Chapter 4: Fresh Morning

The following day, Fujiko was completely exhausted.

She released a slow and painful breath as she stood up from the couch, feeling every muscle in her body whining with complaint. After such an unexpected episode with the thunderstorm that came to the village, Fujiko found herself sleeping on the couch for the rest of the night.

And when she woke, Rama was in the backyard as he was to be.

Inwardly, she wanted to curse him and kick him out of her home. He had no right to enter the safety of her home, regardless that she was suffering from an episode. It was completely improper! But at the same time, she couldn't help but have a small part of herself feel relieved that someone was there to help her. Just like Makoto had. Fujiko placed her hand over her stomach, sighing once again as she turned her head from side to side, relieving the tension in her neck.

She walked slowly to the bathroom, massaging her back as she did.

Undressing herself, she sat down on a small wooden stool and became to throw water upon her body, going through her routines of the day. Fujiko poured water down her head, rubbing her face to erase any evidence of the hardship she went through last night.

A small kick interrupted her.

Fujiko placed both hands on her stomach, closing her eyes and breathing slowly. Another kick was delivered to the palm of her hand. It reminded her that she needed to visit the doctor whenever she had a chance. She was due for another checkup.

Quickly, finishing with her bath, Fujiko draped herself with another thin kimono, readying herself for another hot day. As she made way to the kitchen, she glanced out the window and saw Rama already awake and alert. Fujiko ignored him and she started to prep for breakfast.

As a child, Fujiko had been preened and prepped to become a wife of a noble woman. She dressed with beautiful fabrics, given paste and makeup for her face, and given lessons on how to become a proper wife. With that, Fujiko had a governess of a sort who would constantly remind Fujiko of her duties and responsibilities of a married woman.

"There is no other use of a proper woman in this world, Fujiko-san."

"What do you mean?"

"The only reason women exist is to breed strong sons. Other than that, women have nothing else to do but serve their husbands. To become the perfect wife, you must listen to your husband and do your duties. Do not taint his family honor, including your own."

"What about the kunoichi? What of them?"

"Tch, don't get me started on those barbarian of a woman. They're no good. Not only are they warriors but most likely, they're also comfort women for the shinobis. No honor as women. No honorable men will want them."

No men will want them.

No honorable men will want them.

Fujiko gently flipped the egg, watching it until it turned a perfect shade of white. She released a sigh and placed the egg atop of a bowl of rice. Finishing it off with some fish (which had been generously delivered by the family off shore of the river) and cups of water, Fujiko arranged the table for two.

She stood there, hands clenching the wooden backboard of the chair as she stared deeply into the warm, steaming food.

It was now or never.

Fujiko sighed, turned and walked towards the back door of the house. She opened it and was immediately caught off guard.

Rama who had woken up earlier, started his daily routines. He removed his shirt and started his work out. It was unexplainably, why he was doing sit ups, pushups, and other exercises so early in the morning. There was this deep insatiable need, almost as if this was a routine to his morning that he needed to complete else he'd remain unsatisfied for the rest of the day.

And they were not easy work outs. They were very difficult.

When Hideki and Kobayashi had their attention brought to this, they joined him. They hadn't lasted for more than half an hour.

By the time Rama was nearing the end of his training, his body was already sweating heavily. At the sound of a door opening, he looked up from his position and saw Fujiko staring at him with a stunned expression. Quickly, she looked away, turning her body to the side and said, "Breakfast is ready." With those short words, the pregnant woman moved back inside.

Rama hung from his pull up position before quickly finishing another five in rapid succession. He dropped to the floor in a crouch, grabbed his poor excuse of a shirt and wore it. Knowing if he'd walked in bare chest, the woman would throw him back out again.

Rama closed the door behind him.

"Leave the door open," Fujiko said as she sat down at the table. "You stink."

He stood there for a moment before opening the door. "I apologize."

Fujiko shook her head. "Come and eat."

The white-haired man slowly made way into the house, almost as if he was attempting not to insult her in any other way. Fujiko kept her eyes down at her food, using her chopsticks to rip of pieces of fish from her plate and eating it. She listened to him bringing out the chair and quietly sitting in it.

"Itadakimasu," he lowly mumbled before grabbing his chopsticks and starting to eat.

She ignored him and continued to eat, occasionally dipping her chopsticks into the side dishes.

Birds outside chirped and sunlight poured into the small but humble home. There was a silence in the house, that though it was a bit awkward, it was somewhat comfortable. It seemed like as if the atmosphere had improved between the two.

It was a good morning, a fresh morning.

As they finished their meals, Rama stood and quietly offered to clean the dishes.

"I'll clean them," Fujiko said, standing up from her place and taking the dishes from Rama. "Go back outside. I'll bring fresh water and soap for you to bathe."

Though that comment had stung, Rama quietly backed away from her. He watched as she slowly gathered all the dishes and washed them to her satisfaction. He turned and walked out of the house, sitting down on the ledge of one of her poorly tended gardens and stared at his clasped hands.

How did this all happen?

There were moments were he had dreams of the past, but they were snippets of random memories stringing to one another, never making any sense. It was frustrating. If only he knew anything, he'd be able to walk away from this village and relived this sufferable woman from his presence. But even then, Rama would feel the responsibility of protecting her. Especially when Hana begged him to do so.

Still, promising this woman protection with his presence was a lot harder when she couldn't bear to have him in the same room.

Rama sighed. He'll just have to deal with it at the moment until he can regain his memories.

Fujiko walked through the backdoor, holding a small bucket of water in both hands. She handed it to Rama. Reaching into her pocket, she provided a small new soap bar from her bathroom. "Here," she said. "You can have this. I have no use for it anymore."

She dropped it into his open hand. And without a word, she turned away and left.

Fujiko left Rama to his cleaning, shivering as she thought of the half-naked man bathing in her backyard. It was improper but there was no way she was going to let that dirty, foul man into her bathroom. God knows the village people will talk. God knows her governess would turn in her grave and lash a thousand curses at her.

Clearing her throat, she walked into her room. Slowly, as much as her pregnant belly would allow her to, she knelt down before a chest. For five minutes, Fujiko stared at it, unable to believe what she was about to do.

All for a man who had helped her during her time of need.

She scoffed, opening the chest and taking out a clean white shirt and grey khakis. There was no need for her to harbor these things anymore. Fujiko had no one returning for them. He couldn't return for it.

Fujiko shook her head and stood up slowly. She groaned as she did so, feeling the weight of her pregnancy heavy on her. Quietly, she walked back to Rama and placed the clean clothes on the ledge. "These are for you."

And with that, she left without another word.

It's been so long since I've written anything, I find it very difficult to write a full chapter. Where I had written ten to thirteen pages a chapter, I can only force myself to write three. It's a little sad, lol. But hopefully I can write again as I had before.

Thank you for your kind words and support! I'll try and keep up with my stories once again! :')