What is right and what is wrong.
A: N: Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue I only own the story I am writing.
A:N: 2 I know I have two other stories up that aren't completed yet, but this one kind of came to me in a way. Once I come up with other chapters for the other stories I will put them up.
Chapter one
Andy McNally had finally finished at the police academy she was so excited about it. She had met great friends there, but she just wanted to be a police officer already. Andy had wanted to be a police officer for a while now. She grew up with her dad as a detective and knew how being a police officer could affect her life both personally and professionally but this is all she wanted to do for a long time.
As she went to the station for her first shift, Andy was really excited about it. She practically ran to into the station as fast as she could when she got closer to the station.
Andy was partnered with Oliver Shaw for her first day. Andy and her friend Traci were told to clear this apartment building so they both started to clear the room.
You ready for this? Traci asked Andy. Andy nodded her head. Fake it til you make it right? Andy asked Traci. They both went into the opposite rooms.
"Freeze Police!" Andy yelled at the people in the room. One of them had a hat on and put his hands up. While the other guy there had dark black hair that looked a bit greasy to Andy. The guy with dark hair smirked at Andy. "See ya, the guy with dark hair said to her as he jumped out the window of the apartment.
What the, Andy thought to herself quietly as she noticed the guy with the hat on follow the darked hair mans lead.
Andy ran down the stairs. She wasn't sure what she was meant to do. She was looking for Oliver but he was nowhere to be seen. Andy sighed. "Great first day this is", she thought to herself.
As Andy walked around the streets, she heard two familiar voices. She turned around and saw the two guys from the room. "Freeze Police", she said again. The dark haired guy ran again. This time Andy caught up to him and put cuffs on him.
As Andy turned the dark haired guy over, he just stared at her. "Please don't do this", this guy whispered to her. Andy was confused. She looked around.
A: N: 2 and that is chapter one of these stories. I am writing chapter two already so hopefully it will be up later tonight. Let me know what you think.