell not being able to defend himself. He then warps to Cell and kicks him into the air, uses his speed to warp to a place above him and kicks him towards the ground only to warp below him to kick him back up in the air, essentially playing a game of tennis with himself using Cell as the ball.

Everyone can only watch as Gohan continues to pummel the defenseless android to a pulp without the slightest care. Even Vegeta is repulsed by the sight. The only person he would have thought capable of being this cruel to someone was Frieza, but not even Frieza went this far.

Goku looks on at his son with an indescribable look. Gohan is turning into the same monster that Cell is. He never thought he'd see the day when his innocent and gentle Gohan would prolong a battle he could win without even trying in order to make someone suffer, even someone as evil as Cell. As secure as victory looks at this point, Goku cannot help but feel scared at what Gohan is becoming. He couldn't take it anymore. As horrible as Cell was, it doesn't mean that he deserves this. This would be stooping below his level and his son is far too good for that. He desperately tries to break through to his out of control son. "Gohan! Stop this RIGHT NOW! He's completely defeated! Finish him off this instant!"

Gohan does not take kindly to his father's orders. "NO! He deserves this punishment! Remember what he's done dad!" saying the word "dad" mockingly. "Are you telling me that he doesn't deserve to suffer?!"

Goku is absolutely appalled at his son's behavior and actions. With clear anger in his voice, he yells "GOHAN! No one I repeat, NO ONE deserves to go through what you're putting Cell through. He will pay for his actions in the afterlife. No matter how bad someone is, they don't deserve this! Be the one with the bigger heart son! Don't lower yourself to him!" Goku is desperately pleading at this point, on the verge of tears.

At this point Gohan is furious with his dad. How dare he tell him that Cell shouldn't suffer with as many horrible deeds as he's done. "SHUT UP! I will come after you next if you try to tell me to stop one more time!" at this Gohan let Cell fall into the ground, holding onto life by a thread. He then gives his father a look colder than absolute zero, showing him that this is no empty threat.

Goku froze at this. He could no longer recognize the boy, no the monster, that he called his son. That look in his eyes spoke volumes of what has become of him. He was so taken aback that his eyes started to well with tears. Goku, the world hero and toughest man in the universe was reduced to tears by his own son! The other Z-fighters noticed this as well and they were all terrified to say the least. What happened to Gohan?

Seeing the faces of his friends and seeing his dad sobbing brings Gohan back to reality. He realizes that he was the one who caused all of this. Completely ashamed of this revelation, he detransforms back to his original super saiyan state and the innocence returns to his eyes. "What have I become…" he softly whispers.

Piccolo, who was still watching Gohan intently the entire time, is the first to notice this change back to normal. He immediately smirks and turns to Goku, who is still sobbing. "Goku! Gohan's back to normal! Look up!"

Goku manages to choke back a sob and looks at his son. His frown turns into a relieved smile as he looks into his son's eyes and sees the true Gohan reflected back. "Thank Dende! I was afraid we lost him."

Gohan flies down to the imperfect Cell who is lying in the crater, beaten to a bloody pulp, yet somehow he's still conscious. He looks at the android in horror. How could I do this to anyone? What happened to me? Gohan is feeling more than regret for his actions. It is at this moment that a tiny seed of self-loathing is planted in the young demi-saiyan's mind. He hates himself for what he became, but there are more important issues to take of at the moment. He needs to redeem himself for what he did, and the only way is to destroy Cell now and end his reign of terror on Earth.

It's then that Gohan feels Cell's ki start to flair uncontrollably. Now back to being his old rational self, Gohan figures out what Cell is trying to do and devises his own scheme to finish the android for good.

Cell tries desperately to get on his feet. In the meantime, Gohan starts charging a Kamehameha wave that will send Cell to the next dimension. As soon as Cell gets on his feet and starts to use his self-destruct technique, Gohan releases his powerful Kamehameha and it obliterates Cell into subatomic pieces. Not a trace of Cell remains.

He did it! Gohan did it! Cell has been beaten, and his reign of terror is no more. As soon as the Kamehameha wave disintegrates in space, Gohan turns back to his base form for the first time in weeks and falls to the ground exhausted. He does however have a giant smile on his face. The rest of the Z-warriors quickly run over to the eleven year old savior and surround him, looking at him in awe.

"Gohan, I'm SO proud of you!" Goku genuinely says. Of course he already had an astonishing amount of pride in his son, but after defeating the most powerful enemy they have ever encountered before without even really trying, he now has an immense amount more pride in Gohan.

"You did good kid," Piccolo reassures Gohan. Piccolo was the first to train Gohan, and Gohan was his first real friend. He too has an immense amount of pride in Gohan.

The smile on Gohan's face fades into a small frown at the praise he's getting. He doesn't feel he deserves the praise after what he had become during the fight with Cell. "Dad…" Gohan struggles to say. "I'm… sorry…"

"What?" Goku didn't expect his son to say this. After defeating a threat to the universe, he didn't expect the first thing for Gohan to say was that he was sorry, although Goku has a good clue on what he is sorry for.

"I'm sorry that I got caught up in my power…" Gohan continues, exactly as Goku thought he would.

"Hey don't worry about it," Goku replies reassuringly. "I'm just glad that you managed to find yourself again at the end and finished it off before he could blow himself up and take the Earth with him."

After thinking it through for some time, Goku understands completely how his son could have been affected by all that power. Gohan had just turned into a super sayian for the first time less than six months ago, and after pouring out all of his power in his fury against Cell, he transformed into a super sayian 2 for the first time, a level that no one would have even begun to imagine existed. Having all of that power introduced into your system in such a short time not only affects one physically, but gives one a sense of power mentally that they've never even felt before. It's no wonder he was arrogant for a while. Still though, Goku wonders why it got so out of control and wonders if he can teach Gohan how to control himself when in the super saiyan 2 state. Eventually, he will inquire Piccolo of these things and Gohan of how he felt, but now is not the time. Right now, his son needs reassurance that he did great and that he's not mad at him in any way.

"But dad… I started torturing Cell… I even threatened you… my own father… I completely lost control… how can you be proud?" Gohan then gives a rejected look. "If anything you should be ashamed."

"How could I be ashamed?!" Goku inquires disbelievingly. How could his son ever think that he would be ashamed of him? "Gohan, I have no clue how you lost control, but I know for a fact that that wasn't the real you torturing Cell. I am so proud of you because you realized your mistakes and atoned for them by beating the single most powerful villain we have ever faced, not to mention you passed me in strength. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and I am so damn proud to call you my son!"

Gohan seemed to brighten up after that statement by his father and the smile returned to his face. "Thanks dad… Again… I'm… sorry…" Gohan struggling to say those last three words.

"Hey easy there son. Don't stress yourself. I've already forgiven you!" He then saw how beat up his son actually was from earlier and saw how exhausted he really was. "That battle sure took a lot out of you huh." Gohan simply nods, and then passes out.

"Gohan!" shouts a concerned Krillin.

"Don't worry," Piccolo reassures. "He's just exhausted. Let's take him to the lookout. Dende can heal him no problem."

With that, Piccolo picks up Gohan and starts flying towards the lookout.

After watching Piccolo head for the lookout with his son in his arms, Goku turns to the rest of his friends. "I'm going to go with Piccolo to the lookout. I need to check on Gohan. You guys coming?"

Krillin was the first to answer. "You bet! Remember that Gohan is one of my best friends too. I want to make sure he's okay."

Yamcha, Tien and Trunks all agree to join their friend. Then Goku inquires the same question of Vegeta. "You coming Vegeta?"

"Why should I care about your half-breed son?!" Vegeta shouts. He's still hurting from the major blow to his pride from not only having Kakarot surpass him, but now his half-breed whelp as well. "I have better things to do with my time!" and with that, he takes off towards Capsule Corps.

Trunks sighs and looks back at his father's retreating form with disappointment. He then becomes angry. "He's such a jerk! How can he act that way? Gohan saved his life and that's the thanks he gets?" To Trunks, Gohan is more than just a friend to him. In his timeline, Gohan protected Trunks fighting the androids while training him as well. Gohan was basically like an older brother to Trunks and without him, he would have died before he even got the chance to come back. His own father saying that he doesn't care about Gohan hit a sensitive spot in the adult demi-saiyan.

Goku walks over to Trunks and pats him on the back and gives him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much about it Trunks. You're father's a good guy; he's just too arrogant for his own good. He probably is more proud of Gohan than you think because Gohan is a saiyan and showed the power of a sayian."

Tien decides to join in the conversation expressing a concern that everyone has. "Speaking of Gohan's 'display of power' earlier, do you know what was going on with your son Goku? It's like he turned into a ruthless killer once he transformed again."

"Tien's right Goku" Trunks adds grimly. "That look that was in Gohan's eyes was the same look the androids in my time had. No mercy; no regret; no compassion. Just hate, anger, and killing intent."

"I know." Goku responded rejectedly. "That was not the Gohan I know. But it was only in his ascended super sayian state that he was like that. Remember when he detransformed back to his first super sayian state that he turned back to normal. I still don't know what caused him to lose control like that in his ascended state since I've never been there myself." He is as clueless as his friends and he doesn't like it. It is his son they're talking about for crying out loud! "My only guess is that all of the power introduced into his system in such a short period of time affected him mentally. That combined with the pure unrestrained fury that we saw was probably the cause." He then perks up a bit at his former idea. "Perhaps though, I can help train Gohan to be able to control that state so he can use it freely like his super sayian state. That is my goal as soon as we get settled in again after all of this. Until then though, there's really nothing to worry about. Cell's gone. Gohan won!"

After a long silence from the others, Trunks finally perks up. "You're right Goku. Gohan's the man! We should probably get going to the lookout. Piccolo's probably almost there at this point and it will take a while for us to fly there."

Goku gives Trunks his patented Son grin. "No it won't Trunks! Don't forget, I can use instant transmission."

"Oh yeah!" Krillin responds. "We'll get there in no time! Let me just grab Android Eighteen so Dende can heal her and then we'll get there in no time!"

As Krillin is rushing over to the female android, everyone gives him expressions of shock.

"What?" exclaim both Yamcha and Tien.

"Are you serious Krillin?!" shouts Trunks in frustration. "She's a killing machine! She would terrorize the earth if she's brought back!"

Goku however gives Krillin his approval. "Trunks, the androids in this timeline are far different from the ones in your timeline. Everyone deserves a second chance. Even if she turns on us, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and I are all capable of putting her in her place again. There's really nothing to worry about." He then looks over at Krillin and gives a cheesy grin. "Besides, I have a feeling Krillin has some ulterior motives for saving her too" He then starts to chuckle lightly.

Upon hearing Goku's comment, Krillin's face turns bright red, but he continues over to the android facing away from his friends. Thank Dende I'm facing away from them. I would never hear the end of it if they saw that.

Krillin picks up Android Eighteen and heads back over to Goku and everyone else. They all connect hands and Goku transports everyone to the lookout via instant transmission.

Everyone who was at the Cell games though still has the same question in their minds. What happened to Gohan when he ascended? And what could this mean for Gohan and everyone around him if he does ascend to this level of domination and ruthlessness again?