Synopsis: Erin was falling... And this time there would be no Vlad waiting to catch her.

Typed and posted this on my phone so please warn me if you see errors and as always I welcome reviews.


She was falling to her death.

In a roundabout kind of way anyhow, because the fall certainly wouldn't kill her but her ex boyfriend waiting at the bottom with a stake probably would.

He'd make it painless; with a heavy heart and guilty tears shimmering in his eyes he'd snap his fingers or plunge the sharpened wood into her heart leaving her dust to be scattered by the wind.

As he gripped her blonde locks and tightened his grip on the stake he'd tell her telepathically that he was sorry, he wouldn't dare say it out loud.

But he would be sorry. He wasn't naive and innocent anymore; he'd grown, he'd matured. He realised that he'd done wrong and felt guilty about it. That's why he was doing this.

He was saving her one last time. Saving her the pain that would come when Malik would eventually leave her and saving her the agony she would suffer if one of the slayers got her.

But he couldn't save her from the ultimate punishment to come.


She felt no remorse for her abhorrent actions now but in death her mind would ybe clean of her vampiric transformations and the guilt would destroy her.

It was destroying him too. Piece by piece that nervous and scared boy who'd awkwardly asked her on a date and given her a stuffed bear was being eaten away by guilt and bitterness. He deserved it her vampire side hissed while somewhere deep within a broken human begged for forgiveness in a pool of tears. Yes. She was glad she was not human anymore if she would be a shaking wreck.

She considered trying to turn into a bat and fly away but with a misshapen argentalium spear in her shoulder she doubted she would be going anywhere in a hurry as her powers would barely be strong enough to heal her, let alone let her transform.

The wind continued to caress her as she plummeted until finally, she hit the ground with a horrible splat.

Her broken spine and ribs healed fairly quick and she was able to roll onto her back and see the handsome face of the grand high vampire.

His expression was blank as he pulled her to his feet.

Erin stared at him her blue eyes faded and dull as she lost hope of escape and saw his fist clenched around a stake.

He stared back at her before leaning in and pressing his soft lips against hers as his fingers tangled themselves in her pale gold hair stoking the back of her head.

She started to respond as his mouth moved against hers until she felt his lower hand move.

It was painless and she saw his finally expression that told her he'd let go.

She supposed she had too.

omg so I was liek review plz and they wer liek no so I blew them up. Please review?