So what do you get when you're eating stove popcorn, having a Devil May Cry anime marathon, and the laptop right next to you? This.

I edited it around a little so 'You' can be male or female. This is just fluffy stuff, no smut. One chapter for every class, so that'll be nine. It'll actually be 10 with the finale being like a Group Hug.

So enjoy a hug with everyone's favorite Russian tank!

I own nothing!

Ecstatic Jump-n-Hug


"DOKTOR!" Heavy called out, looking for the new Medic of Red in the sewers of 2fort. This new doctor was, well, not the same as the last one (who somehow get killed when respawn was out of service). This medic is more…feminine than the last, shall we say. She/He came from (country) and had (tone) skin and (length), (color) hair. He got caught up in one of enemy Demoman's sticky bomb traps and the Medic behind him barely escaped and fell into the water. He spotted you and the Blu spy duking it out with his knife and your Ubersaw. You finally plunged your bloody saw right into his chest, but not without him his knife cutting the arm sleeve and skin of your forearm and slump in his lifeless form as the uber rate increased.

"Medic! I thought you were dead!" The big Russian mercenary said as he made his way to you. "I've had better final attacks from people, 'tis only a scratch." You told him, patting his back. "Let's go steal their intel!" "Da!"


"SUCCESS! WE HAVE SECURED THE ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" The announcer barked over the speakers of the Red base. You held your trusty medigun heroically as you turned it off, ending the warm red light that was connected to your friendly Tank. "We did it, Heavy!" You cheered, smiling brightly.

Heavy gave out a hearty laugh. "Medic is credit to team!" He roared happily. "Come here, big guy!" You ran up to him, jumped up, and gave him a big hug. He caught you and gave me a strong squeeze, but not too strong to break your ribs. The two of you were laughing and smiling over the simple task like children finding treasure.

"I love this doktor!"

Meanwhile, Scout was in the hallway watching this unfold. "Get a room, dumbasses." He muttered before walking away.

-squeals- Heavy is so cute~! I want to hug him, can I?

Scout's going to be next! After him, who's next? Give me answers!