I regret to inform all of you that are following, that I am not continuing this story. I am sorry, but I have no idea where I'm going with this anymore. BUT. Before I delete it, I'm allowing people to save it if they want. I am also giving away this story if someone else wishes to continue writing for it. Do you think you're ready to be a writer, but don't have any good story ideas? You think that you could write a better ending that I could? (let's be honest, you could.) Well here is your opportunity to make that dream come true. I honestly don't care if you say you wrote it. I just want to get rid of it. So PM me if you're interested. 'Cause I'm not writing anymore chapters to this crazy thing. Free of charge, there are no gimmicks to this. I just don't want to delete a story people like without giving it a small chance to continue it.