A/N: This is my first "Rookie Blue" Fanfic, please be kind!

A big "thank you" for my twitter pals Theresa and Bren for helping me with the details I couldn't remember about the show.

This picks up several months after the season finale when Andy and Nick went undercover in the taskforce.

Chapter 1:

Sam Swarek woke up before dawn and went for a four mile run. He returned a little while later, making all sorts of noise as he entered his house.

"Hey will you keep it down?" the muffled voice of Oliver Shaw came from the sofa. "Some of us are still asleep!"

It had been a few months and Oliver was still living with Sam while he still worked on his marriage with Zoey. They were taking this glacially slow but they were having weekly dates and he was spending more time with his kids.

Sam sauntered into the kitchen. "I am going to make some coffee; do you want some?"

Oliver sighed as he struggled to sit up. "I guess so." He glanced out the window. "It's still dark outside! What time is it?"

"Almost six," Sam answered as he scooped coffee into the filter.

"And you just came back from a run?" Oliver groaned. "You have done more this morning than most people and you haven't even gotten to work yet."

"I had to clear my head," Sam muttered.

Truth was that he had a very erotic dream about Andy McNally and had to work off some steam without disturbing his sleeping friend.

"Andy?" Oliver guessed. "I should have known, still no word from her yet? What it has been a few months?"

It had been a few months since he professed his love to her only for her to say it was too late and she literally walked out of his life. Now he knew how she felt for the six weeks he didn't respond to any of her messages. That was only six weeks, it has been six months.

Sam grunted in reply.

"So she transferred without telling anyone where she was going?" Oliver asked, getting up and joining Sam in the kitchen. "I thought that you two were working together alright… now this?"

"It would seem so. She even subletted her place to Gail until she gets back," Sam said.

"Didn't you find that a little bit odd? I mean Gail was attacked there," Oliver pointed out.

Sam didn't think about it, he chalked it up of Gail being a Peck, trying to get over her fears.

Sam showed up at Andy's one night with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine only to find Gail at Andy's place saying that Andy transferred out of the15th Division without a word to anyone where she was going. Sam didn't believe Gail for a second and pushed his way inside Andy's loft. He was surprised to see most of her clothes sans a few items were still in her walk-in closet.

He had tried to get Gail to open up on Andy's whereabouts, but she was as much in the dark as he was. She never even told him how Andy contacted her to sublet her place.

Finally the coffee was ready. Sam poured himself a cup and headed out of the kitchen. "I am going to shower. Help yourself to some coffee."

Sam went to the bathroom, set the mug on the sink, shed his clothes and hopped in the shower. His thoughts quickly turned to the first day he met Andy McNally, when she thought she was arresting a drug dealer only in fact arresting an undercover police officer, endangering a long undercover assignment. He was surprised that she was able to run him down and cuff him.

Sam looked down and groaned. Hopefully the running water would be enough cover to hide the sounds from Oliver.

"Morning Andy," Nick greeted.

He came in the kitchen of the rat hole of an apartment they were living in for the duration of the operation.

Andy handed him a cup of coffee. "Hurry up; if we are going to make our morning run you need to get ready."

Nick nodded. "Then we have to meet with our contact about the shipment that is supposed to land in two weeks."

Andy began to stretch her arm muscles. "And then hopefully this case will finally end on a good note. I miss my Father, Gail, and Tracy."

Nick cocked an eyebrow. "It that it, or is there someone else?"

Andy placed her hands on her hips. "Were you not with me when I was reading that ridiculous book? Hell, you pulled out that cheesy diploma from the back of it and filled it out for me! I am over Sam Swarek! Don't you stand there and say you don't miss Gail!"

"I do miss her," Nick admitted.

"Fine I am going for a run, see you outside," Andy headed to the door.

Nick noticed something glinting on the counter. "Hey McNally, did you forget something?"

He held it out to her. "If we are going to pretend we are Tessie and Eric Taylor, newlyweds that are madly in love with each other you need to wear your ring when you are outside this apartment."

Andy slipped the plain gold band on her ring finger, for a split second she wished she was putting on Sam's ring instead of the cheap departments' confiscated property from who knows where.

She offered Nick a weak smile. "Thanks, I almost forgot about the ring; thanks for reminding me."

"What is a fake husband for?" Nick teased, holding up his own left hand where a gold band glinted in the early morning sunshine. "Speaking of which, we need to go get some food, we are almost out of everything."

Their cover was that they were Tessie and Eric Taylor a sweet unassuming couple from St. Luis that 'found' ways for stolen guns to find their way into the hands of less and desirable people, just what the dangerous Russian arms dealer needed to get rid of his inventory into the country.

Andy playfully shoved him and headed to the door. "The first one to the corner buys the other one lunch for the rest of the week!"

She dashed out the door with Nick hot on her heels.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Oliver asked from the passenger seat of Sam's truck as he drove them to work.

Sam looked up at the sky. "The weatherman is calling for rain later."

Oliver groaned. "McNally isn't even here and you are still whipped. We are going to go to the Penny tonight and you are going to get laid. Maybe then you will finally start thinking straight."

Sam didn't say anything. He felt that if he did get laid by some blond, he would fear that Andy would find out somehow and consider it cheating if they got back together ago.

"I will go for a drink, I don't want to meet anyone yet," Sam said. "It's too soon."

"It's been months!" Oliver protested. "McNally obviously moved on, you should too, my friend."

Sam didn't get a chance to respond. He pulled into a parking spot behind the station and got out, pullnig his bag from the bed of the truck. "Lock up before you leave. I will see you at parade."

When he changed, and headed to the briefing room, Officer Dov Epstien, Gail, and Traci were in deep conversation. Sam just got a bit of it before they noticed him and changed the subject to their plans after work. They had to be talking about Andy. Why else would they stop talking once he got into the room?

"Don't stop on my account," Sam quipped as he sat down.

"Sorry Sam," Tracy muttered. "How are you doing?"

"Suddenly everyone wants to be my shrink? Shaw wants to hire me a lady to get my mind off things. What do you want for me?" he asked.

"You better not be thinking of hiring a lady of the evening," warned Sergeant Frank Best as he came into the room.

He went to the podium, everyone scrambled to their seats. Just before he was about to start, Oliver came in and sat at the empty chair next to Sam.

"Nice for you to join us, Shaw," Frank said.

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again," Oliver stated.

"Now that we are all here, we can begin this briefing," Frank held up two mug shots of tattooed criminals and tacked them to the corkboard. "Meet two members of the Jamison Gang, James and Jason. Street names T-Bag and T-Bone they were just paroled last week for dealing and running numbers. Rumor has it that they are back to their old ways, looking to get into something bigger and better. Find them and bring them in."

"Genius parole board we got there, Sarge," Sam called. "I arrested each of them half a dozen times. I could have told you that they were going back to their old ways!"

"Can it Swarek or you will be in evidence for the rest of the shift. Oliver make sure he stays out of trouble today since you are riding with him."

Sam made like he was buttoning his lip.

"With that said, be safe and see you when get off."

Everyone headed off to their cars but Sam and Oliver remained where they were seated.

"So are we supposed to ask every working girl on the street where this douche bags are?" Oliver asked.

"Nope there is one place that low lives that like to hang out. The Alpine Inn, come on I would even let you buy me a drink while we wait for them to show up."

After their run, Andy beat Nick they were heading back to their apartment when Nick's cover cell phone rang. "Taylor," he muttered.

He made eye contact with Andy, silently telling her that person they were waiting to call them finally did. "We will be there, see you in a few."

Nick shoved his phone in his pocket. "We need to move, that was one of the guys we need to speak with before we meet the head guy. That was T-Bone, he and his brother T-Bag are waiting for us at the Alpine Inn, we need to be there is thirty minutes."

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