Vriska had fallen asleep an hour ago, head on my chest, arms wrapped around my midsection. Personally, I knew that there was no way I'd fall asleep any time in the near future. There were far too many emotions running through my mind. The overwhelming majority felt amazing, like a sun had been placed in my chest, emanating wonderfully comforting warmth throughout all my limbs. My lips still tingled, a strange but welcome side effect of kissing the softly snoring cuddle monster. The side of my shirt had ridden up, and Vriska's "real" arm was pressed against the exposed skin, causing tingles to run straight to my spine and… other places. That was definitely new. But the best part was that I was truly content, I could have lain there forever and never grown tired of the feeling.

However, there were dark thoughts in the back of my mind, completely unwelcome, but persistent nonetheless. This was all so new to me, being with another woman, what if I misread the feelings? I could never forgive myself if I hurt Vriska. Or what if I was some prize to be won by her? A conquest so to speak? Yes, I hated myself for thinking those things about her, but I couldn't help it. I tended to over analyze things. And was I ready to take this relationship, whatever it was, out into the public?

The only way I could be sure was to take things slow, as much as my body seemed to be opposing the idea. I wasn't sure how similar same sex female relationships were to boy-girl ones, but I was assuming they were generally the same. Which meant lying in bed together after kissing for half an hour wasn't exactly "slow". I didn't know what she thought about it, so I guessed that we'd have to have a conversation about said relationship relatively soon.

The girl in question suddenly tightened her grip around me, burrowing her face further, before rolling over with a large yawn.

"Morin' Fussyfangs." She greeted with a lazy grin.

"It's nine o'clock at night." I deadpanned back, lifting my back so she could move her metallic arm from under me. Honestly, the thing was not the most comfortable thing to sleep on.

"Details, details. Fine then, 'night Fussyfangs." She straightened up, stretching herself out, reminding me of a cat waking up from a catnap. I couldn't help my wandering eyes as her muscles bunched and extended underneath the fabric of the tight blue shirt she was wearing. "Like what you see?"

The unexpected question sent a blush flying over my face. "I wasn't-"

"Yes you were. Honestly, it's only natural." She threw over her shoulder as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Must you do that?" I huffed, getting out of the bed as well.

"Yes!" She called as she shut the bathroom door behind her.

"I must be insane. That's it. How else would I fall for that?" I chuckled under my breath as I made my way to the kitchen. My stomach had started growling when Vriska had fallen asleep, and now it was roaring like a savage beast. "I'm getting there…" I mumbled as a particularly loud rumble sounded throughout my kitchen.

I grabbed leftover pasta from the fridge, microwaving two servings. While that was going I grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, filling one up with milk, the other up with Mountain Dew, the latter of the two obviously being for my blonde housemate. Once the microwave beeped I grabbed the container, dividing it onto two plates.

"Aww, is that a romantic Italian dinner just for the two of us?" Vriska walked into the kitchen and flopped down into her chair.

"Seriously, you and sarcasm." I shook my head at her, sitting opposite of her snickering form, and began to eat.

"I've been told it's a coping mechanism." She said with a mouth full of pasta and a grin. I laughed at that before turning my attention back to dinner. Once our plates were cleared, Vriska surprised me by grabbing them both and washing them.

"Thank you."

"I figure, you've already done so much for me, I might as well pull some weight around here." She shrugged, soaping the plates.

"Well, it's very appreciated."

"Don't mention it." She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, which I gladly returned with one of my own. Once the dishes were all washed I moved to the couch, Vriska following close on my heels. I sat on the left side, and she sat on the right, throwing her feet into my lap.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her.


"Fine… Look, Vriska, we need to talk." I said, folding my hands above her ankles.

"Shit, usually don't hear that until much later in the relationship…"

"No! Oh god no, it's not bad. We just need to figure all this out." I threw up my hands and explained quickly.

"What's there to figure out? I like you, you like me. We like each other. Simple as that." She stated simply.

"Firstly, what are we?" I asked.

"Twenty questions, eh? Alright." She swung her feel off my lap, got up, and stood in front of me. "Kanaya Porrim Maryam," I cringed at the use of my middle name, not particularly fond the name that had been passed down over the generations, "will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I couldn't help but giggle at the over dramatic display, but at the same time I was thrilled.

"Of course." She grinned at that, settling herself next to me and kissing my cheek.

"Alrighty, next?"

"What are we going to do about the fact that you're homeless? And jobless?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I don't know. I obviously don't want to be two hours away from you, and the only thing I have in Charleston is Tavros, and our friendship was more of an online thing anyway. So I was thinking I could get a job down here, and if you'd let me stay here for a little bit, I could get my own place once I had enough saved up." She had obviously put a lot thought into this. One problem though…

"Vriska, it's stupid of you to waste money on a place when this place is big enough for both of us." As soon as the words left my mouth I blushed, wishing I hadn't said them at all. "I didn't mean- I mean, only if you want! I totally understand if you want your own place. And I'm sorry; I was totally assuming that you'd even want to live here! God, I'm a moron. Vrisk- mmph!" My rambling was cut short by her lips over mine.

"I didn't want to assume that you would have me here. If you're willing to let me stay, I will be helping you with rent. I'm not a freeloader." She said once she pulled back, her hands on my cheeks.

"Fair enough. Last thing. Are you ok with this being public?" I asked, tentatively. She brought her eyebrows together, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I think so. Obviously I don't want to be all over you in public, I hate it when couples do that. But I'm fine with going out and stuff like that." She said thoughtfully. "But what about you?" She looked up, staring me in the eyes.

"I think so too. But I would like to take it kind of slow. Also, I want to make sure this is going somewhere before telling my mom. No need to freak her out unintentionally, right?"

"Sounds good. Now," she stood up, straightening her shirt out, "to make this official, Kanaya, will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow?"

"But of course."

Vriska was taking this date very seriously. I couldn't help but feel flattered, having not really been pampered this much by any past dates. She insisted on getting ready over at Nepeta's, so that she could pick me up at the door like a "proper date" should. She hadn't even told me where we were going yet, just to dress appropriate for movement. I mean, what the hell does that even mean?

I was standing in front of the mirror, a half-hour to go, in the fourth outfit I had tried on. This one was a knee length red dress, a slit running up the side, the neckline cut into a V, exposing just a hint of cleavage, with a thick black belt just under my chest. Finding the outfit presentable, I made my way to the bathroom to do my makeup. Deciding on a more natural look, I was just finishing up when the doorbell rang. Checking one last time, I made my way to the door and opened it to find Vriska standing with her hands behind her back, a nervous look on her face.

"Hey." She offered a shy smile. Vriska had opted for a cerulean blue long-sleeved button-up, a black vest over, and a pair of dark skinny jeans tucked into black boots with a small heel. Her hair was up in a messy bun, surprising me, as I could see some scarring on her face. She was even wearing a contact in her right eye, forgoing glasses altogether.

"Hi. You look really nice." I greeted, stepping out of my apartment, locking the door behind me.

"Thanks, you too. Ready?" She offered her arm to me, which I took with a smile.

The restaurant Vriska was actually pretty romantic. I honestly didn't know she had it in her. We were seated at a small table in the corner, a candle flickering in between us. Dinner was really nice, but we had always been comfortable in each other's presence, and it was nice to skip that awkward stage of the first date. The main course flowed into dessert, and after an additional hour of simply talking we were ready to go.

"That was great." I told Vriska as she walked me back to the car.

"You're talking like the date's over."

"It's not?" I asked, surprised, and honestly a little cautious.

"Nope. Why do you think I wanted you to be able to move?"

"Oh no…"

"We're goin' clubbin'!" She sing-songed, driving to a brightly lit building, a line going out the door. Parking in a parking deck, she pulled me to the door, stopping in front of the bouncer.

"Vriska!" A very familiar man smiled at her.

"Hey Equius! How are you doing?" She asked with a smile.


"I didn't know you worked here." I stated, getting over the shock of seeing him.

"Yep. Thursday through Saturday. Short hours, good pay." He flashed a chipped smile. "But enough talking, we're holding up the line, go right on in." He lifted the rope so we could enter the building.

I was immediately assaulted with the loud bass that I could feel reverberating all through my chest, along with the smell of sweat coming from the dance floor. Vriska quickly pulled me into the mass, allowing it to swallow us whole. Once she was pleased with our position she turned me around and placed her hands on my hips.

"This is ok, right?" She yelled into my ear over the music. I simply nodded in response, too engrossed in the feelings to argue. My slightly smaller frame fit into her taller one perfectly as we moved with the music. The feeling of her pressed up against me alone was driving me crazy. We must have been dancing for an hour and a half when Vriska yelled in my ear again.

"I gotta use the bathroom!"

"Alright." I let her lead me off the floor to a bar settled in the corner. "I'll be here." She nodded and went of searching.

I sat myself onto a bar stool, ordering a Rum and Coke, knowing that Vriska would be driving anyway, and decided to cut loose a little. I was just finishing up the drink when a heavy, and rather uncomfortable, hand appeared on my shoulder.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone at the bar?" I looked up to see a man, probably attractive to most girls, staring down at me. However, to me, his smile looked fake, his cologne was much to strong, and of course, he wasn't Vriska.

"Just waiting for someone." I pushed the hand off my shoulder, hoping he'd get the idea and leave. No such luck.

"Look no further. He has arrived." He sat down at the stool next to me. "What's your name gorgeous?"

"Not interested." I told him, not even looking at him.

"Come on sweetheart, playing hard to get isn't necessary." He leaned closer and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Not playing. Please, just leave." I tried again.

"I like a good challenge." He just wouldn't give up. I slid off the bar stool, figuring I could find Vriska if I headed towards the bathroom, but a hand on my arm stopped me.

"Let go, you're hurting me." I glared at him as the pressure built on my arm.

"Not a chance girly." His grin was purely malicious at this point. The bartender was on the other side of the bar, and no one around us was even paying attention.

"Hey! Let her go!" My heart soared at the new voice that sounded behind me.

"Back off freak. This is between me and her, not some scarred up bimbo." He practically growled at her.

"Oh, you really shouldn't have said that." Vriska smirked, grabbing his wrist and ripping it off me.

"What the fuck!? Bitch, I'll get you for that." He rubbed his wrist for a moment, before stepping towards her, an arm cocked back for a blow.

Before he could even try, and before I could panic, Vriska slid inside his guard and slammed her left fist into his stomach. The asshole instantly dropped to his knees, holding his stomach, but Vriska wasn't done with him. She grabbed his collar with one hand; of course her left, and pointed in his face with the right.

"I swear to god, if you ever touch my girlfriend again, you'll be waking up in a hospital. Got it?" Her voice had dropped into a menacing growl, scaring the shit out of the guy. He quickly nodded, and she tossed him back to the ground. She turned to look at me, her expression instantly morphing to concern. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just freaked out." I unconsciously rubbed my arm where his hand had been.

"Alright, let's go." She grabbed my hand and led me out of the club, straight to the car and home.

"Thank you." I told her as soon as we were back in my apartment.

"I'm just did what any good girlfriend would do. Are you sure you're ok?" She asked again, gently grabbing my arm and examining it.

"Yes. And you were amazing back there! All bad ass and…" I trailed off, a little embarrassed as to where that statement was going.

"And what?"

"Sexy…" I muttered, blushing.

"Sexy huh?" I looked up to see her smirking, a seductive glint in her eyes. She leaned forward and captured my lips with her own. Without warning, a warm tongue traced my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth slowly, to which she took full advantage.

She dominated the kiss, slowly backing me up until I hit the counter in my kitchen. When I broke for oxygen she moved her lips down my neck, sucking lightly on my pulse point. This earned her a moan from me, which she seemed to thoroughly enjoy.


"Hmm?" She hummed bringing her lips back to mine. Any train of thought I had flew out of my mind due to the kiss.

"Bedroom." I somehow managed to get out around her lips. Instead of breaking the kiss, she grabbed my legs, pulling up. I wrapped them around her waist in surprise to keep myself from falling, and she carried me to the bedroom, gently placing me on the bed.

My hands, as if they had a mind of their own, began unbuttoning her vest, pushing it off her shoulders, before starting on her shirt. Not to be outdone, she attempted to find the zipper to my dress, but couldn't. In her frustration, her left arm ripped the front of the dress open.

"Vriska!" I exclaimed, appalled at what she did to my dress.

"I'll buy you a new one." I had never heard that tone from her before, and I looked up to see that her eyes had darkened, the right one a dark blue, the left its original cerulean color.

I couldn't argue with that logic, and allowed her to continue pulling the garment from me. I went to work on her shirt again, pushing it off her body, exposing her upper body, minus the bra she was wearing, to me. I tentatively ran my hands over her scaring, causing her to flinch slightly and close her eyes.

"Look at me." I ordered. She slowly opened her eyes, a hint of fear in the depths. "You are beautiful. Don't ever think anything differently." Tears welled up in her eyes, and she crashed her lips to mine with surprising force, pouring all her emotions into the connection.

"I love you Kanaya." She told me as she pulled back.

"I love you too Vriska." And with that I pulled her face down to me, pouring all I could into the kiss.

I awoke to Vriska sleeping on my chest, much like two days ago, only this time neither of us were actually wearing anything. Also different from last time, none of the dark thoughts plagued my mind.

I knew for certain that I loved that ridiculous girl in my arms. I knew that she loved me. I knew that we'd protect each other from all the evils in the world to the best of our abilities. And I knew, somehow, that we'd be all right.

Sure, I couldn't tell if we'd last forever. The future was always in question, but that was the exciting part. All that mattered to me was that I was holding the most amazing girl in my arms, and I was happy. Truly, completely, happy.

Sure, we may have started out just a physically damaged girl and a lonely college student, but now? Now we were together.

And that's all I could ever ask for.

A/N: Someone asked me last chapter if that was the end, so I'll let you guys know, this is the end!

EDIT: There is now a sequel, entitled "Rehabilitation". Once again, thank you all for your support!

As always, I love you guys, and your reviews are my pride and joy!