Uzumaki Naruto is a wild haired blonde boy. He wore royal blue shorts and a bright orange t-shirt. He raced through the forest, today was his fifth birthday which happened to fall exactly on the anniversary of the Nine tailed fox. And for reasons unknown to the young boy the villagers seemed to take their resentment out on him. He slid underneath a bush, and instinctively slid to the left dodging a rock thrown at him by the approaching mob. Naruto's breath hitched as he raced down the path, his hearth thundering against his chest when out of the shadows a single Kunai sliced into the back of his shin.
"Ahh" He cried as him stumbled face first into the ground. He instantly pulled himself up and limped quickly into the trees. He could hear the mob closing in, his leg bled profusely as he pushed forward. The blood a deep crimson against the tanned skin, he could feel his body draining as he went along. Each step slowly became forced, but he pushed another two hundred feet before collapsing.
He could hear the thunderous foot falls of the mob closing in. 'I Can't die...' The boy thought uselessly, for the first time in his short life fearing for his life. The collective mob punched through the tree line. Naruto climbed weakly to his feet, his skin pale and pasty from blood loss. "I Refuse to die" He hacked out.
"Murder!" He heard the mob roar.
As if a hive mind the mob moved in on the helpless child. When the first row of people a mere five feet away a man appeared in front of the group "I Recommend..." From underneath the wrinkled mans straw hat his eyes flashed dangerously "You leave the child ALONE" The Mob as if floored by an invisible force started to fall.
"Come" The man grabbed Naruto roughly.
"Wait!" Naruto snapped as he was dragged away from the unconscious mob. "Who are you!?" He asked loudly.
"Monkey D Luffy" The old man replied simply.
The young blonde was beside a fire a stew bubbling in front of him. Across the fire sat a grey haired man wrinkles around his eyes, his fist worn from a long life filled with battles. Blue shorts, and red vest worn around the seams. A Battle worn straw hat laid on the man's left. "Don't worry life won't always be lonely" The man's voice cut through the silence like a knife.
"Trust Uzumaki I've been watching you, and you having the makings of something more the mere ninja" He prophesied sagely.
"Yeah what's that old coot"
"A Hero, a legend, and most importantly a symbol"
"Huhhh" Naruto looked into the faded brown nearly blacks eyes.
"You will build a family Uzumaki, built up of those broken" Luffy's eyes showing a razor sharp focus, as if this was more the mere prediction, but his own known outcome. "And you will find your own Nakama, your own team, friends who's bonds will give you strength when you feel like falling, who will push you to train through the rain, and sleet." Ocean blue met earth brown as the man grinned brightly, his smile took up half his face easily. "And I want to help you" He pulled out a spoon from a small satchel, and ladled a large portion of the stew into a bowl and slid around the dirt to Naruto.
"How are you so sure coot" Naruto snapped through a mouth full of stew.
Luffy chuckled fondly. "When I was younger, back in the days before ninja, before the great continent, I honed an ability known as Haki. To be more precise, Kenbunshoku Haki, or in your language, Haki of Observation. I Honed it to its perfection, I can see the path a person walks, I saw them attack you, so I acted to defend you, because I see something in you, I see what you can become. And I won't let a person snuff out your D"
"My D"
"Your D" Luffy replied coolly. "But most importantly I see something even my Haki can't see in you"
"Oh yeah what's that Old Fart"
"Myself, somebody I can pass my Will to" He said, in the voice that showed his age. "Same Fire, same spirit, same attitude, and same luck" Naruto looked at the old man with curiosity, with a single look the boy fell. Luffy rose to his feet, he pulled his satchel into his waiting palms.
"Good luck Uzumaki Naruto, you'll do great things, good or otherwise" He gently placed a brown wooden box beside Naruto's prone form, on top of the box he placed a leather bound journal. Luffy walked into the forest after draping a ratty blank and straw hat over Naruto.
Sunlight shone through the canopy of the tree's, creating a brilliant maze of golden light. Naruto's body quaked, as he let out a loud yawn. "Coot" He mumbled tiredly. He rubbed his eyes as he looked around the camp. "Hey Old man!" Naruto screamed "Oooof" He stumbled over a small box. "Hey old man!" He sat beside the box, his eyes darted from the tree's to the box, back to tree's. A Devious grin spread across his face "It couldn't harm to peek" He was instantly hunched over the box. He threw the book off like garbage and popped the lid open.
In the box laid a strange fruit, it was a swirling purple fruit. Something on the back of the lid caught Naruto's eyes. It was a loopy note that read...
This is the Gum-Gum Fruit. It is part of a unique class of fruit that grant the eater strange and wonderful abilities. This one allows the eater to stretch and manipulate his/her body like rubber.
Underneath that was a scrawl that read
Becarful Naruto I know you'll use the powers well, but power can corrupt any human
Naruto reread the notes, his hands shook as his hand instinctively stretched forward. He could feel the rough skin of the fruit. 'Power' He lifted it and looked at the purple fruit, a glint in his eyes. 'I'll find my teammates' he looked at the fruit 'And use this power to become the best Hokage, and protect my special people' Naruto brought it to his lips and said excitedly "Down the hatch!" He grabbed the straw hat as he walked in the direction of the village, sun shining as he grinned.
Naruto jogged down the street, rain soaked him. A Heavy steel bar capped off by wheel sized weights were on his back. Naruto's body quaked "Two hundred more feet to beat myself" He reminded himself, and with muted thump thump thump he raced along the street.
Naruto lay spread eagle on his back, his mind replaying the complete and utter failure his sparing match with Sasuke had been. He started with a hook, but Sasuke had moved back dodging the fist, and faster then Naruto knew he was sprawled out on his back. "Naruto" Naruto's head went to the left, a tanned man with a perfectly straight scar from right cheek to left came into view.
"Iruka-sensei" Naruto grunted.
"Sasuke isn't as strong as you, can you tell me what he has that you don't?" Iruka questioned still standing ten yards from Naruto.
"No" Naruto grumbled.
Iruka was instantly kneeling over Naruto "Accuracy"
"Yes, you can have all the strength in the world but if you can't hit a the hokage monument from point blank that power is meaningless"
Naruto looked into the man's eyes "How can I get better?"
Iruka pulled out ten brown disks "Like this" The threw the disk.
The disk smashed into Naruto's forehead "What was that Iruka-sensei!" He groaned.
"I'm helping you train" He threw two more, Naruto slapped the first down, but was it in the shoulder by the second. Hours passed, loud laugher echoed through the trees...
Naruto jumped from roof to roof, the moon shone brightly in the sky. He jumped of the building, landing with a muted thud on the ground. He raced beside a large stonewall, he was grinning like a madman. The grin faltered when he heard a muffled scream, he twisted around, he was able to catch a glimpse of a shadow race away from him.
His body was racing after the man before he knew what he was doing. He caught a glimpse of a gagged girl with bowl cut of deep blue hair that glowed in the moonlight. "Hinata!" He gasped. "Faster" Naruto felt his muscles start burning as he pushed his body to move.
The man stopped abruptly falling to the ground. "I Know you're up there" He called out boldly, the girl cried in his arms.
"Let her go" Naruto replied, landing across the clearing from him.
"A Kid" The man chuckled, he wore pure black, with a mask covering everything but his eyes. A Loud laugh rang out from the man.
"Gum-gum..." The mysterious man stopped laughing when the boy closed the distance, he threw Hinata roughly. "Bullet"
The man hacked loudly, a small fist buried in his gut. His feet started sliding underneath him. He flew back smashing back first into the "What kind of monster are you" He coughed loudly.
"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I'll be the greatest Hokage" Naruto replied proudly, taking a brawler stance.
"You're pathetic" The man wheezed, regaining his breath slowly.
"You tried taking Hinata why?" Naruto asked as the enemy Ninja raised to his feet. Faster than Naruto could see the man shot forward. A Deafening thud was heard, the man's shin was buried in Naruto's chin. "That won't work..." He rose his right arm "Because I'm made of rubber" Naruto swung his right arm down, completely shattering the enemies shin. "Gum Gum Pistol!" he swung a powerful jab with his left, sending him flying across the paddock.
"You freak!" The man screeched holding his broken shin.
"You're right I am a freak, and monster, but I'll always protect my precious people" Naruto stated with a grin. Naruto looked over the at the girl sobbing silently "Hey quit crying" Naruto snapped, but the girl continued crying. "Wow you must be really weak f you got captured by that idiot" Naruto stated bluntly, causing the bluennete to cry hysterically. "Hey cut it out..." Naruto gently placed a hand on her shoulder "There there weakling" He soothed, only causing her tears to pour down her face more steadily. "Come on Weakling just train for next time someone tries to..." Naruto's eyes suddenly rolled up, and he crumpled on top of Hinata.
A Tall white eyed man was standing above the two, he wore a black coat, and white gi. "Daughter" He greeted coldly, tearing the gag from her mouth. "Father! He saved me!" She cried holding the unconscious boy, ratty straw hat, to large orange shirt and shorts, a mop of wild blonde hair on top of his head.
"Uzumaki..." The man mumbled, a ghost of pain filled his eyes for a split second before regaining his usual icy demeanour. He grabbed he boy, and threw him over his shoulder. He walked towards the man, trying to squirm away. He tore the mask from the man's face, revealing brown hair and eyes, a head band of "Lightning country, a ploy to get the Byakugan" He looked down at Naruto. "Go tell your kage that the new clan of Uzumaki demands penance for his disrespect" Hiashi delivered a sharp kick for good measure.
An old man wearing white and red robes stood in front of the Hyuga clan head. "Hello Hiashi-san" The man had a short grey beard, and receding white hair.
"Hokage-sama" Hiashi greeted, dropping the blonde onto a small couch.
The old Hokage sighed, rubbing his temple "What did Naruto do now?"
"Save my daughter" Hiashi replied smoothly. "I Want this boy to get a clan status" Hiashi said his eyes locked with the third Hokage.
"Why Hiashi?" The third questioned.
"Because we'll get penance for the attempt at my daughter" Hiashi answered calmly.
"Minato" The third chuckled. "Is this what it's all about" Hiashi remained still. "First Rin, now you. It won't be long before Kakashi figures out why Rin is so interested in Naruto's well being" He rubbed his temple again. "The council won't like this, they'll fight tooth and nail against it Hiashi"
"You're the Hokage force it through" Hiashi supplied.
"I Was eventually going"
Hiashi turned on his heel "You'll get word from Kumo soon" He said as he shut the office door.
The Third walked out from behind his desk, and with a silent whisper he said. "Are you prepared for Clan Head status"
Naruto sat in his classroom Iruka was standing in front lecturing the class. "Now can somebody tell me the chain of command in the Ninja world?" He asked, but only one hand went up. "Ok Sakura go"
The Pinkette cleared her throat "Genin are under the command of Chunin Jonin and Kage, Chunin are under the command of Jonin and Kage, Jonin work directly under Kage. But there are also subsets of Jonin and Chunin, like Special Jonin"
Iruka clapped "Now tell me the Super powers of the ninja world"
"First there are the Eleven Supernova, eleven young ninja who are considered by many to be the first step to become kage"
"Then I'll have to be a Supernova!" Naruto interrupted loudly.
"Shut it Naruto" Sakura hissed. "Then there are the Five kage, leaders of the five great shinobi nations"
"My future rank!"
"Shut it Naruto" Sakura screeched. "Warlords, special ninja chosen by the Daimyo to help keep the five shinobi nations at a constant. Next are daimyo Non-shinobi, but powerful political figures who approve everything in their nation, from trade routes to treaties. And finally We have the what many consider to be myth, the four emperors. Four incredibly powerful missing nin, who have been able to carve out large portions of the great continent as their own, and protect them with any force necessary"
"Good work Sakura..." A Bell rung loudly "Go to lunch"
Naruto was the first to leave the class, he ran down the hall. But stopped at teasing filled laughs "Look at that kid, trying to be a ninja"
"He can't even uses Ninjutsu or Genjutsu" Naruto watched a group of older students pointing out the window. He sat and watched until the group dispersed, he walked over to the window. He looked out into the training ground, a young boy, probably a year older then himself was swinging lightning fast jabs into a wooden post. His hands bruised but he continued.
"He'll join my team" Naruto vowed. He popped the window open "HEY!" He screamed. "JOIN MY TEAM!"
The boy turned, jet black hair with wings on either side. He wore black pants, and a grey shirt. "What's your name" Naruto demanded.
"I Am Rock Lee!" The boy revealed happily.
"I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I want you to join my team!"
"No" Lee announced proudly.
"I Said join my team!" Naruto argued.
"And I said no!" Lee restated.
The two glared at each other "I Said join my team" He objected.
Naruto was on the outskirts of Konoha "Dumb Lee wouldn't join my team" He grumbled.
He was about beside a small stream, he heard a faint sigh. His eyes fell on what Naruto thought was a angel. All thoughts of Lee not joining his team where lost. A Women was in the stream, She looked two be in her late teens, early twenties. She had shoulder lengthen grey hair, He could see a black bikini. He saw the curves of her butt and breasts. His hearted thud in his chest, suddenly the women turned on him, and the ruby eyes of the women took his breath away. "You little pervert!" She shrieked!
The women cut through the women, in pure fury but the only thing Naruto could sputter out was "Beautiful"
She grabbed the boy and threw him into the water. "Sick kid!" She screamed.
Naruto felt his strength "I can't swim" He uttered falling beneath the water. "Help!" He coughed "PLEASE" He hacked.
The women watched him disappear regret on her face "Is he serious" She spoke, and in a flash she dove into the water. Felt the world darken, he watched the angel grab him. She dropped him on the side of the stream. "Kid" She pumped his chest "Come on kid" She sobbed "I Didn't know" She mentioned, Naruto coughed a bit of water. The women dipped "You'll be fine" She vowed, their lips touched, Naruto chest rose. He coughed up water. The women fell back relief written on her face, she looked at the soaked blonde. Straw hat hung limply on his back "Kid" She pleaded.
"Yeah" Naruto groaned loudly.
"Sorry" She apologized.
"Call me Naruto" The blonde looked up at the women.
"Kurenai" She introduced herself.
"One day..." Naruto rolled up "You'll be my wife!"
"Idiot!" Kurenai snapped.
Hiruzen looked down at a note, his fingers traced over the letters repeatedly. The note read in large boxy letters.
The Uzumaki boy will get his prize, but it will wait until the boy takes full clan head status
Kurenai ate a small bowl of ramen, sitting beside her was Naruto wolfing down a bowl of ramen as large as his head. "Why do you put up with him" A Second women wearing a long beige trench coat brown skirt and a mesh t-shirt and shorts. She had wild purple hair tied in a messy bun, and a shiny leaf head proudly across her head.
"Either I put up with him or..."
"He paints Asuma..."
"He's a bastard who only see's two things?" Naruto argued through a mouth full of ramen.
Anko give an exaggerated doe eyes "Awww he's jealous" She cooed in baby talk.
"Shut up Anko" Naruto was standing now his mouth still full of ramen. "Asuma I told Kurenai will be my" The Genjutsu mistress grabbed him in a choke in a flash.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying that" She shoved him roughly into his seat. "People will think I'm a pedophile" She grumbled.
"So stop putting up with him!" Anko cut in.
"I Won't let her" Naruto replied proudly.
Anko turned on Naruto "The grownups are talking" She kicked him off his chair.
Naruto jumped to his feet "You want to fight!" He screamed with a voice crack.
"Got balls brat!" Anko countered sauntering up to Naruto, she seemed to pour sex appeal with each sashay of her hip. "How would you feel if I cut them off"
Naruto snapped forward with a heat butt "I'm not scared!"
Anko lunged viciously "ENOUGH!" Kurenai was in between them, both sending wild punches around. "ANKO NARUTO!" Suddenly the two found themselves bound by vines.
"Genjutsu" The women and boy sighed in unison.
"Why can't you two get along" Kurenai sat down and ate. "Every time I take you two out for lunch it ends like this"
"He's/She's annoying Kurenai-chan" They grumbled childishly.
"Anko you're a grown women arguing with a child!" Kurenai moaned "And you Naruto, you've been on your own for years, and you two can't compromise" She ate silently "For where we eat"
"I DON'T CARE!" She fumed.
"But..." The two whined before she cut in with "Both of you two eat to much Dango, and Ramen" Kurenai gave a devious, the ice queen seemed to melt slightly "Next time we go out I choose" She scolded condescendingly.
"Kurenai-chan!" The two cried, like children told their dog died.
"Nope I've put up with your arguing constantly for two years, I choose where we eat, I'm paying, and you two don't have to put up with arguments that no matter how they start out come back to Ramen vs Dango" She explained leaving not room for argument.
The Special Jonin and ninja in training fell back in their chairs "Fine" Murmured in near silent fury.
"Those two take their Dango and Ramen to seriously" Ichiraku the ramen man muttered under his breath, seeing this same argument for two years.
After an hour Naruto waved to the two women, Anko wore a slight scowl but waved, and Kurenai gave a one armed hug. The young man jogged down the street his body felt light. The hug still on his mind "Kurenai..." He sighed, his heart thumped slightly against his chest.
"Forehead!" He heard a male jeering. Naruto looked to the park he had tried playing at when he was younger, but was chased off by angry parents. He could see a small group of boys and girls surrounding a young pink haired girl.
"Sakura" Naruto muttered, he was about to leave when he heard "Ugly freak" His knuckles instantly clenched and was moving without out a thought. "Hey!" He roared loudly. "Leave her alone!"
"Its the monster" One of the boys taunted boldly.
"Get away from her" came his livid restatement. Sakura looked through the crowd of her peers, a blonde in ratty clothes, and straw hat was standing before the group. "She's not a freak"
"Says the demon" Grunted the largest boy.
The large boy threw a sloppy jab, which was caught by the next generation straw hat. "Pistol!" The group parted as the boy rocketed across the park.
The taunting mob looked at the blonde, then to the much larger boy, a silent murmur of "Monster" Echoed through the park, before the children screamed, racing in random directions away from the boy and girl. "Naruto" The pinkette mouthed mutely.
"You're in my class, Sakura right?" She nodded under the blue eyed gaze. "You're pretty" The girl looked at Naruto who's grin stretched across his face, Sakura replied with a weak half hearted smile. He tore of a piece of his shirt. "Why did they call you forehead?" He asked, parting the pink hair. "I Find your forehead charming" The girl felt him pin her bangs in a messy bow. "Sorry couldn't do any better Sakura-chan"
The pinkette eyed the blonde suspiciously. "My mom says you're a monster and not to go near you" She stated coldly. "But you don't seem mean" Sakura's frosty demeanour faltered, the two eyed each other, a sapphire blue eyed boy never falling, emerald green eyed girl nearly turned away.
"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER" Both broke from their stupor.
Naruto's large grin over took his face "Bye Sakura-chan" He raced away. She watched blonde race away, his straw hat bobbing on his head.
Naruto laid on his back, clouds grey in the sky. "Failed again" He muttered "Kicked Choji's ass, but failed chakra control, and basic ninjutsu" He rolled to his feet. "Ok I'll go find Kurenai, and work my ass off and pass the next exam" He was on his feet and racing off in a blink of an eye.
He raced down the street quickly, he slid to a stop in a diving behind a stairwell. "What's the idiot Asuma doing at Kurenai's "She was captured in Bokotoshi" Asuma whispered urgently to Anko.
"But how? Bokotoshi is under our control" Anko replied with an equally frantic whisper.
"My father thinks Teichii the axe murder is out of control" Asuma felt a prickle at the back of his neck.
"Why are you telling me?" Anko's voice wavered.
"Dad wants you to keep Naruto occupied, if he even catches..."
"He'll go racing off to..."
"Exactly" Asuma told her.
"Kurenai" Came the crestfallen gasp. He left the two on the steps silently, never turning his head on Asuma and Anko. "I'll find you" He vowed with a glint of hope.
Back on the stairwell the two jonin watched the blonde run away. "Pops are you sure about this Teichii is chunin ranked"
"The Council is fighting tooth and nail against me" The old hokage walked out of the shadows "Naruto's more than enough to retake Bokotoshi, and hopefully gain his ninja status"
"So who are you sending ahead to watch him?" Anko asked curiously.
"Rin and Kakashi" The hokage watched looked down the street. "Good luck Naruto"
Naruto raced into the training grounds. Only a single figure remained, he was wearing a skin tight green unitard brown leg warmers and either hand was bound tightly in white bandages. He has jet black bowl cut hair that shined and thick eyebrows. "Lee!" Naruto yelled "Someone took Kurenai I'm getting her back"
Lee stared at the blonde with thinly veiled interest "Why did you come here Naruto-san"
"I Need help, so please JOIN MY TEAM!"
I'm writing this rewrite simply because
My original with lemons is at risk of being taken down because of the purge
I Feel like I can do better, especially with the Fem Kyuubi