1.) Nepeta

She's the new girl, a freshman making friends with everybody she could. From her older friend Aradia she had met most of the boys. Sollux was a junior that had been her long-time boyfriend and a part of the computer club, Equius was a shy body builder and a junior on the wresting team that liked physics, Tavros had been the sophomore theatre geek with a passion for musicals and fantasy, Eridan was the senior that always looked for fresh meat to show off and always had short flings with girls but never any serious relationships.

Karkat was the junior that didn't do too much, and didn't have many friends because of his surly attitude. She learned that once you got past that prickly exterior he was a very kind person, and he had a crush on one of the prettiest junior girls in school. Terezi was an all-around go getter that was caption of the debate club. She was best friends with another gorgeous junior girl named Vriska that had all the boys wrapped around her fingers. While Vriska was all long dark hair and tall black boots, Terezi was a workaholic, smart, with a short pixie haircut; she loved plaid button downs, and carried a cane everywhere, always wore sandals, and had a messenger bag with an old fashioned typewriter and papers on everything.

A fashionista sophomore named Kanaya was the third girl to always be seen in that trio of babes. She had a huge purse where she kept her supplies for any fashion emergency that might occur during the average school day, and had a way with adding colors to black in the most amazing ways. She could also often be seen hanging out with Rose on sunny days under a tree, knitting and making costumes for the latest of Tavros's musical masterpieces.

John and Jade were sophomore twins that did everything together. Dave was a junior and Jade's boyfriend. When Jade wasn't with Tavros practicing her lines in a musical or being with John in Comedy Sportz and the movie club she was with Dave in the greenhouse, growing pumpkins and other flora and raising a vast variety of frogs and toads in the school pond. Nepeta always fluttered from group to group, feeling for all the world like the luckiest freshman to have made all these friends.

John and Jane's big sister Jane was also on the debate team and in a senior in theatre. Rose's older sister Roxy ran a 'virgin bar' club that Jane baked loads of cookies and cakes for. Because Nepeta had a sweet tooth she loved going to their club, and because they thought she was adorable they usually gave her treats for free. Dave's big brother and his boyfriend Jake ran a host club at the school, entertaining the ladies (and gents) after school. She would always go there with Equius to give him a confidence boost because he was always nervous around the girls and he had been drug into it for his 'rugged good looks' as Jake would always say.

Feferi was the head of the student council of course, and in the shadow of most any teacher almost constantly. Either wearing the cheer outfit for their high school, a lovely light green, she was wearing the school uniform, "the correct way" she called it, with no modifications to the original outfit. She was a bubbly sort, quick to make friends between her school obligations, Sollux, her current other half (Solly) and cheer practice. With a quick stride and long hair in simple braids swinging as she moved, it was clear who had the leadership potential in the school. When lunch finally rolled around after the first half of the day, Feferi was usually the first at the table that occupied Aradia, Vriska, Sollux, of course, and a gaggle of other friends. No matter how they were all in the same school since forever, she thought it amazing that most of them had remained intact in their little circle. A group of all sorts, and if she was ever going to be a political major, she had to learn how to accept others for what they were. While they might not have thought too much about college or anything after their next class, Fef was another story. She planned everything to a T; from what she wore to if she used a pen or a pencil. To her, every decision must be made correctly, and with purpose.

And so for the most part Nepeta was friends with everybody. Calliope always hung out with Roxy at the virgin bar club and her twin brother Caliborn sulked around the shadows, looking for other freshman to pick on whenever he wasn't picking on Callie and her friends in the art club. The principal, Mr. Hussie, would often make rounds of the school during lunch time to talk to the students and view progress of clubs and classes. He often had Caliborn in his office for one thing or another, whether it was defacing school property with crappy graffiti or for pranking one of the other students. His sister always had a smile on her face even when Nepeta knew he'd been mean to her that day. High school for Nepeta Leijon was everything she had always dreamed it would be.