You walk to class, head downcast, books clutched tightly to your thin frame. Trying desperately to hide your face with the little dark brown hair you have, you walk briskly to class. You really don't feel like being caught in the halls just to be tormented.

Slipping through the door soundlessly, you quickly take your place at the front of the classroom. As usual, you're the first one here, but that doesn't bother you. The teachers are some of the few people who genuinely talk to you. There are a few students who will talk to you in passing, but they aren't really friends. The only place you really have friends is in the chest club, and unfortunately you don't see any of them until after school.

But as long as you aren't being physically bullied, you can deal with the solitude of being looked upon as a freak. You really can't blame them; you're body is lanky from being so thin and you just look awkward.

You pull out your sketch book but stare at it before sighing sadly and slipping it back into your pile. You haven't really had the inspiration to create anything lately; you have just been in a perpetual slump.

Sitting with your head rested on your hand, you wait until the class fills up and finally the teacher walks in as the bell rings.

You zone out as she begins talking, before you hear a very firm, "Calliope?" You snap you attention to her immediately, lime eyes wide with surprise. "What Ms. Hall?" You ask, biting at your lip. You usually don't zone but you had read ahead and were quite bored.

"We're supposed to have a new attendee, would you go fetch her from the office for me deary?" She asks, smiling sweetly at you. "Yes, I'd be happy to," you reply politely before realizing that's probably not how students are supposed to talk to teachers.

You're supposed to be cold and off to the teacher right?

Your brows furrow in frustration at socially acceptable and unacceptable acts as you walk out the door, grabbing the hall pass with your slender fingers before you're completely out.

Now that the halls are empty, you can actually enjoy the school. It's really not a bad place, the school is pretty neat, or at least you think so from what you've heard about other places.

Talented students will sometimes get to paint things on the walls, such as depiction from stories. You're hoping you get your chance this year, seeing as how you're going into the AP Art class finally. You sigh, wide eyes moving to set on the end of the hallway.

When you reach the end of the hall, the office is in plain sight in the main lobby; you walk up to the door of the office before gently pushing on the door and slipping inside. The lady behind the desk looks up and smiles at you, "Are you here from Ms. Hall's class to pick up the new student?" she asks and you nod, smiling timidly at her.

Even though you've never had many adults at the school be outright rude to you, you still get very fretful about speaking to them. Speaking to anyone, really.

"Roxy, your classmate is here to help you to your first class," she says, and you see a girl stand up from an area you couldn't see from your position.

She grins at you widely and walks toward you, her pink and purple striped scarf swaying in her wake. As she comes up to you, she blows a stray strand of soft light blond hair out of her face and then juts out her hand. You give her a flabbergasted look, wondering if she actually wants you to shake her hand.

Before you have much time to think though, she grabs your bony hand up and gives it a firm shake. "Hi, I'm Rox-Roxy, I mean," She snickers, pink eyes crinkling up. You give her a cautious look, "Uh…hi I'm Calliope," you reply slowly. You shift uncomfortably when she doesn't immediately let go of your hand.

As bad as it sounds, this girl is making you nervous by how extroverted she's being towards you. She seems nice enough, but you're sure once she finds out how everyone treats you, she'll be exactly like them.

You gently slide your hand out of hers and motion towards the door. "Well let's get going then I guess," you say, turning to start towards the door. "You wouldn't want to miss too much of the lesson."

Slipping out of the office, you hold the door open for Roxy; she just keeps smirking at you. "So whatd'ya like to do 'round here," she asks, her words slurring together slightly. Is she alright?

"Well uh, I'm not much of a club attendee, but we have a lot of different choices. I personally am in the chess club, but you know most people don't like it so it's small," you shrug, smiling slightly at the thought of the little club. It's perfect. "Oh that sounds like fun," she replies, and you give her a disbelieving look. "You like chess?" you ask her incredulously. "Yep! I might not be the best at it though."

This girl does not strike you as the chess playing kind.

Right about then you get to the door of your classroom. "Well, we're here," you say, before walking inside and bee-lining for your desk.

Roxy sort of stands there in the doorway, full blond hair swaying with her head as she turns her gaze from you to the teacher. Ms. Hall smiles at her, "Hi there, want to take a seat? Wherever is fine," she says and Roxy nods, looking a little relieved. She takes the seat behind you.


As soon as the bell rings, you begin your usual ritual of packing your stuff up as fast as possible and getting the fuck out of there to get to your next class.

As you get up and pick up your pile of books, a hand on your shoulder successfully makes you stop and jump slightly in panic simultaneously. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," You hear Roxy's light voice say.

You turn your head slightly so your green eyes can meet her bright pink ones. "It's ok, did you need something?" you ask, your voice tinted with slight annoyance. You really don't want to be in the halls longer than you need to be.

"Well uh, I was wondering where this class is, I haven't been around this school at all honestly," Roxy says, her thin eyebrows furrowing in confusion. As she looks back up she grins lopsidedly at you and you curse having to be nice to anyone who talks to you.

You grab her schedule up and take a look. "Actually, that class is really close to mine, I'll point you towards the door as I pass," you say. She's heading to calculus while your destination is art class.


You sigh as you sit down with your lunch, rubbing your forehead slowly. Someone had jabbed your in the side earlier with their hand, and it was hard it enough that it was still throbbing. If anyone had said anything to you so far you had let it fly over your head.

As you begin to eat slowly, you see a slender figure walking towards you. You look up to see Roxy bee-lining the best she can towards you.

"Hey!" she says cheerily as she sits across from you. You sigh, not wanting to start liking her for her to just start jeering you. "Hello," you reply after you swallow what you have in your mouth. "Where's everyone else, you don' sit alone d'ya?" She asks, the puzzlement meeting her eyes. You cringe slightly at her slurs.

You shrug, "Yeah I do most of the time actually." She gives you an unsatisfied look, "well I'll sit with you if you'd like," she smiles smoothing her skirt out as she gets comfortable.

Rolling your green eyes slightly, you return to picking at your food as she chatters about her day in classes.

Right before the bell to end lunch rings, she holds her hand out, "Hey, let me see your phone," she says. You give her a baffled look, "uhm, I really don't want my phone taken up," you reply. She makes a face and waves her hand slightly, "Promise I won't get it taken," she says and you reluctantly hand her your phone. She puts it under the table immediately and a minute or two later she hands it back and checks her own phone. "I put my number in there and sent a text to my phone so now we have each other's numbers," She says, smiling.


Since there was no chess today after the final bell you quickly make your way to the art room. The teacher there is lovely and never minds you coming in to work on whatever you'd like. You always do that when you're waiting on your dad, who is always late. Plus you don't want to wait with your twin brother.

After about thirty minutes of painting you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.

|From: Caliborn|


It practically screams at you. You sigh as you quickly put everything up. "Bye Mrs. Hopkins," you call out and hear "Bye sweetie," as a reply.

As you reach the car you're met with a glare from your twin brother's red brown eyes. He runs a hand tinted with darker skin than yours through his buzz cut hair. "Geez, what'd you do take a detour through the longest way possible?" he asks, annoyance lacing his voice heavily.

"No," you sigh as you feel the car jerk into motion. "I tried my best to get over here as fast as possible," you mumble reply, not wanting to speak with him anymore. "My ass you did," he replies, settling down in his seat more. Your father doesn't really say anything and you're thankful for that.

When you all get home you slip up and into your room as fast as possible. You lean sit on your bed, grateful to finally be in the protection of the confines of your room. As awful as those two are they generally won't bother you if you are in your room. You get seated at your small desk to begin working on some homework.

After a few hours you feel your stomach clench rather tightly. You don't really feel hunger pangs anymore because you don't eat properly, but you figure you might as well grab something. You poke your head out of your door frame and look around for any sign of your brother.

Determining that you're going to go no matter what, you head down the small hall and down the stairs. The house is a total wreck but you're not really in the rest of the house enough to care very much. When you get to the kitchen you start digging around in the cabinets, seeing if there is anything small.

"You sure you need to eat anything?" You hear Caliborn's voice ask. You sigh and look at him, "Well I mean, I am getting slightly hungry," you say in reply, rolling back off of your tip toes. "Really? Because you're getting kind of fat, you know?" he states, smiling evilly at you. You draw your mouth back into a thin line, withdrawing your hand from the cabinet. "No I'm not," you say logically. You know your skinny, too skinny, but his words still dig at you.

"Yes you are, and you're going to eat us out of house and home," he sneers back.

Oh yep, there the hunger is gone now, successfully prodding on your anorexia. You walk briskly past him and back to your room. After successfully locking yourself in for the rest of the night, you curl up on your bed and look at the random drawings on your wall.

When you finally decide to get ready for bed at eight, with no more homework you lay down in the dark and stare idly at the ceiling.

You finally start to drift off when you hear a buzzing. You open your eyes, confused and sit up. On your computer desk, you can see the glowing of your cell phone screen.

You slip out of the embrace of the covers to retrieve it and then get comfortable again. Then you finally flip open your phone, the light blinding you temporarily, wondering who could possibly be texting you.

|From: Roxy Lalonde|

|Hey, wats up, watr u dong, doin*|

You read, eyebrows knitting together. Was she drunk or did she always talk like that?

|To: Roxy Lalonde|

|Uhmmm, i'm jUst laying here in bed, i gUess that's all really|

You reply. After a few moments your phone vibrates again.

|From: Roxy Lalonde|

|tats cool, hey, i forgot to ask, whats your last naem? i forgot to put that n my phone|

You sigh as you type out your reply.

|To: Roxy Lalonde|

|my last name is English|

|From: Roxy Lalonde|

|oh, thats prtety, ok ill put that in my phone|

You put the phone down, not really knowing how to continue the conversation. But before long you feel the phone vibrate again.

|From: Roxy Lalonde|

|hey, when is your chess club meeting?|

|To: Roxy Lalonde|

|tomorrow actUally, after the last class of the day|

|From: Roxy Lalonde|

|cool, im gonna come then! well ill let u sleep, g'night calliopee!|

|To: Roxy Lalonde|

|good night|

You click the phone shut and put it on your night stand, quickly turning on your alarm. You sigh out as you let your eyes slide shut again. You don't know what to think of Roxy yet.

(well this is what I'm doing while I'm plotting what to do with the Jake/John. If any of you have ideas for that I'd love to hear them.
It pained me to type some of Roxy's things…this is my first f/f relationship writing (I haven't even Roleplayed f/f) by the way, wish me luck!