
A girl stands in front of her bedroom mirror, scrutinizing her body. She hates what she sees, as she always has, and sighs deeply as she looks at the stupid boobs and her curves and her long hair. Well, she thinks. Something has to be done.

She puts clothes on; a long-sleeved red-and-white t-shirt, long pants and aviator sunglasses. She ties her hair back into a bun, sniffs, and walks out of her room.

When she gets downstairs, she confronts her older brother.

"I want a haircut." she says, looking him in the eye. Or, at least she tries to, because he is wearing sunglasses too. For the irony.

"Sure, lil' sis," and he goes to grab the scissors. She knows it doesn't matter if they go to a hair salon or not. Her brother has cut her hair since she was a baby.

"Give me a pixie cut." she orders, pulling tufts of her white-blond hair out of her face.

"Sure, lil' sis." Her brother complies, and hacks at her hair for a while before it is as short as his. She looks in a hand-held mirror and thinks, one step closer.

They go out to the mall to shop for school clothes.

The girl stands in front of two signs: girls, left; boys, right. She makes up her mind.

"Can I go get some clothes over there?" she asks, pointing in the direction of the boy's clothes department.

Her brother nods. "Sure, lil' sis." he says, and she goes off to immerse herself in clothes she feels are right for her.

Twenty minutes later, she has picked out four red shirts, all with records on them, and three pairs of boy's jeans. One step closer.

Her brother gives her the thumbs up.

It is nearing her birthday. The girl has been surfing different websites for something that will make her ugly boobs disappear, and has found one that is perfect. She asks her brother if he could buy it for her.

"Sure, lil' sis." he says. He now has a good idea of what is going on, and he's proud of her.

He's ready for the next step as he sits down at the computer and clicks add to cart, and enters his credit card details to buy a binder for his little sister.

She stands behind him, silently watching as she thinks, one step closer.

The girl takes a deep breath and enters the kitchen where her brother is sitting, working on his smuppet website. She stares at the floor for a moment before asking the ultimate question that will, for her, decide who she is from now on.

"Bro," she asks, her breath catching in her throat. Her brother looks up at her from his computer. "Can you call me Dave from now on?"

He rises, pushing the chair back, and approaches Dave.

"Sure, lil' bro." he says, and hugs his little brother.

(Sorry this was so short, I've been wanting to write this for ages! I hope you enjoyed it :D)