Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. I wish I owned Ryo though!

Ryo: *sweat drop*

Whitney: Hey, why are you here again?

Ryo: I dunno.

Whitney: That's it. MATT! GET IN HERE!

Simon: *in straight jacket* OH NO! It's the pillow! Help!

Matt: *stick tongue out at Simon*: Ha ha, you're in a straight jacket because no one thought I was real. That's funny.

Simon: No it's not.

Whitney: Okay, let's get to the story before you and Matt get into a fight, because I don't want you to get hurt.

Simon: What makes you think that I'd be the one to get hurt?

Whitney: Because you don't stand a chance against Matt.

Simon: He's a pillow!

Whitney: Very good, someone listened in school.


Rika drummed her fingers on the table beside the waiting room couch. She checked her watch again and groaned. She had only been sitting for five minutes since she last checked her watch, but it seemed like hours, considering Kazu and Kenta were right across from her and doing really stupid things to pass the time, like seeing who could burp the loudest. Now, they were making shadow puppets. The only good thing about their stupid antics was that the receptionist, whom we'll now officially call Ms. Fake, was getting pretty annoyed.

"Look! It's a two legged elephant." Kazu yelled as he used his whole body to make something that looked, amazingly, like a two legged elephant. Kenta started laughing. The waiting room door creaked open and everyone jumped up. They were, yet again, the only ones there, so they knew.

The doctor looked over at Kazu, who was still in his elephant position, which was quite odd. He shook his head and turned to the others. Kazu reddened and stood up straight. The doctor cleared his throat.

"I assume Ms. Matashi informed you of Ryo's injuries, so I won't go over them again. Which one of you is Ryo's father?" he asked, even though there was only one man old enough to be Ryo's father. Mr. Akiyama stood up. "Okay, may I speak with you a minute?" Mr. Akiyama nodded and followed the doctor into the hall.

"That can't be good. If he wants to talk to Ryo's dad in private, that probably means." Takato trailed off.

"Yeah." Henry agreed. He turned to Ashley, who had just come to Rika's birthday, and got stuck in a hospital, waiting for someone she didn't even know, or so he thought. She simply nodded, didn't complain or anything. God, he loved that girl, anyone else would probably get bored of waiting like this, but then again they were waiting for the Ryo Akiyama. He knew Ashley didn't really think much of him, though. All he did was beat Rika at the card game, and even Rika herself got over that. Oh, well, enough about that.

The door opened again, and Mr. Akiyama and the doctor approached the kids, well teens. They all held their breath, praying on the inside. The looks on both of the adults' faces were not very spirit lifting. "Like I said, since you all know his injuries, or should, so I'm just going to be plain and simple, he might not make it." The doctor looked sympathetic to all of the young friends. "But I do have one question, how did this happen?" Rika looked to Kazu, who looked to Kenta, who looked to Takato, who looked to Jeri, who looked to Henry, who looked to Ashley, who shrugged. "Okay, let's put it this way, how did you find him like this?" Rika bit her lip, she was really the only one that knew, then again, the others had been watching the whole time. She edged forward a little and told her story. The doctor stood in shock. "Did you call the police?" She shook her head.

"We weren't really thinking about that at the time." She replied. The doctor pointed to the phone at the front desk, where Ms. Matashi, a.k.a. Ms. Fake, sat reading a magazine.

"You better call them, they'll want to know." He said as he turned towards the hallway door. "You may see him now, but I think he's either still unconscious or asleep. Room number 13."

"He's in 13, dude, he's not gonna make it!" Kazu said. Rika whacked him on the back of his head.

"Don't say that, he is to." She stated as Kazu held his head. He looked at Alice for back up that never came. She just shrugged. Rika stuck her tongue out at him as she walked through the door. Everyone else followed behind, whether they wanted to or not.

"!" Takato counted again, as soon as he said the number 13, he burst through the door, along with Rika and Kazu, resulting in them all being squished in the door frame. Rika pushed her way out and looked at the abysmal sight before her.

There, laying on one of the hospital beds, was Ryo. Tubes ran through his nose to help him breath, with various other tubes connected to him and machines or IV fluid. He had a cast on his left leg, again. Around his neck was a brace, which scared everyone for fear he might be paralyzed, along with a bandage wrapped around his forehead. His heart monitor wasn't a straight line, but it wasn't exactly the zig-zaggiest (no, I don't think that's a word.) thing you've ever seen.

The it hit her. Her eyes were much more than moist. This wasn't a for a guilt trip, but more for the fact that her best friends could die. She turned around and collapsed into the arms of the person behind her, which was. Kazu. This was a pretty awkward situation, with a nervous Kazu, whose shoulder was occupied by Rika, soaking it. He cautiously lifted her hand patted her on the back. She sniffed and lifted her head up, wiping her eyes and walking slowly over to the couch beside Ryo's bed. She sat down, with Jeri following after her, Takato also tagging along. Kazu sat in the chair beside the couch, Alice next to him, the others on the floor or standing.


Ashley dug into her bag to pull out her ringing cell phone. She flipped up the cover to check who it was. "It's Whitney. I'll be outside." She left the room. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Senor Bob's Coffee Shop, how may I help you?" Ashley greeted.

"You are so strange. Anyway, how's Japan?" Whitney asked on the other end.

"It's fun. Right now we're waiting for Ryo to wake up from his unconsciousness so that we can get out of the hospital. Not that Rika would let us leave even when he did wake up."

"Ryo Akiyama?"


"He's back? That reminds me, did you.?"

"No, I can't. yet."

"Why? Are you in love with one of them or something?"


"You are! Ooo! Wait until I tell Kaitlyn!"

"Oh, shut up! Don't you dare!"

"This is why you called Lacey to tell Nick you dumped him!"


"Okay, jeez. Anyway, which one is he? I bet its Kenta. You seem like the nerdy type."

"Shut up. You're mean. Anyway, it's Henry."

"Henry? Why Henry when you can have Kazu? Kazu's better."

"I thought you liked Ryo."

"I do, but even Kazu's better than Henry."

"Kazu's a cocky jerk, sometimes. Always cocky, sometimes a jerk."

"So, when are you going to?"

"I don't know. I'll have to wait until Ryo's out of the hospital. or else it might be too obvious."

"Yeah. What the? ARG! Kaitlyn!"

"What did she do now?"

"She's been sending me e-cards again. This one's got a baby on it. She told me to tell Matt congrats. I'll have to send her one. Oh, I don't know who she likes. Damn.Well, my mom wants me off the phone, so talk to ya later. Sayonara."

"See ya." Ashley hung up. She was about to turn back to the hospital when she heard a rustling in the bushes. She stood her ground. "Show yourself." She said firmly. A large black wolf-like creature emerged, followed by a young man with a raven-like being perched on his shoulder. She sighed. "What are you doing here, Kuroi?"

"I came to check on you." The young man answered, stroking his bird. The dog sauntered towards her, all three of it's tails wagging slowly. She reached out and touched his head, scratching behind it's ear.

"What mischief have you been causing, Kagemon?" she asked as she kneeled down in front of him, still scratching his ear. He licked her face, his golden eyes glittering in the moonlight. She giggled.

"He's actually been good, when he was with me. I don't know about the other times, with you and Rika." Kuroi replied.

"That's good. I see you brought Kuroimon. Wait, where's Y-" she stopped when she saw a flash of light beside her.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Who's in da house? I'm in da house!" The small green creature exclaimed.

"Ah, there you are,. Um, what's with the slang junk?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's been watching VH1 in the hotel. all the time." Kuroi answered for him.

"Well, I better get back in there. They're probably wondering where I've been. See ya." Ashley walked back to the hospital. Kuroi nodded and turned towards the green creature, who also nodded. With a snap of his fingers, Kuroi, Kuroimon, Kagemon, and himself were all back in their hotel.


Ashley slowly opened the door to room 13. She found Rika still on the couch, but this time her legs were across Jeri and Takato's laps, much to Takato remorse, sleeping peacefully. Kazu and Kenta were fighting over who knows what, with Nikki and Alice talking in a civilized manner about their boyfriends. Henry was standing quietly by the doorway, leaning his back against the wall, arms crossed, and his eyes closed, but not sleeping.. He jumped a little when he opened his eyes and saw Ashley beside him. He smiled slightly as a greeting and closed his eyes again. She smiled back and leaned her back against the wall beside him.

A soft moan was heard from around the middle of the room. Everyone looked up to see Ryo stirring. Jeri was about to wake Rika, when a hand grabbed her wrist. She looked up to see Ashley looking down at her.

"Do not wake the sleeping beast, for then the beast might not be the one that's 'sleeping'." Ashley said, grinning. Jeri smiled at her and withdrew her hand.

When Ryo had opened his eyes fully, they were full of terror. When he realized where he was, he bolted up in the bed, creating a surging ache throughout his body. He groaned in pain, laying himself back down in the bed. He readjusted to his surroundings, his eyes falling on Ashley. They widened as he began breathing heavily.

Henry looked concerned at the way Ryo was acting, and the way he was looking at Ashley. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Ashley looked at Ryo innocently, concern filling her eyes also. Ryo calmed down, but still a little confused. "N-nothing." he replied.

Rika's eyes flew open at the sound of his voice. "Ryo!" she shrieked as she jumped up and stood at his bedside.

"Nice to see you, too." He said, chuckling.

"What did they do to you?" Takato asked, now able to get up since Rika's legs were no longer across his lap.

"I don't really remember, but mostly abuse, mentally and physically." Ryo stated it like those were everyday things, but they probably were for the past year of his life. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Why?" Kazu asked.

"Well. um.because, they wanted me to. kill." Ryo trailed off.

"Kill who?" Kenta asked.

"You guys." Everyone gasped.

"Do you have any idea who it was?" Rika asked.

Ryo bit his lip. "Well, one of them kinda looked like." Ryo looked at Ashley. "Her." He said pointing to her.

"Ashley? That's ridiculous. She wouldn't do that." Henry said. "Would you?"

"Of course not." Ashley responded, like she was offended. Ryo remained unconvinced. He knew one of them was her, but how could he prove it? It clicked.

"Hey, Kage." He called. Ashley looked up at him. "Oh, so our name is Kage?" he asked. Ashley bit her lip.

"I just looked up to see her you were talking to." She retorted. Ryo sighed. "Well, I've had enough of being accused of something absurd, so I think I'll go now." She turned around and left, Henry following behind, shrugging at everyone but Ryo, whom he was glaring at. Everyone watched the two leave. Rika turned back to Ryo.

"You really think it was Ashley?" she asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, there were some others, too. A small green thing. Really wrinkly, big pointy ears, robe-like clothes." Ryo started, but was cut off by Kazu.

"Hold the show! You say he was green and wrinkly?" Kazu asked. Ryo nodded.

"With big, pointy ears?" Kenta asked. Ryo nodded again.

"With a robe on?" Kazu asked. Ryo nodded, again. Kenta looked at Kazu. "That sounds a lot like."

"But it couldn't be." Kenta deliberated.

"Yoda." They said at the same time, in a trance like way.


Whitney: So, we only had one person who correctly answered who the green thing was, and that lucky winner is: *drum roll* Ashley. Bet you didn't guess that. Well, I did, so I get a cookie! Yay! Well, anyway, yeah, it's Yoda, as weird as that is. At least the chapter's finally done, I thought I'd never finish it. Well, I have to go walk Matt, so see ya later.

Simon: You're going to walk the pillow?

Whitney: Yeah. Well, anyway, Thank You and Goodnight!