This is a story about Red AFTER he is beat by Ethan (Gameverse, sorry, no Gold!) Red has to deal with the world moving on without him. Sinnoh and Unova being discovered along with their legendaries, Pokemon, and new trainers worthy of the Pokedex! Here we go! *Note: Blue is a male in this story! Like I said gameverse!) Sorry that most of this chapter is in a flashback…..

Disclaimers: I don't own Pokemon. If I did….

Chapter 1:

Red sighed. He looked out over the great view that Mt Silver offered. Below he could see the sparkling lights of various cities in Johto. He knew he have to leave this safe haven soon. Back into the open arms of the various creeps and trainers that wanted either a piece of clothing or just wanted to battle. But he knew he would have to leave soon. He took a vow to his mom, Professor Oak, Leaf, and even the obnoxious Blue, that once he was beaten, he must return home.

3 long years he had been on this cold mountain. 3 long years he had been away from civilization. He trained his trusted team night and day for two of those years. The third year he just waited, and waited. Finally, the hero of Johto and his childhood friend braved the mountain that had claimed many lives. The mountain that trained Red and his team to become stronger than the already had. He remembers that day.

"OH ARCEUS FINALLY!" A cheer erupted from the entrance to Red's safe haven.

"Lyra, it wasn't that bad." A calm male voice retorted.


"Three days? Red thought,"It had only taken three hours to climb to the top."

Red turned. A boy around the age of 15 wearing a red sweatshirt and black jean shorts and a hat turned backwards that was failing at holding back a spike of black hair was looking at the apparent source of the screaming. The boy's partner was a girl, Lyra as the boy called her, was wearing a strange poofy white hat with a single red strip across the front of it with a ribbon on the side of her hat. Weird pig-tails that defied the laws of gravity came off the side of her head. She was wearing a red shirt and a pair of blue….overalls…..weird….with white leggings and black shoes. She was holding a Marill in her arms and a Typhlosion trailed behind the boy.

"We were lucky Lyra," The boy said to the girl. "At least no storms randomly popped up on us."

"I don't care Ethan!" Lyra screeched at the boy. "Three days! I could've been at the beach in Olivine City instead of climbing this stupid mountain!"

Ethan just sighed and looked ahead. Red raised a hand in greeting, but said nothing. Pikachu jumped on to his shoulder and sparked menacingly at Ethan and Lyra. From behind Ethan, Typhlosion growled at Pikachu.

"I'm guessing your Red?" Ethan asked Red, looking kind of awestruck. "The Pokemon Master?"

Red blinked. He hadn't been aware they were calling him the Pokemon Master. He just shrugged and then nodded.

"Good," Ethan sighed. He quickly looked up and shot Red an apologetic grin. "Sorry, I've been asked by several of your friends to find you. First Blue Oak asked after I beat him, then a girl with a white hat asked once I got out of the Viridian Gym, and then Professor Oak asked when he gave me access to Mt Silver, and finally your Mom."

"She said to make sure you were changing your underwear!" Lyra said with a giggle.

Red had just sighed. His Mom always found a way to embarrass him. When he had defeated the Pokemon League, she had asked if he had taken a shower and changed his underwear at all during his journey, much to his horror and Blue and Professor Oak's enjoyment. For weeks afterwards, that's all the news and magazines covered. "Champion Red's Over Caring Mother" was all over the news and magazines showing photos of Red and his mother.

"And Blue wanted to make sure I beat you off this mountain. He said, 'Drag his ass down here so I can beat it!' His words, not mine." Ethan said.

Red just nodded. He knew this was coming. He nodded at Pikachu and Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and got ready to battle. Ethan nodded.

"Go Typhlosion!"

Red just stared blankly at Ethan, who just stared blankly back. The battle had lasted for 3 hours…and had ended in a draw.

"Whoa," Ethan muttered, looking around them. What was once flat and covered in snow, was now a crater with tons of scorch marks from Ethan's Typhlosion and Red's Charizard.

"Yay, it's over!" Lyra yelled, hopping up and down with her pig-tails doing the same.

"What do you mean by that?" Ethan fumed, glaring at Lyra, who had backed away in fear. "That was the best battle I've ever had! Did you find it boring?!"

"Ehehehe…no?" Lyra said with a nervous laugh.

Red walked over to Ethan and shook his hand. "Nice battle…" was all he said.

Ethan blinked and then his eyes widened. "Whoa, you can talk!"

Lyra burst into a giggle fit and Red just shook his head.

"Well of course he can talk!" An excited female voice exclaimed. "But you won't get much out of him!"

Red, Lyra, and Ethan looked over to see a girl with waist long chocolate brown hair covered by a white hat with a Pokeball symbol on the front. She was wearing a blue tank top and a red skirt. She had shin high blue socks and the newest girl's running shoes. Her pale blue eyes gazed at the three of them and then locked on Red. Her eyes gleamed mischievously and her lips curved into a big grin.

"Well, lookie here!" The girl said, walking over to Red and beginning to circle him like a hungry Persian. "You have definitely out grown your old clothes."

Red began to feel uncomfortable; living on top of a mountain hadn't really required getting any new clothes. Besides, would you care how you looked if you were the only human being on this entire mountain?

The mischievous gleam moved from her eyes, to her mouth, a mischievous smile rivaling a Meowths. "Good thing your Mommy told me to bring these to you!"

She handed him a bulging package. Red took it with a raised eyebrow, praying to Arceus this wasn't a trick and the package wouldn't blow up in his face. Some crazy people had actually given him a package that blew up in his face once. He raised his eyes from the package to study the girl's face. She looked familiar….

Her eyes began to look sad. "You don't remember me….do you?"

"I'm sorry." Red said softly.

The girl began to pout. "Jeez, live on a mountain for 3 years and you forget your own best friend….."

Red gave a small chuckle at that. "I couldn't ever forget you Leaf. I said I'm sorry for leaving you for 3 years. I hope Blue didn't do anything to stupid."

Leaf launched herself at Red, hugging his waist, and then quickly recoiled. "You kinda stink." She said, wrinkling her nose.

Red shrugged. "I'll go take a shower and put on these new clothes. Make yourselves comfortable."

"Where can we be comfortable?" Lyra asked. "It's like negative 20 degrees out here and every where around here is snow! Besides where Ethan and you battled of course!"

Red just chuckled and motioned for them to follow him. He led them to a cave that no one would notice until the got really close to it.

"Welcome to where I've been living for the past 3 years."

It was a fairly big rounded cave. In the middle was a blazing fire. Next to the fire was an extremely lumpy mattress. Towards the back of the room there were several large crates filled with various necessities. Food, water, Full Restores for the Pokemon, and one crate filled to the brim with letters.

"Are those…..?" Lyra questioned, pointing to the crate filled with letters. Red opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by a screech.

Leaf had torn one of the letters open and had read it. "ARE THESE LOVE LETTERS?"

Red rolled his eyes. "Girls swoon over the fantasies and legends that have spread about me. They don't know me, but they think they love me. They fall for a person built on lies. It's kinda creepy actually."

Ethan and Lyra had their mouths open, surprised by Red's speech. Leaf on the other hand, just fumed.

"That's creepy! How many of these do you get?"

Red scratched the back of his neck, mulling over Leaf's question. "This is….maybe the third one this week?"

"And what do you do with these letters?" Ethan asked. "And how do they get up here?"

"Well, Nurse Joy sends them up. I usually get Charizard to burn the letters."

Ethan, Leaf, and Lyra peered into the crate.

"Dude, there are like thousands of them in here…." Ethan said, sweat dropping.

Red just shrugged. "I guess I'm like a celebrity now or something. Anyways, I'm going to the Hot Springs to wash off."

Red sighed, looking at his new clothes. He now had on a red jacket with a white stripe down the center of it, a black undershirt, a new pair of jeans, and a brand new red baseball cap with half a Pokeball on it to replace his old cap. His old pair of sneakers was replaced by the new male's pair of Running Shoes. He even had new underwear on. (Inside the package his Mom had left a note saying she would "kindly" kick his ass if he didn't put them on. His Mom loved to "kindly" threaten him) He had had Charizard burn his old clothes…..except for the old hat. He had grown attached to it.

"C'MON RED!" Leaf yelled from the exit of his safe haven. "YOUR MOM, PROFFESOR OAK, AND BLUE WILL KILL US IF WE'RE LATE!"

Red just sighed. He was gonna miss this place. Pikachu appeared from nowhere (He was really being held hostage by Leaf, who wouldn't stop hugging the poor electric mouse.) and hopped on his shoulder.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu said, pointing towards Leaf and the others.

"I know, I know." Red muttered, scratching Pikachu behind the ear, causing Pikachu to let out content "Chaaa".

Red turned around and walked towards Leaf and the others. When he reached them, Ethan said to him, "You know, people have begun to call you "The Lost Champion". They have search parties searching for you non-stop, and the press has been all over your Mom."

"I'm gonna kill them if they did anything to my mom…" Red growled and Pikachu sparked angrily on his shoulder.

Leaf giggled. "No I think your dear Mom is one step ahead of you. She actually threw a frying pan at one of the reporters who wouldn't leave your front door. Now the press is hounding the old Professor and his annoying grandson."

Red gave a chuckle. Leave it to his mom to throw a frying pan at some random reporter.

"Ya know," Leaf said with a frown appearing on her face. "The world has changed a lot since you've been gone. You'll be pretty shocked at what the old Professor has discovered. Three new regions have popped up and TONS of new Pokemon too. Are you ready to deal with all of this change?"

Red smirked. "What is that expression? 'Can't teach an old Growlithe new tricks? Well, I'm gonna learn a few tricks."

Whew, done. Just so you know, that line represents either a change in time, POV, or a flashback. If the words are italicized, it's a flashback…like this entire chapter pretty much. I don't know when the next chapter is gonna be released, but hopefully, pretty soon. BTW; Red's "Safe Haven" is where you find him in Mt Silver, looking over Johto!

Thanks for reading! Please favorite and review!
