Well guys, you all suckered me into another story! This one is going to be WAY different than anything you've read from me. While it is of course Piccolo and Gohan-centric, I've pretty much DESTROYED the DBZ universe. I mean, the central elements are here, but a lot has changed, so bear with me! This might be a wild ride!

Young Goku looked on in absolute horror as the fearsome King Piccolo towered over him and Krillin as he held his counterpart, Kami, by the throat.

"Finally! Finally, the time of my revenge has come! No longer will I have to be bound by this worthless piece of shit. No more!"

"Wait, King Piccolo, please, don't!" Goku pleaded, his eyes large and innocent, holding fear...an emotion the boy did not know well. Beside him, Krillin was quivering with terror, unsure of what to do.

"Back off, boy!" the demon king warned, tightening his hold on Kami's neck, ki beginning to glow dimly. Kami let out a grunt of pain.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" Goku shouted.

"That's the point, fool," King Piccolo snarled.

"He hasn't done anything to you! Stop it!" the boy took a menacing step forward.

"Come closer and I'll make this as painful as possible."

"Krillin, go get Korin!" Goku whispered sharply. "He can help us! I'll just keep him distracted..."

"ENOUGH! I grow tired of this game. I'm ending this!"

"No, don't!"

It was too late. Kami began to scream in pain as a black glow surrounded him and his counterpart. Slowly, Kami began to fade away as King Piccolo's ki grew exponentially. The entirety of the Lookout shook and Krillin, knowing full well the fight was over, grabbed Goku and the two ran for the edge and jumped down, King Piccolo's insane laughter echoing behind them.

King Piccolo stalked along the edge of the Lookout, reveling in his new powers.

"You've gone back on your deal, Piccolo," a soft voice said sadly, yet filled with power.

"That's King Pic- M-my lady, y-you..." he stammered as he caught sight of who he was speaking to.

"I made it quite clear what our deal was when you split, Piccolo. You went back on your word. Never were you to fuse again."


"Have no standing ever more. Your life ends in mere moments, as dictated by our deal. You have sealed your fate, Piccolo," the being said, and left.

In just minutes, the demon king fell to the ground in severe pain and began to fade away. With a final wretch, he was gone, and in his place, an egg lay among the wreckage of the Lookout, the moon's beams glinting off the perfect shell.

And then, just a few seconds later, the dragon balls disappeared, gone from Earth forever.

So yes, REALLY short first chapter, but its only purpose is to set the stage for the story. Please leave some feedback! Love ya!