Reviews for The Wisteria's Dance
Yakitori-Chan chapter 5 . 10/17/2019
I found this story a bit randomly and I really like the premise! I hope you return to it and continue someday
Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
Loved it! More please?!
Typha chapter 4 . 9/4/2017
P.S. the phone that I am reviewing this story on is a stickler for autocorrect. I doubt I was able to catch all of the mistakes. Any words that do not seem appropriate, probably are not. Shining Shinobi for example.

Typha chapter 5 . 9/4/2017
This is a cool premise to a story for Tobirama! It might be the only one I have read but I enjoy it.

I am enjoying the foreshadowing of their land about to be caught up in the shining war and people starting to leave, like Hana did. I wonder how Fujiko will handle this when the time comes. Mixed in with Tobirama's sense of duty to the insufferable Fujiko and him having mixed feelings on whether or not he will continue to keep his duty to her when his memories return (even though he seems set on leaving asap, I highly doubt his character will let him abandon Fujiko, especially if something sudden were to happen, like a war), I can only wonder how Fujiko and Tobirama's story will continue.

I appreciate your both your character and story development.

Fujiko is definitely insufferable, as Tobirama sees her, treating him like a mutt. The way you describe Fujiko's upbringing through reminiscing helps paint a picture of why she refuses to treat Tobirama differently than she is now. The reminiscing on Fujiko's strict upbringing also helps show the reader the base of why she is struggling to adjust to her life as it is now. It's almost as if she is remembering the rules but with how much her life has changed recently with Makoto and the baby, I can only guess that she will start to see the rules she grew up with in a different light and starts to question them.

Fujiko is taught that shinobi are not honorable, go against everything that she is taught to value as a woman, but Tobirama is being set up to start showing Fujiko that, that is not the case at all... Slowly (lol) as Fujiko has put a big ole barrier between them and hindered his ability to care for her - not entirely - but for the most part. That barrier seems to be making way and I love how the characters seem to be developing through that gradually decreasing barrier.

I am curious how Tobirama and Fujiko will continue past the land they are in now. There could be a ways to go before Tobirama gains memories of being Hokage and a lot could happen in that time... It would make sense that as Tobirama's start returning or he is having a surge in sudden flashbacks that he cannot entirely remember, he might feel a pull to Konohagakure and set a path back home without realizing why he is heading that way. This would only work if there was something that forced he and his duty (Fujiko) out of the land that they are currently in.

Shinobi with a medical background travel, especially in war, so it would not be entirely out-of-place for one to come upon Fujiko if she entered labour while they were on their way to the nearest town with a known hospital (or hospital that has not been destroyed so far). This would be tricky however, if the Shinobi recognized Fujiko.

Maybe Tobirama feels the need to keep a low radar when travelling with Fujiko, as being near labour in a stressful environment where they do not know when the next battle will erupt, and has an ingrained need to disguise himself after noticing he draws attention from another traveller?

Tobirama is a Shinobi so he would know how to find hidden set-ups, camps or cabins in the middle of no where, to keep Fujiko (and baby?) out of harm's way.

I'm just throwing ideas out there. I cannot picture how the story would all come together. In my mind, at some point, Tobirama would find his way back as Hokage. There is a lot of room to play with the characters, drag them through mud and develop between each other until then!

kae-sshi chapter 5 . 8/12/2016
I sure hope one day you'll go back to this story because I really like your characters and you make your OCs so unique. I like how you create the relationships they have with the people they live and interact with.
Until that day kudos to you !
Guest chapter 5 . 3/26/2016
Apple Bloom chapter 5 . 7/26/2015
Hello just read this i like the idea of witing this very good
This is just my opinion but man is she mean
lovinurbuks chapter 5 . 7/20/2015
Wow. Fujiko is a huge bitch. But I like this story stay awesome and change Fujiko's attitude
gragner chapter 5 . 7/10/2015
I love this story! You're wonderful at developing complex characters. (:
Akari.Wolf.Princess chapter 5 . 7/9/2015
Woohoo I'm so glad you updated i just thought about this story haha hopefully you'll keep updating its a great story and love to see how things unfold! .
Tsukiyo69 chapter 5 . 7/9/2015
Thanksm you so much for updating this story ! It has an original touch I have seen nowhere else. Is it just me or is Tobirama regaining a few of his abilities ?
crazyuser chapter 5 . 7/9/2015
Plz update, i love this fic so much
Queen Espada chapter 4 . 12/10/2013
Awesome story! I really hope you continue it soon!
Blink-Dream chapter 4 . 10/30/2013
I didn't think it would be good at first...but you have proved me soooooo wrong in the past four chapters. This has a good plot going so far and I haven't been disappointed yet with the developments of the chapters. Overall, very enjoyable.
Crystal Blue Butterfly chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
Thanks for writing this little piece of heaven!
Love it! I like what basically encompasses your idea, and wow, there's really nothing from Tobirama! That's sad, but thank you for doing something about it (god knows I'm a lazy, maybe one day I put also to write something .. but for now ..)
Goodbye! :3
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